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Install Workflow Manager Server

ArcGIS 10.9.1 (Linux)  | |  Help archive

ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server can be installed on its own machine or on the hosting server machine. For production deployments, it is recommended that you install ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server on its own machine. To install ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server on its own machine, ArcGIS Server must be installed on that same machine but does not need to be licensed as a GIS server. The ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server license provides access to only the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server capability on the machine.

When migrating from the ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Server extension to the Workflow Manager service-based architecture, the Workflow Manager Server role must be installed and licensed, and members of your organization must be assigned an ArcGIS Workflow Manager user type extension.

  1. Sign in as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. Obtain an authorization file for the machine on which you are installing ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server.
  3. Sign in to My Esri.
  4. Click the My Organization tab.
  5. Click the Downloads tab.

    The Products page appears.

  6. Locate ArcGIS Enterprise (Linux) and click View Downloads.

    The Download Components tab appears.

  7. Expand the Product Components section.
  8. Click Download for the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server setup package.
  9. Browse to the location that contains the setup package and uncompress it.
    For example: $ tar -zxvf ArcGIS_WorkflowManager.tar.gz
  10. Browse to the location that contains the extracted setup files and run to start the installation.
  11. License ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server by running ArcGIS Server Software Authorization:
    $ <arcgis-server-install-location>/tools/authorizeSoftware

    Learn more about the authorization tool

  12. Configure ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server to be started with the operating system by following the appropriate instructions below:

    When sudo is referenced, you can instead sign in as root to run the command:

    $ sudo su root
    $ su root
    $ su
    • RHEL 7.x and later
    1. Install the Linux daemon:
       <arcgis-server-install-location>/WorkflowManager/bin/workflowmanager.service /etc/systemd/system
      For example: $ sudo cp ~/arcgis/server/WorkflowManager/bin/workflowmanager.service /etc/systemd/system
    2. Automatically start the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service when the machine is rebooted:
      $ sudo systemctl enable workflowmanager.service
    3. Start the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ sudo systemctl start workflowmanager.service
    4. (Optional) Stop the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ sudo systemctl stop workflowmanager.service
    5. (Optional) Check the status of the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ sudo systemctl status workflowmanager.service
    • RHEL 6.x
    1. Install the Linux daemon:
      $ cd <arcgis-server-install-location>/WorkflowManager/bin
      For example: $ cd ~/arcgis/server/WorkflowManager/bin
      $ sudo ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/WorkflowManager/bin/
      ArcGISWorkflowManager-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ sudo ln -s ~/arcgis/server/WorkflowManager/bin/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service /etc/init.d/
      $ sudo chkconfig --add ArcGISWorkflowManager-service
    2. Automatically start the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service when the machine is rebooted:
      $ sudo chkconfig ArcGISWorkflowManager-service on
    3. Start the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ service ArcGISWorkflowManager-service start
    4. (Optional) Stop the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ service ArcGISWorkflowManager-service stop
    5. (Optional) Check the status of the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ service ArcGISWorkflowManager-service status
    • SUSE
    1. Install the Linux daemon:
      $ cd <arcgis-server-install-location>/WorkflowManager/bin
      For example: $ cd ~/arcgis/server/WorkflowManager/bin
      Switch to root user:
      $ su
      $ ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/WorkflowManager/bin/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ ln -s ~/arcgis/server/WorkflowManager/bin/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service /etc/init.d/
      $ insserv ArcGISWorkflowManager-service
      $ chkconfig ArcGISWorkflowManager-service
    2. Automatically start the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service when the machine is rebooted:

      Still as root user:

      $ chkconfig ArcGISWorkflowManager-service on
      End the root user session
    3. Start the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service start
    4. (Optional) Stop the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service stop
    5. (Optional) Check the status of the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service status
    • Ubuntu Server 16.04.x LTS and later
    1. Install the Linux daemon:
      $ sudo cp <arcgis-server-install-location>/WorkflowManager/bin/
      workflowmanager.service /etc/systemd/system
      For example: $ sudo cp ~/arcgis/server/WorkflowManager/bin/
      workflowmanager.service /etc/systemd/system
    2. Automatically start the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service when the machine is rebooted:
      $ sudo systemctl enable workflowmanager.service
    3. Start the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ sudo systemctl start workflowmanager.service
    4. (Optional) Stop the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ sudo systemctl stop workflowmanager.service
    5. (Optional) Check the status of the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ systemctl status workflowmanager.service
    • Ubuntu Server 12.04.x LTS
    1. Install the Linux daemon:
      $ cd <arcgis-server-install-location>/WorkflowManager/bin
      For example: $ cd /arcgis/server/WorkflowManager/bin
      $ sudo ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/WorkflowManager/bin/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ sudo ln -s /arcgis/server/WorkflowManager/bin/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service
    2. Automatically start the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service when the machine is rebooted:
      $ sudo update-rc.d ArcGISWorkflowManager-service defaults
    3. Start the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ service ArcGISWorkflowManager-service start
    4. (Optional) Stop the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ service ArcGISWorkflowManager-service stop
    5. (Optional) Check the status of the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server service:
      $ service ArcGISWorkflowManager-service status