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ArcGIS Enterprise SDK 10.9.1 system requirements

ArcGIS 10.9.1 (Linux)  | |  Help archive

The system and hardware requirements to run ArcGIS Enterprise SDK are listed below.

It is recommended that you review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with the current ArcGIS version.

Operating system requirements

The following 64-bit operating systems satisfy the minimum operating system requirements. Support is not provided for 32-bit operating systems; the setup will only proceed if the operating system is 64 bit.

The software should not be installed on an OS (binary) that has been modified. Esri does not provide support for products installed on a developer's release of an operating system.

Supported operating systemLatest update or service pack tested

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8

Update 4

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7

Update 9

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15

Service Pack 3

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

Service Pack 5

Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS


Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS


Prior and future updates or service packs for these operating system versions are supported unless otherwise stated. The operating system version and updates must also be supported by the operating system provider.


Esri Technical Support is available for CentOS, Scientific Linux, and Oracle Linux versions that provide full binary compatibility with an equivalent supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server version. As a prerequisite for logging a software defect, Esri Technical Support will attempt to reproduce the issue on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server. For Oracle Linux, support is predicated on the use of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server compatible kernel.

Supported operating systemLatest update or service pack tested

CentOS Linux 7

Update 9

Scientific Linux 7

Update 9

Oracle Linux 8

Update 4

Oracle Linux 7

Update 9

Disk space requirements

Enterprise SDK with all features for Java requires approximately 250 MB of disk space.

Developer solutions (SDK) requirements

Development platformSupported and recommended IDE SDK requirement


ArcGIS Enterprise SDK uses the Maven framework for Java project build and management. Most Java IDE that support the Maven framework and JDK 11 can be used, such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse IDE, or NetBeans. The documented and recommended IDEs are as follows:

  • IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate (version 2021.2 or later)
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community (version 2021.2 or later)
  • Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (version 2021-06 or later
  • Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (version 2021-06 or later

ArcGIS Server is required to deploy an SOE or SOI and ArcGIS Pro is required to publish services. However, ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Pro do not need to be installed on the same machine where the ArcGIS Enterprise SDK is installed; they can be on remote machines.

Java Development Kit (JDK) version 11.0.12 or later versions of JDK 11 are supported when building SOE and SOI. Building SOE or SOI with Java 12 or later is not supported.

Maven 3.8.2 or later is supported.