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Editing events in the selection table

After selecting event or point features records using the event selection tools and widgets available in Event Editor, you can view and edit the tabulated results using the following tools.

Event selection results

In cases where events are being modified on a route and you want to see the previous events on the route at that location, don't use the Add Linear Event widget. Instead, edit events in the Event Selection table or the Attribute Set table. If this method is used, you can see what was previously on the routes at the specified measures.

ToolTool NameDescription
Clear Map Highlights

Clear Map Highlights

Clear all the event highlights on the map.

Highlight All

Highlight All

Highlight all the selected events.

Zoom To Highlighted Features

Zoom To Highlighted Features

Zoom to highlighted events on the map.

Zoom To Selected Features

Zoom To Selected Features

Zoom to selected events on the map.

Save Changes

Save Changes

Save the edits made in the event table.

Calculate Field

Calculate Field

Bulk edit a field's value.

Delete Highlighted Events

Delete Highlighted Features

Delete the highlighted features. Visibility of this tool is configurable in the Event Editor config file.

Export to CSV

Export to CSV

Export the selected features as a file in the CSV file format.

Advanced Table Sorting

Advanced Table Sorting

Filter the attribute table view.

Table Properties

Table Properties

Configure measure length and navigation to highlighted results.

Select Point To Move

Select Point To Move

Select a point feature on the map to move the location. This tool only works with point feature classes, such as address points.

Related Tables

Related Tables

Show related records for the selected events. If you have multiple layers that represent the related data, you can choose which one to use to view the related data.


This tool is enabled only if relationship information is available through the map service. To publish a relationship in the map service, you must have both the Origin table or event feature class and the Destination table in your map. Simple relationship classes with one-to-one (1:1) or one-to-many (1:M) relationships are supported.

Editing individual records

  1. Double-click a cell in the table to allow the value to be edited. If it is a point feature class, such as an address point, you can use the Select Point to Move tool Select Point To Move to select and move the point feature.

    Edited cells in the table appear in yellow until saved.


    Coded value and range domains are supported when configured for any field in the Event Attributes table.

  2. To make the changes to the cells in the table permanent, click the Save Changes button Save Changes.

    A Save Options dialog box may appear depending on what you configured.

    Save Options dialog box
  3. If necessary, choose save options.

    Deciding whether these options should be selected when saving changes should be determined by the motivation for making edits to the events.


    Merge coincident events with the same attributes that are edited works only with nonreferent events.

    • If the edits are for error correction or a similar workflow, and the event record does not need to be retired and time sliced because the changes are correcting a mistake, do not check the Retire edited events and create new events effective check box.
    • If the edits to event records represent changes to the events at a certain time (such as a speed limit changing from 50 to 55 on 09/22/2014), check the Retire edited events and create new events effective check box and click the date drop-down arrow to choose the retirement date, or type the date in the date combo box. The old event will be retired and the new event will begin on the specified date.
    • If multiple events that are edited are coincident in measure and attributes, and you want to combine them into a single event record, check the Merge coincident events with the same attributes that are edited check box and any coincident events that are edited will be merged.
    • If you want to keep events coincident in measure and attributes as different event records, do not check the Merge coincident events with the same attributes that are edited check box.
  4. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  • If a cell is gray, it's disabled and can't be edited.
  • If a cell is white, it can be edited.
  • If a cell is yellow, it indicates that it has been edited in this edit session but the edits have not been saved.
Editing individual cells

Bulk editing event fields

If you want to enter the same value for a field in several events, perform the following steps.

  1. Click the Calculate Field button Calculate Field on the toolbar of the Event Attributes table.

    The Field Calculator dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Update Field drop-down arrow and choose the field to be updated.
  3. Type a value for the field in the Field Value text box.

    Coded value and range domains are supported when configured for any field in the Event Attributes table.

  4. Haga clic en Aceptar.

    This updates all of the records in the Event Attribute table.

  5. Click the Save Changes button Save Changes to save the edits.

    A Save Options dialog box may appear depending on what you configured.

    Save Options dialog box
  6. If necessary, choose the save options.

    Deciding whether these options should be selected when saving changes should be determined by the motivation for making edits to the events.

    • If the edits are for error correction or a similar workflow, and the event record does not need to be retired and time sliced because the changes are correcting a mistake, do not check the Retire edited events and create new events effective check box.
    • If the edits to event records represent changes to the events at a certain time (such as a speed limit changing from 50 to 55 on 09/22/2014), check the Retire edited events and create new events effective check box and click the date drop-down arrow to choose the retirement date, or type the date in the date combo box. The old event will be retired and the new event will begin on the specified date.
    • If multiple events that are edited are coincident in measure and attributes, and you want to combine them into a single event record, check the Merge coincident events with the same attributes that are edited check box and any coincident events that are edited will be merged.
    • If you want to keep events coincident in measure and attributes as different event records, do not check the Merge coincident events with the same attributes that are edited check box.
  7. Haga clic en Aceptar.

All the rows in the field get the updated value from step 3.

Bulk editing event fields

If you find an unavailable record, that is, none of its cells are editable, check to see if the event ID for that record is missing or null.

There are a couple of ways to prevent null event IDs when adding events:

  • Ensure the event ID field's data type is a string with a minimum length of 32 characters. In such cases, when adding a new event and not providing a specified event ID, Event Editor automatically assigns a GUID to the event.
  • If the event ID data type is not a string with a minimum of 32 characters, Event Editor will not automatically assign a GUID for the event. In such cases, define attribute sets to designate the event ID as an attribute for input. For more information about configuring and defining attribute sets, see Producing attribute sets and Configuring attribute sets.

Viewing related records

If relationship information is available through the map service, you will see the Related Tables button. To publish a relationship in the map service, have the Origin table or the event feature class and the Destination table in your map document. Simple relationship classes with one-to-one (1:1) or one-to-many (1:M) relationships are supported.

Related Records

The records in the Related Records table are for viewing purposes only and can't be edited.

  1. Click the Related Tables button Related Tables.
    Related options
  2. Click the name of the related record you want to access for the selected events.

    If you have multiple layers that represent the related data, you can choose which one to use to view the related data.