A new version of ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure is available with each ArcGIS release. Images that contain the latest version of ArcGIS software are also available at each release.
The images and ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure versions you use must match. For example, to deploy ArcGIS Enterprise using 11.0 images or to manage 11.0 deployments, you must use the 11.0 version of ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure.
You can have different versions of ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure on the same machine, allowing you to manage version-specific deployments.
You can use ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure 11.0 to upgrade Version 2 (V2) deployments created using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure 10.8.x or later.
- Before you upgrade ArcGIS GeoEvent Server sites, export the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site's configuration. After you complete the upgrade process, you must import the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site's configuration using the file you exported before you started the upgrade process.
- Before you can upgrade an ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 10.8.x site (V2) that contains multiple machines, you must remove all but one machine from the site. See Remove ArcGIS GeoEvent Server machines before upgrading the site for instructions.
- For deployments earlier than 10.6 or Version 1 (V1) deployments, no management options are available from ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure 11.0. To upgrade those deployments, you must connect to the machines in Azure and upgrade the software in the same way as on-premises deployments.
Once you upgrade the software, do not use ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure for postdeployment operations including registering databases with ArcGIS Server, installing CA-issued-certificates, and connecting to, or deleting these upgraded deployments.
- You must connect using the same Azure account when you upgrade as you did when you created the deployment.
Upgrade 10.8.x or 10.9.x deployments using Cloud Builder
If you created a 10.8, 10.8.1, 10.9, or 10.9.1 deployment using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure, you can use ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure to upgrade it to the current release.
To upgrade a deployment you launched with ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure, complete the following steps:
- Download and install the latest version of ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure.
- Start ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure.
- Sign in to Microsoft Azure.
If you want to use the Microsoft Azure Government cloud and have an Azure Government subscription, check U.S. Government Cloud.
Keep track of the account used when you deploy, because you must sign in with this same account when you upgrade the deployment.
- Choose the Azure subscription that contains the ArcGIS Server site or ArcGIS Enterprise deployment you want to upgrade and click next.
- Show V2 Sites and, in the Deployments list, open the details for the deployment you want to upgrade.
- Click the
Upgrade Deployment button
When you start the upgrade process from any part of an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, Cloud Builder upgrades the entire deployment. For example, if you clicked the Upgrade Deployment button for an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server site that is federated with your ArcGIS Enterprise portal, ArcGIS Enterprise is upgraded in its entirety, not just the ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server site.
- Provide the user name and password of the machine administrator.
Use the same account you used when you created the instances in your deployment.
- If your machines are part of an existing Windows domain in your Azure environment, click Domain Join Options.
- On the Domain Join Options dialog box, ensure that the Join Existing Windows Domain? option is checked.
- Provide the name of the Active Directory domain.
- Provide the user name and password for the domain administrator.
- Click Apply.
- Click Next to proceed to the License and Credentials settings.
- Under Site License, provide the current license files.
- If you are upgrading an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, browse to the Portal for ArcGIS license file for Portal License and choose the user type for the license. The user type affects which apps portal members can use.
- If you are upgrading an ArcGIS Enterprise portal (which always includes a hosting server) or a stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server site, browse to the ArcGIS GIS Server license for Server License.
- Type the username and password for Site Administrator.
You created this account when you created your deployment. Use the same user name and password.
- Type the username and password for ArcGIS Service Account.
You created this account when you created your deployment. Use the same username and password.
- Click Next to proceed to the Deployment Options settings.
- Choose or create a storage account to contain the artifacts that Cloud Builder creates during the upgrade process. To create a storage account, follow these steps:
- Type a name for the storage account. Names must be unique. Click Check Availability to confirm that the storage account name is unique.
- Choose the Azure region where the storage will reside.
- Choose an existing resource group or create one.
- Choose the type of redundancy for the storage account: Geo-Redundant, Locally Redundant, or Read-Access Geo-Redundant.
See Azure Storage redundancy in the Microsoft Azure documentation for a description of each redundancy option.
- Once the storage account is created, click Close.
- Click Next.
- If the ArcGIS Enterprise portal includes federated servers, provide the username and password for the account that runs the ArcGIS Server service for each federated server in the ArcGIS Service Account section and click Next.
The licenses you provide must be for the correct role for each federated server.
- Review the settings in the Summary pane. If anything needs to be changed, click Back to go to the page where you need to change the information.
Click Save summary to save your upgrade information to a text file so you can refer to it for information such as license file location and the names of machines that were upgraded.
- Click Save automation artifacts to export an archive file (.zip) containing information and files you can use in automation scripts to perform future upgrades of this deployment.
- Browse to a location on the local disk where the archive file will be created and type a name for the file.
- Choose the automation format.
- Click Generate to create the file.
- To automate future upgrades, run the Upgrade-ArcGISSite.ps1 script in an Azure PowerShell console or, to upgrade with Azure CLI on Bash, run the upgradeArcGISSite.sh script in a bash shell.
- Confirm that all settings are correct and save the files you need.
- Click Finish to upgrade.
Upgrades can take up to five hours to complete depending on the size of your deployment. Do not close ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure until the upgrade process finishes for all components in the deployment or until you correct for a time-out error as described below.
Due to a current restriction in Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (ARM), template execution is configured to time out at 90 minutes. If your upgrade takes longer than 90 minutes to complete, you will receive a time-out error. Do not close Cloud Builder after receiving the time-out error. Wait 60 minutes after you receive the time-out error, and retry the upgrade operation. To do that, click the back button to return to the beginning of the operation, step through the Cloud Builder windows again, and click Finish.
If you encounter problems upgrading, review the log files created in the %temp% directory on the machine where Cloud Builder is installed. By default, that directory is C:\Users\<your login>\AppData\local\temp.
- If your deployment contains a federated ArcGIS Notebook Server site, do the following after the deployment upgrade successfully finishes:
- Make a remote desktop connection to the virtual machine where ArcGIS Notebook Server is running. Connect using the machine administrator credentials you specified when you created the deployment.
- Copy the new ArcGIS Docker images to the ArcGIS Notebook Server machine and run the postinstallation utility.
- If the deployment includes an ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site, import the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site's configuration using the file you exported before you started the upgrade process.
Upgrade V1 or 10.7.1 or earlier deployments
If you created your deployment using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure 10.7.1 or an earlier version, or if you have a V1 deployment, you must upgrade the ArcGIS software in the same way as on-premises installations. Even if your deployment is currently 10.8, if you created it at an earlier release and upgraded it to 10.8, you need to continue manually upgrading the components.
You cannot directly upgrade ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 and earlier components. If your deployment is currently at release 10.6.1 or earlier, you must first upgrade to an interim version (10.7.x - 10.9.x) and then upgrade that version to 11.0.
See the following upgrade topics for each component you need to upgrade:
Once you've upgraded the software, do not use ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure for postdeployment operations such as registering databases with ArcGIS Server, managing machines, or upgrading.
Upgrade registered databases that contain geodatabases
If you have managed databases registered with your ArcGIS Server site or you enabled a geodatabase in any of the databases you registered to your ArcGIS Server site, you can upgrade the geodatabase after upgrading ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Pro in your Azure deployment. See Upgrade an enterprise geodatabase in SQL Server in the ArcGIS Pro help for instructions.