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Simulating GeoEvents from a layer

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To complete this task, you must have an input that was configured using the Receive text from a TCP socket Input Connector. You must also have a feature layer that will serve as the source data for the simulation. Before completing this task, you should import the corresponding GeoEvent Definition from the feature layer.

GeoEvent Simulator can be used to simulate a stream of GeoEvents into the Extension GeoEvent using a feature layer as the data source.

  1. Open GeoEvent Simulator from the Windows Start menu.
  2. Select Layer from the menu in the upper left corner.
  3. Click Load Layer to open the Load From Layer dialog box.
  4. Click the button next to the Input Layer to open the Select Layer dialog box.
  5. In the Connection section, type the information and credentials to connect to the ArcGIS Server (or ArcGIS Online) account that contains the layer you want to simulate.
  6. Click Connect to connect to ArcGIS Server.
  7. In the Layer URL section, choose the Browse to Layer option.

    The Custom Layer option should only be used by advanced users. If you know the complete URL specifying the layer you want to simulate, you can type it in the URL text box in the Custom Layer section and skip the next step.

  8. Select the layer you want to simulate by selecting the appropriate Folder, Service, and Layer from the drop-down lists.
  9. Click OK to select the layer.

    The Input Layer text box in the Load From Layer dialog box is now populated with the location of the simulation layer.

  10. You must connect to the Extension GeoEvent to select the GeoEvent Definition that will be used to interpret the simulated data. Click the button next to the Input GeoEvent Definition to open the GeoEvent Extension dialog box.
  11. Enter the server name and port to connect to the Extension GeoEvent and click OK. The typical port number used by the Extension GeoEvent is 6143.

    Notice the Input GeoEvent Definition drop-down list is now populated with the complete list of GeoEvent Definitions available from the Extension GeoEvent.

  12. Click the Input GeoEvent Definition drop-down arrow and choose the GeoEvent Definition that will be used to interpret the simulated features.
  13. Click Load to load the feature layer into GeoEvent Simulator.

    The Layer text box is now populated with the selected feature layer.

  14. In the Server text box, type the name of the server where the Extension GeoEvent is running. In the second text box, enter the port number used by the input configured to receive GeoEvents as text.
  15. Click Connect to connect to the server. The button initially shows a disconnected icon to indicate the current state.

    The button changes to reflect that GeoEvent Simulator has successfully connected to the server.

  16. The default playback rate is 1 GeoEvent per 1,000 milliseconds (1 second). To change the default, type the number of GeoEvents you want to send at a specified rate.

    Alternatively, you can choose to use the Real Rate option. This option will simulate the playback of GeoEvents using the actual time intervals between GeoEvents that are represented in the raw data.

  17. Click Play to begin simulating GeoEvents. After clicking Play, the icon on the button changes to Pause.

    Click Pause to stop the playback at any time. You can also click Step Forward to send one GeoEvent at a time.