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Work with current geoprocessing jobs in Manager

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Any request made to an asynchronous geoprocessing service published to your ArcGIS Server site will initiate a job, which is an asynchronous task assigned to a machine in your site. ArcGIS Server maintains information about each current job. The Jobs tab in ArcGIS Server Manager allows you to query and view information about current jobs for each of your site's services.

After a job finishes, either successfully or unsuccessfully, ArcGIS Server keeps a record of it in the arcgisjobs directory for a certain amount of time. This duration is defined by the Maximum file age parameter of the job's directory. The default is 6 hours (360 minutes); you can change this value by editing the directory in Manager.

On the Jobs tab, you can cancel unfinished jobs or delete a job, which cancels it if applicable and removes its records from the server.

The following are scenarios in which the Jobs tab may be useful:

  • You need to calculate how long jobs are taking to run on a particular service.
  • A job seems to have stalled, and you want to verify its status.
  • You have submitted a high-priority job and want to cancel the jobs that are ahead of it in the queue.

Make a query

The steps to access the Jobs tab and to view, identify, and manage jobs are as follows:

  1. Verify you are logged in to ArcGIS Server Manager as an administrator.
  2. In Manager, click Site > Server Configuration > Jobs.

    The Jobs tab does not display information about a job until you make a query.

  3. Select a service published to your ArcGIS Server site from the drop-down menu to query it for current jobs.
  4. Optionally use the Status, Age, and Machine parameters to filter jobs by their status, age, and specific machine, respectively, to narrow the scope of your query.
  5. To choose the information you want to display in the query results, click the Settings button and switch parameters on and off.

    More information about each parameter is below.

  6. Click Query to run the search.

    The query results are displayed. Depending on the number of jobs returned by the query and the number of jobs per page you specified to display, there may be multiple pages of results.

  7. Click the next and back buttons to move between pages.
  8. Click the information button Info button to view information about a job.

    The sections below describe the types of information you can view.

  9. Click the Cancel button Cancel button to cancel a job or click the Delete button Delete button to delete a job. Clicking either button opens a confirmation dialog box.

Change query settings

When you open the Settings dialog box on the Jobs tab, you can modify the settings for queries you make. There are seven properties returned by a jobs query, each of which can be displayed or hidden from the query table as follows:

  • Status—The current status of the job. Possible statuses are New, Submitted, Executing, Succeeded, Failed, Cancelling, Cancelled, and Waiting.
  • Start Time—The time the job was submitted to the server.
  • End Time—The time the job attained a status of Succeeded, Failed, or Cancelled.
  • Duration—The amount of time elapsed from the job's Start Time until the time of your query (if the job has not yet completed) or until its End Time (if it attained that property by succeeding, failing, or being cancelled).
  • Machine—The machine in your ArcGIS Server site that was assigned the job. Jobs with a status of New or Submitted will not yet have a value for this property.
  • User—The ArcGIS Server user who initiated the job request.
  • ID—The job's unique ID.

You can also specify the Number of jobs per page that will appear when you make a query.

Information about a job

Each job returned in your query appears as a row in the query table. The properties you select on the Settings dialog box are displayed. If the job's current status is Submitted or Executing, you can cancel the job. You can also delete the job regardless of its current status (which also cancels the job, if applicable, and removes all trace of it from the service).

When you click the information button on a job returned by your query, the job's information dialog box appears. All seven properties listed above are displayed for the job.

The ID property is a link, which when clicked, takes you to the job's details page in the ArcGIS REST Services Directory. On this page, you can cancel or delete the job, as you can in Manager.

Additional actions available in the ArcGIS REST API

The ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory contains the Jobs resource, which provides each of the operations available on the Jobs tab in Manager with additional operations. From this REST API resource, you can clear the jobs queue of an asynchronous geoprocessing service to remove all jobs from it. You can also view statistics about the total number of current jobs for a given service.