System requirements

This 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server has the same hardware and operating system requirements as the ArcGIS Server software component in ArcGIS Enterprise.


Workflow Manager requires a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.

You can install Workflow Manager on its own machine, separate from the hosting server machine, or on the hosting server machine. For production deployments, it is recommended that you install Workflow Manager on its own machine. In this scenario, ArcGIS Server must be installed but does not need to be licensed as a GIS server.

Learn more about licensing Workflow Manager


Workflow Manager communicates on port 13443. You'll need to open this port on your firewall before installing the software.

To communicate with the ArcGIS Enterprise portal with which it's federated, Workflow Manager needs access to port 7443 on the portal machine and access to port 6443 on the hosting server machine and on any federated ArcGIS Server machines from which tools will be run.


This component is only one part of an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. Refer to ArcGIS Enterprise system requirements for a diagram and links to information about the ports needed to communicate with other components in an Enterprise portal.

Supported web browsers

Workflow Manager requires one of the following web browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

For the best user experience, Chrome or Firefox is recommended.

SSL certificates

Workflow Manager is preconfigured with a self-signed certificate that allows you to verify that your installation was successful. You must request a certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA) and configure the ArcGIS Server site to use it. This could be a domain certificate issued by your organization or a CA-signed certificate.

ArcGIS Enterprise portal includes a preconfigured, self-signed certificate. Because you will federate Workflow Manager with an Enterprise portal, request a certificate from a trusted CA and configure the portal to use it.

Learn more about security best practices