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Extend using out-of-the-box components

ArcGIS 11.4  | |  Archivo de ayuda

The capabilities of ArcGIS GeoEvent Server can be extended using components (specifically adapters and transports) available out-of-the-box with GeoEvent Server. You can use ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager to configure new connectors using the available adapters and transports.

Create new connectors

New connectors can be configured using the adapters and transports included with GeoEvent Server in GeoEvent Manager. GeoEvent Server provides many adapters and transports that enable the creation of connectors. Administrators can view available connectors by browsing to the Site > GeoEvent > Connectors page in GeoEvent Manager. Click New Connector to create a connector, and set the appropriate parameters depending on your specific requirements.

GeoEvent Server provides many adapters and transports that enable the creation of connectors. Administrators can view available connectors by browsing to the Site > GeoEvent > Connectors page in GeoEvent Manager.

Click New Connector to create a connector, and set the appropriate parameters depending on your specific requirements.


Adapters are the components that translate raw streaming data into GeoEvents and vice versa. To view a list of available adapters, browse to the Site > Components > Adapters page in GeoEvent Manager. You can filter the list by inbound and outbound adapters. Inbound adapters support the creation of input connectors, and outbound adapters support the creation of output connectors.

List of available adapters available in

If the GeoEvent Server adapters do not meet your needs, you can create custom adapters using GeoEvent Server SDK. An adapter's implementation defines a set of properties that are used to configure the adapter. Once created, a custom adapter is incorporated into a component template, which is configured for a specific purpose.

For more information on developing custom adapters using the GeoEvent Server SDK, see Develop custom adapters.


Transports are the components that translate raw streaming data into their native format outside of GeoEvent Server and vice versa. To view a list of available transports, browse to the Site > Components > Transports page in GeoEvent Manager. You can filter the list by inbound and outbound transports. Inbound transports support the creation of input connectors, and outbound transports support the creation of output connectors.

List of available transports available in

If the GeoEvent Server transports do not meet your needs, you can create custom transports using GeoEvent Server SDK.

For more information on developing custom transports using the GeoEvent Server SDK, see Develop custom transports.

En este tema
  1. Create new connectors