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Publish hosted live stream video layers

ArcGIS 11.3  | |  Help archive

You can publish hosted live stream video layers from network video broadcasts and streams using ArcGIS Excalibur. To publish hosted live stream video layers, you must have the appropriate privileges to create, update, and delete live stream video layers.


ArcGIS Excalibur requires an add-on license and additional installation. To learn more, see ArcGIS Excalibur system requirements.

Complete the following steps to publish a hosted live stream video layer using ArcGIS Excalibur:

  1. On the ArcGIS Excalibur home page, click Publish New: Hosted Web Layers.

    Alternatively, from the navigation menu, click Publish Layer.

  2. In the Video Layer section, click UDP Livestream, RTSP Livestream, or RTMP Livestream.
  3. Select a Livestream Mode. Modes are determined based on the livestream protocol you are publishing:
    • UDP Multicast – use this mode for any network communication between many systems simultaneously. The allowed IP address must be between to
    • UDP Unicast – use this mode for any network communication between one sender and one receiver. The allowed IP address is or the IP address set by the Video Server for Unicast mode.
    • RTMP and RTSP Fetch – use this mode to enable Video Server to pull livestream content from a remote source. Any IP address can be used.
    • RTMP and RTSP Listen – use this mode to enable Video Server to listen for and receive livestream content. The allowed IP address is or the IP address set by the Video Server for Listen mode.
  4. Enter the Stream Address.
    • UDP: enter a fully qualified UDP address to include the IP address and Port.
    • RTMP and RTSP: enter a full qualified RTMP or RTSP address to include the IP address, Port, and Path

    Note: The same Port cannot be used in multiple livestream services

  5. Type a Layer Name.
  6. Choose to Record Livestream Content. This is enabled by default. If disabled, there will be no ability to convert the livestream video layer into an on demand video layer for future use once the livestream has concluded.
  7. For Start Stream Options, choose how to start the livestream.
    • Start On Request—Start the livestream receiver whenever needed. This option provides the most control over when livestreaming ports are active and listening. You can manage the configuration status through the list of livestream services.
    • Start Automatically—Open the receiving port and initialize the livestream when the connection is configured and the video layer is created. Use this option if the livestream is available when the configuration and live layer are made. The receiving communications port on the server opens immediately.
  8. For Stop Stream Options, choose how to stop the livestream.
    • Stop On Request—Stop the livestream receiver whenever needed. This option provides the most control over when livestreaming ports are active and listening.
    • Stop Automatically—Stop the livestream connection and close the port when ArcGIS Video Server detects that the livestream has ended.
  9. Optionally, provide a Summary that describes the layer.
  10. Type Tags that describe the layer.

    Separate the terms with commas (for example, Federal land is considered one tag; Federal, land is considered two tags).

  11. Specify whether you want to share the layer across the organization or to specific groups.
  12. Click New Livestream Video Layer.

Once the layer is published, it appears on the Analysis Layers page where it can be opened in the canvas in ArcGIS Excalibur or can be managed here you can start or stop the livestream, as well as delete the layer. Video layers can also be consumed and utilized in ArcGIS AllSource or ArcGIS Pro.