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Silently install ArcGIS Server

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You can install ArcGIS Server without a user interface by running the setup using Windows Installer command line parameters.


If you're upgrading to 11.0, see Frequently asked upgrading questions for more information.


  • The .NET Extension Support feature requires the appropriate version of Microsoft .NET be installed. If the appropriate version is not found, the .NET Extension Support feature will not be available for installation.

For information on the appropriate version, see the ArcGIS Server System requirements.

Installation command line parameters

The following parameter is required when installing ArcGIS Server silently.


    This property is required to accept the End User License Agreement during a silent installation. Specify yes to agree to the EULA and install the software. Specifying no or omitting this property will result in a failed installation. The download contains a PDF version of the End User License Agreement (EULA). The EULA.pdf file is located in the \Documentation folder.

See the following example:

<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes

Optional installation command line parameters

The following are optional Windows Installer command line parameters to be used when installing ArcGIS Server silently. Use these commands to change the installation location of ArcGIS Server.

  • INSTALLDIR=<installation location>

    This property allows you to specify the installation location of ArcGIS Server from the command line. If you do not set this property, the default installation location of C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\ is used.

Example 1: Change the installation location of ArcGIS Server:

<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes INSTALLDIR=C:\NewServerDir USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=my.password

Example 2: Do not install the .NET Extension Support features:

<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes ADDLOCAL=GIS_Server USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=my.password

Configuring the ArcGIS Server account using command line parameters

The ArcGIS Server account must be configured when ArcGIS Server is installed silently. For production systems, it is recommended that you designate a preexisting account that resides in your domain or Active Directory and follows your organization's security policy. If command line parameters are not used to configure the ArcGIS Server account during silent installations, the account is set to the Local System account. This is primarily for the convenience of quickly installing ArcGIS Server.


The ArcGIS Server account can be changed at a later time by running the Configure ArcGIS Server Account utility. The utility is available at Start > ArcGIS > ArcGIS Server > Configure ArcGIS Server Account. When prompted, enter the name and password for the account that will be used by ArcGIS Server. The option is available to save a configuration file with this information to speed up the configuration process on other ArcGIS Server machines and reduce the chance of inadvertently typing a wrong name or password. While the account password is encrypted, store the configuration file in a secure location.

Use the command line parameters below to configure the ArcGIS Server account.

Passing ArcGIS Server account credentials directly


If the ArcGIS Server account is not defined during a silent (/qb) installation, or the credentials are not valid, the ArcGIS Server setup displays a warning message during installation. The message can be closed by clicking OK. Under these circumstances, the ArcGIS Server account is set to the Local System account.

  • USER_NAME=<operating system account>

    The account can be a domain account or a local account. If you are using a domain account, it must already exist. If you are using a local account, the account is created if it does not already exist. If the account is not valid, a message box appears during installation indicating the account or password is invalid.


    This parameter should only be used with a Managed Service Account. A Managed Service Account must already exist on your domain. Do not use this parameter with a local account or a domain account with password. A Managed Service Account will not use the PASSWORD parameter.

  • PASSWORD=<account password>

    This is the password for the account specified for the USER_NAME parameter. If the password is not valid, a message box appears during installation indicating the account or password is invalid.

See the examples below.


Command line parameters are case sensitive. If you are having trouble getting your command line installation working, confirm that the case matches the properties as shown in the examples.

Using a domain account

<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes USER_NAME=mydomain\mydomainaccount PASSWORD=my.password

Using a new or existing local account

<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=my.password

Using a Managed Service Account

<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes MSA=TRUE USER_NAME=mydomain\mymsa

Importing ArcGIS Server account credentials using a server configuration file

The two command line parameters below must be used together to import ArcGIS Server account credentials using a server configuration file.

  • ACCOUNT=UseConfigFile

    Use the ACCOUNT command line parameter exactly as shown above. There are no other valid values for this property.

  • CONFIGPATH=<full path and name of server configuration file>

    Used in conjunction with ACCOUNT=UseConfigFile, this property allows you to specify the server configuration file that will be used to configure the ArcGIS Server account. Server configuration files are created by exporting a server configuration file when installing ArcGIS Server (earlier installations or from other machines). For more information, see The ArcGIS Server account.

See the following example:

<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes ACCOUNT=UseConfigFile CONFIGPATH=\\networkmachine\serverconfigs\standardaccount.xml


Command line parameters are case sensitive. If you are having trouble getting your command line installation working, confirm that the case matches the properties as shown in the examples.

Exporting ArcGIS Server account credentials to a server configuration file


When exporting a server configuration file to a network share, the Local System account on the machine where ArcGIS Server is being installed must have write permissions to the network share. For example, if you're installing ArcGIS Server on a machine named Quick, the Local System account on Quick must have write permission to the network share. If the permissions are not set, the server configuration file may not be exported successfully. If you are unsure how to correctly set permissions for the network share, contact your system administrator or export the server configuration file locally and copy it to the network share.

The two command line parameters below must be used together to export ArcGIS Server account credentials to a server configuration file.


    Use this property to export the account information entered with the USER_NAME and PASSWORD command line parameters. The account information is stored in an encrypted XML file, known as a server configuration file. This property is set to No by default.

  • CONFIGPATH=<full path and name of server configuration file>

    Used in conjunction with EXPORTCONFIG=Yes, this property allows you to define the name of the server configuration file and the location where it is stored. The file name must end with .xml and the specified folder must already exist. If the file does not have an .xml extension and the specified directory does not already exist, the server configuration file creation may not be successful.

See the following example:

<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes EXPORTCONFIG=Yes CONFIGPATH=\\networkmachine\serverconfigs\standardaccount.xml


Command line parameters are case sensitive. If you are having trouble getting your command line installation working, confirm that the case matches the properties as shown in the examples.

Authorizing ArcGIS Server silently

Run the following command to authorize ArcGIS Server silently, editing the command line where necessary to reflect the actual authorization file location:

<System disk drive>\Program files\Common files\ArcGIS\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /S /Ver <Version number> /LIF <path to .prvc authorization file>authorizationfile.prvc


The .prvc authorization file must have all user information completed before running the command to authorize ArcGIS Server silently. Open the authorization file in a text editor, and complete the User Information section.

Using the createsite command line utility to create an ArcGIS Server site

At 10.6, you can use the createsite command line utility to create a new ArcGIS Server site once ArcGIS Server has been installed. Two options available for using the createsite utility are as follows:

  • Run the createsite utility as an administrator from a command prompt and specify user name, password, config-store, and directory parameters.
  • Provide a file containing specified parameters.

For the usage of the createsite command line utility, run the createsite.bat script with -h or -help as shown below:

<ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>\tools\createsite\createsite.bat -help

Example usage with the utility: createsite.bat [-u <arg>] [-p <arg>] [-d <arg>] [-c <arg>]

Example usage using a file: createsite.bat [-f <FILE>]


When you reference a path in the file, you must escape the backslash, for example, C:\\arcgisserver\\config-store or \\\\<Absolute path to>\\<Server config-store>.


-u; --username

User name for the primary site administrator.

The user name cannot contain the following characters: \/:*?|<>"

-p; --password

Password for the primary site administrator.

The password cannot contain the following characters: \/:*?|<>"

-d; --directory

Root server directory.

By default, the server directories are created locally at this location:



\\\\<Absolute path to>\\<Server directories>

-c; --configstore

Configuration store for ArcGIS Server site.

By default, the configuration store is created locally at this location:



\\\\<Absolute path to>\\<ArcGIS Server config-store>

-f; --file

Properties file for the createsite utility.

By default, the file can be found at this location:

<ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>\tools\createsite

-h; --help

Displays command line help and exits.

An example of the file:

# Configuration properties for Server site creation
# User name for primary site administrator.
# Cannot contain these characters: \/:*?<>"
# Password for primary site administrator.
# Cannot contain these characters: \/:*?<>"
# Initially, leave SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED set to false.
# When you run the tool the first time, the password will be
# encrypted and SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED will change to true.
# Root server directory. By default, the server directories will be created locally, 
# e.g.C:\\arcgisserver\\directories, or \\\\<Absolute path to>\\<Server directories>.
# Configuration store for the ArcGIS Server site. By default, the configuration store will be created locally, 
# e.g. C:\\arcgisserver\\config-store, or \\\\<Absolute path to>\\<Server config-store>.

You will receive a message that the ArcGIS Server site has been created successfully before the tool exits.

Uninstall ArcGIS Server silently

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 11.0 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {A14CF942-415B-461C-BE3C-5B37E34BC6AE} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {E4A5FD24-5C61-4846-B084-C7AD4BB1CF19} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.9 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {32A62D8E-BE72-4B28-AA0E-FE546D827240} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {E9B85E31-4C31-4528-996B-F06E213F8BB3} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.8 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {458BF5FF-2DF8-426B-AEBC-BE4C47DB6B54} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.7.1 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {08E03E6F-95D3-4D33-A171-E0DC996E08E3} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.7 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {98D5572E-C435-4841-A747-B4C72A8F76BB} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.6.1 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {F62B418D-E9E4-41CE-9E02-167BE4276105} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.6 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {07606F78-D997-43AE-A9DC-0738D91E8D02} /qb

Uninstall ArcGIS Server language packs silently

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 11.0 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.9 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.8 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.7.1 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.7 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.6.1 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.6 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack
