Each release of the ArcGIS Enterprise Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudFormation templates supports different AWS regions.
The following table lists the AWS regions supported for each ArcGIS release:
AWS region name | AWS region | ArcGIS Enterprise version |
Africa (Cape Town) | af-south-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1 |
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) | ap-east-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) | ap-south-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) | ap-south-2 | 11.0, 10.9.1 |
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | ap-northeast-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Asia Pacific (Seoul) | ap-northeast-2 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Asia Pacific (Osaka) | ap-northeast-3 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1 |
Asia Pacific (Singapore) | ap-southeast-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Asia Pacific (Sydney) | ap-southeast-2 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) | ap-southeast-3 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9 |
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) | ap-southeast-4 | 11.0, 10.9.1 |
Canada (Central) | ca-central-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Europe (Frankfurt) | eu-central-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Europe (Zurich) | eu-central-2 | 11.0, 10.9.1 |
Europe (Ireland) | eu-west-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Europe (London) | eu-west-2 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Europe (Paris) | eu-west-3 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Europe (Milan) | eu-south-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1 |
Europe (Spain) | eu-south-2 | 11.0, 10.9.1 |
Europe (Stockholm) | eu-north-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
Israel (Tel Aviv) | il-central-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1 |
Middle East (UAE) | me-central-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1 |
Middle East (Bahrain) | me-south-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1 |
South America (São Paulo) | sa-east-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
US East (N. Virginia) | us-east-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
US East (Ohio) | us-east-2 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
US West (N. California) | us-west-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
US West (Oregon) | us-west-2 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.7.1 |
AWS GovCloud (US-East) | us-gov-east-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1 |
AWS GovCloud (US-West) | us-gov-west-1 | 11.0, 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1 |