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Installing ArcGIS Data Reviewer Server silently

ArcGIS 10.9.1  | |  Archive de l’aide

Disponible avec une licence Data Reviewer.

The latest version of ArcGIS Data Reviewer Server can be installed without a user interface by running the setup.exe from the command prompt. You can also install ArcGIS Data Reviewer Server silently in an ArcGIS Server multi-machine deployment.

Remarque :

Upgrading to 10.9.1? For more information, see Upgrading existing ArcGIS Data Reviewer Server sites.

Installation prerequisites include the following:

In certain scenarios, the ArcGIS Server account can be set to Local System when ArcGIS Server is installed silently. In these scenarios, it is recommended that you change the ArcGIS Server account by running the Configure ArcGIS Server Account utility.

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Execute the following command:
    <path to ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server>\setup.exe /qb

    For example:

    \\machinename\ArcGIS_DataReviewer_for_Server\setup.exe /qb
    Remarque :

    To install ArcGIS Data Reviewer Server in an ArcGIS Server multi-machine deployment, run this command on each machine in the site.

Proceed to Configuring ArcGIS Data Reviewer Server to set up your server.