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What's new in ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 11.0

La documentación de ArcGIS 11.0 se ha archivadod y ha dejado de actualizarse. El contenido y los enlaces pueden estar obsoletos. Consulte la documentación más reciente.

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 11.0 includes expanded analytic capabilities, improved usability, and stability enhancements throughout the product. For a list of issues that were fixed at 11.0, see the 11.0 Issues Addressed List.

General updates

  • When upgrading from a previous version to ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 11.0, your configuration will not be automatically upgraded as a part of this installation and will need to be manually exported prior and imported after successful completion of the GeoEvent Server 11.0 installation. For details on exporting and restoring a GeoEvent Server configuration, see Backup and restore your GeoEvent Server site configuration.
  • Significantly improved performance when discovering and selecting feature services in your ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Enterprise, and ArcGIS Online registered data stores.
  • Improved performance and load times for GeoEvent Manager.
  • GeoEvent Server can now leverage authorized service layers shared from other users in your organization.
  • New flexible access and control over your GeoEvent Server configuration including a readable, file-based configuration store that supports network installation.
  • The Query Definition parameter's where clause now defaults to 1=1 when importing geofences and adding geofence synchronization rules. For more about the geofencing capabilities in GeoEvent Server, see Geofences.
  • Important updates to backend libraries and dependencies.


  • The Kafka input connectors now supports connecting to Kafka clusters secured with SASL/SCRAM.
  • The GeoJSON inbound adapter utilized by the GeoJSON input connectors now supports fields with multi-cardinality.

Spatiotemporal big data store

  • Improved performance loading data sources and services on the spatiotemporal big data store page.