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Download data

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

If a site has data available for download, you can download certain items in a supported file format (CSV. KML, and shapefile). You can also access the API and download a PNG, JPG, or TIFF file for certain items.

If you are signed in as an authenticated user on a private site, you can download a dataset if its item has been enabled with the Export Data function. This setting provides download formats in the same formats supported for the item in ArcGIS Enterprise (CSV, KML, SHP, GeoJSON, file geodatabase, Excel, feature collection).

Download a dataset

Follow these steps to download data. If a download isn't up to date and ready for download, a message appears explaining its status.

  1. In the search results, click the item's name to open its content view.
  2. View download options by clicking the Download dropdown menu.
  3. Click one of the download options to begin the download.

If you want to download select attributes, you must filter the data before you choose a format.

Access a dataset API

The GeoServices link allows clients to use data through the GeoServices REST specification. This specification of JSON is standard output by ArcGIS and can be used in a wide array of open applications built using Esri SDKs and APIs.

To access a dataset API, complete the following steps:

  1. In the search results, click the item's name to open its content view.
  2. Copy the link for a GeoService by clicking the API drop-down menu and clicking the copy button.

Filter a dataset

You can filter data using its attribute table or preview map. To filter data, complete the following steps:

  1. In the search results, click the item's name to open its content view.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Click the filter button Filter to filter the dataset table by attribute.

    Depending on the column field type and size of the dataset, you have the option to filter using a sliding histogram, a slider, inputs for from and to, check boxes for unique values, or date pickers.

  4. To use the preview map, pan, zoom, or enter a search query.
  5. Under Download Options in the side panel, click the Toggle Filters button.
  6. Choose a format and click Download.