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Workgroup geodatabases

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Workgroup geodatabases offer small organizations a way to manage data in geodatabases that can be accessed by multiple editors, and allow publishers to create web services from the data by publishing it from ArcMap to a workgroup ArcGIS Server site.

Workgroup geodatabases run on database servers. In ArcMap, the term database servers refers to instances of Microsoft SQL Server Express that you've configured to store geodatabases.

You need the following to use workgroup geodatabases:

  • An ArcGIS Enterprise workgroup edition or ArcGIS Server basic level workgroup edition license.
  • ArcMap (ArcGIS Desktop standard or advanced).
  • A SQL Server Express instance enabled to store workgroup geodatabases. This instance must be installed on the same machine as your workgroup ArcGIS Server site.

Once installed, all database server and workgroup administration and use takes place through ArcMap and ArcCatalog. See the database server help pages in ArcMap help for information on configuring and administering workgroup geodatabases.