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Anticipate and accommodate event streams

ArcGIS 11.4  | |  Archive de l’aide

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server provides real-time visualization and analytics on a variety of data formats and protocols. When planning a deployment, you must identify the number of event streams you intend to process and the machine resources necessary to support those event streams. Also consider whether the events will be received at a consistent rate or in bursts when planning a deployment. In addition, GeoEvent Server provides flexibility to modify the service configurations to, in some cases, better handle differences in your event streams.

For details about GeoEvent Server minimum system requirements, see System requirements.

Adjust the number of machines

Deploy GeoEvent Server as a single machine ArcGIS Server site. When event processing loads are high, a GeoEvent Server machine may approach full CPU utilization or memory consumption; therefore, you must determine the number of ArcGIS Server machines to deploy to accommodate event processing needs.

Once your system is deployed, use the logs and server statistics to evaluate how well the machine is performing. Use operating system tools such as Windows Performance Monitor to evaluate machine performance when processing event streams. Finally, some third-party tools and services may be available to monitor system performance. Amazon CloudWatch, in the Amazon EC2 platform, is an example of a web service that monitors system performance in a cloud environment.

Some event streams such as those with fluctuating event volumes have the potential to consume a large amount of CPU resources. If you can anticipate when event volumes increase, and if you are deploying on virtual machines or cloud platforms, you can deploy additional GeoEvent Server machines temporarily to handle the increased load and take them down when the event volume decreases. Deploying on virtual machines or cloud platforms provides this flexibility.

Dans cette rubrique
  1. Adjust the number of machines