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Migrating services to the ArcGIS Pro service runtime

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Server web services transform the maps you author in ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap into web GIS resources. The back-end structure of web services published from ArcGIS Pro are fundamentally different from those published from ArcMap. This structure, called a service runtime, determines the functions available in a service. Many newer capabilities of web services, such as the ability to use shared instances, are only supported by the ArcGIS Pro service runtime.


This difference in service runtime applies to ArcGIS Server web services only; it does not apply to hosted services. Therefore, there is no need to migrate or republish hosted services.

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.x supports web services from both service runtimes. You can publish services to ArcGIS Server from either ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap, and you can also upgrade ArcGIS Server to 10.9 without losing the services published to your server site. However, ArcGIS Server 10.9.x is the last release cycle to support the ArcMap service runtime. After 10.9.1, you cannot publish services from ArcMap (including ArcPy based in ArcMap) to ArcGIS Server sites. Additionally, some services published from ArcMap will no longer function if present when you upgrade to ArcGIS Server software released after 10.9.1.

You should prepare now for when ArcMap service runtime is no longer supported. The following sections summarize the steps you need to take to get your staff and your services ready.

Transition publishers to ArcGIS Pro

All new ArcGIS Server web services should be published from ArcGIS Pro. That means publishers in your organization need installations of ArcGIS Pro and time to learn that product if they are not already familiar with it.

Learn more about service publishing in ArcGIS Pro

Migrate existing services

You can begin now to migrate ArcGIS Server map and image services from ArcMap service runtime to ArcGIS Pro service runtime.

The following tools are available with ArcGIS Server to allow you to migrate services to the ArcGIS Pro service runtime:

  • In ArcGIS Server Manager, the option to Edit Runtime is available for eligible map services. This operation migrates map services from the ArcMap service runtime to the ArcGIS Pro service runtime and can also be reversed to return to the ArcMap service runtime if the migrated map service isn't working correctly. Some map service capabilities aren't supported by this operation and must be removed from the service before migrating.
  • A command line toolUpdateArcMapServices—is also available, which allows you to migrate services in bulk to the ArcGIS Pro service runtime. This tool supports migration of image services as well as map services. Before you migrate services, you can run the UpdateArcMapServices tool in analysis mode to determine which map and image services running on the ArcGIS Server site can be migrated and which ones have unsupported capabilities that you must disable before you can migrate them.

Republish services that cannot be migrated

The following service types cannot be migrated. You must author them in ArcGIS Pro and publish new services for them to use the ArcGIS Pro service runtime.

The following table lists services you must republish from ArcGIS Pro and provides links to more information about publishing that type of service.

Service typeHelp to publish from ArcGIS Pro

Geoprocessing service

Publish web tools in ArcGIS Pro (to publish to a federated server)

Publish a geoprocessing service in ArcGIS Pro

Geocode service

Share a locator (to publish to a federated server)

Publish a geocode service (to publish to a stand-alone ArcGIS Server site)

Services that contain unsupported layer types, such as raster datasets and time-enabled layers created by the Tracking Analyst extension

Configure a map service

Configure an image service


When you run the UpdateArcMapServices tool in analysis mode, it identifies the map and image services that contain unsupported layer types.

Services that cannot be migrated or republished

There are some services that only support the ArcMap service runtime. These services cannot be migrated to ArcGIS Pro service runtime or republished from ArcGIS Pro.

  • Geodata services
  • Schematics services (map services with the Schematics capability enabled)

If you no longer use the schematics service, you can disable the Schematics capability from the map service and migrate the map service.