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What's new in ArcGIS GeoEvent Server?

Cette documentation ArcGIS 10.8 a été archivée et n’est plus mise à jour. Certains contenus et liens peuvent être obsolètes. Consultez la dernière version de la documentation.

New at 10.8.1

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 10.8.1 includes stability enhancements as well as improved functionality and usability throughout the product. For a list of issues that were fixed at 10.8.1, see the 10.8.1 Issues Addressed List.

General updates

  • Usability improvements in GeoEvent Manager including:
    • New Monitoring page—The Monitor, Services, Inputs, and Outputs pages are consolidated into a single Monitoring page with simplified controls. Users can now fully control all inputs and outputs without having to navigate through multiple pages.
    • Filter by element state—On the new Monitoring page, users can filter to show all items, those currently stopped or started, or those in an error state for faster identification.
    • New notification style—Toast style notifications are now used for unobtrusive in-application messaging. This replaces the previous green banner notification that could cause elements in the application to shift down when success, warning, or error messages appeared.
    • Enhanced input and output creation workflows—A sorted, and searchable, list of available connectors is now presented on a single page, grouped by either a connector's underlying transport (method of transmission) or adapter (data format). Previously, users were presented with a multi-page listing of alphabetically sorted connectors with pagination controls used to find a connector.
  • Geofence insight improvements—Using the same integrated light-weight mapping client as the GeoEvent Sampler, users can now verify the geometry of their imported geofence's against their choice of basemaps.
  • Improved and expanded documentation which includes new topics and additional information on planning, deploying, and configuring GeoEvent Server.
  • Important updates to backend libraries and dependencies that may require any custom components (connectors and processors) developed and deployed on a previous release of GeoEvent Server to be recompiled using the GeoEvent Server SDK 10.8.1. Before deploying to a production environment a custom component built against a previous release's SDK, ensure it works as expected.

GeoEvent Sampler

  • Functionality improvements in GeoEvent Sampler (an integrated data sampling utility introduced at 10.8) including:
    • Offline and custom basemap support—This utility leveraged the online Esri basemaps which are not accessible in offline environments. With 10.8.1, users can leverage their own published map services.
    • Basemap switcher controls—With the ability for users to now utilize their own basemaps, switching on-the-fly between a set of basemaps can be done directly in the GeoEvent Sampler.
    • Synchronized panel controls—Using the GeoEvent Sampler in comparison mode (displays sampled data from two different nodes of a GeoEvent Service), users can now choose to synchronize the map views between panels for faster navigation and improved analysis.


Expanded and updated documentation including:

  • Overall restructuring of the documentation for increased usability.
  • New Deploy section with documentation on deployment considerations, best practices for system architecture, allocating machine resources, deploying GeoEvent Server on virtualized hardware, service startup, design principles, advanced deployment concepts and scenarios, and more.
  • GeoEvent Service design principles and best practices to follow when designing performant GeoEvent Services.
  • New documentation on working with and managing the GeoEvent Server system properties.
  • New documentation on working with and managing the GeoEvent Gateway system properties.

New at 10.8

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 10.8 includes stability enhancements as well as improved functionality and usability throughout the product. For a list of issues that were fixed at 10.8, see the 10.8 Issues Addressed List.

General updates


Dans cette rubrique
  1. New at 10.8.1
  2. New at 10.8