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Communication with an OGC Features service in a web browser

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You can use URL parameters to communicate with an OGC Features service in a web browser.

Read more about the OGC API Features specification

OGC Features service

An OGC Features service complies with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), OGC API Features specification. This is an open specification built on the legacy OGC Web Feature Services standards to serve geographic features over the web.

Landing page

The OGC Features service landing page can be accessed by clicking the OGC Features link on the Map Server ArcGIS REST API endpoint. This is the URL that is used by most clients that support OGC API Features. The landing page for the OGC Features service is available in both html and application/json and includes links to the API definition, conformance, and collections for the service. The URL to the landing page for the service follows this pattern:<context>/rest/services/<folder (if applicable)>/<service name>/OGCFeatureServer

The landing page includes the following sections that are available in both html and application/json:

  • API definition provides a description of the service and the various capabilities that are supported.
  • Conformance lists the API standards that the service conforms to.
  • Collections provides a list of collections (data) that are available in the service.


The list of data that is available in the service. The collections page includes information about the service such as a description, the extent of the data, and a list of the collections (layers) that were published. If viewed in html, you can click the collection name to get specific information about each collection. The URL to the collections page follows the pattern<context>/rest/services/<folder (if applicable)>/<service name>/OGCFeatureServer/collections.


Each collection (layer) that is listed on the collections page has a unique collection ID that is used to build the URL to access the data (items). For example,<context>/rest/services/<folder (if applicable)>/<service name>/OGCFeatureServer/collections/<collectionId>/items would return all of the features for the collection id (layer) specified. To request a single feature, you can add on to that URL by providing the unique feature ID to return the feature specified, for example,<context>/rest/services/<folder (if applicable)>/<service name>/OGCFeatureServer/collections/<collectionId>/items/<featureId>.

The following parameters as defined in the OGC API Features specification are supported:

  • bbox—The bounding box used to filter the response by spatial geometry. The default is WGS84 ( unless a value is specified for bbox-crs, for example,,21.6,-49.2,65.1
  • bbox-crs—The coordinate reference system to be used with the bbox request. If this parameter is not used, the bbox parameter will use WGS84.
  • datetime—Used to filter the response by date-time.
  • limit—Used to control the number of features that should be returned in a response.

In this topic
  1. OGC Features service