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Subscribe to an External WebSocket for GeoJSON

ArcGIS 11.4  | |  Archive de l’aide

The Subscribe to an External WebSocket for GeoJSON input connector can be used to receive and adapt event data, formatted as GeoJSON, broadcast from an external server’s WebSocket. For more information on examples of GeoJSON data record formatting, see the GeoJSON specification.

This input connector runs as a client and must be able to subscribe to a WebSocket hosted by a server. If you are looking for an input connector that runs as a server and allows client applications to subscribe and send data to the input, consider using Receive GeoJSON on a WebSocket.

Usage notes

Keep the following in mind when working with the Subscribe to an External WebSocket for GeoJSON input connector:

  • Use this input connector to receive data, formatted as GeoJSON, via a WebSocket hosted by an external server.
  • This input connector runs as a client and subscribes to a server’s hosted WebSocket to receive data broadcast by the server.
  • This input connector pairs the GeoJSON inbound adapter with the WebSocket inbound transport.
  • A GeoJSON feature record is expected to contain both geometry and properties members.
  • The adapter handles both single GeoJSON feature records and GeoJSON FeatureCollection records.
  • Like feature JSON, GeoJSON is a subtype of generic JSON. Different GeoEvent Server adapters are used to process these specific formats.
  • For more information and examples of GeoJSON data record formatting, see the GeoJSON specification.
  • The adapter does not support the Construct Geometry from Fields capability.
  • Both the WebSocket (ws) and WebSocket Secure (wss) protocols are supported by this connector.
  • Clients sending data to the WebSocket endpoint must use ws://<machine_name>.<domain>:6180/path.
  • Clients sending data to the WebSocket Secure endpoint must use wss://<machine_name>.<domain>:6143/path.


The following are the parameters for the Subscribe to an External WebSocket for GeoJSON input connector:



A descriptive name for the input connector used for reference in GeoEvent Manager.

Remote Server WebSocket URI (Client Mode)

The complete URL endpoint including a protocol, hostname or IP address, port, and path. The default is localhost. Update this parameter to reflect the URI of a server’s hosted WebSocket.

Create GeoEvent Definition

Specifies whether a new or existing GeoEvent Definition should be used for the inbound event data. A GeoEvent Definition is required for GeoEvent Server to understand the inbound event data attribute fields and data types.

  • Yes—A new GeoEvent Definition will be created based on the schema of the first event record received.
  • No—A new GeoEvent Definition will not be created. Select an existing GeoEvent Definition that matches the schema of the inbound event data.

GeoEvent Definition Name (New)


The name assigned to a new GeoEvent Definition. If a GeoEvent Definition with the specified name already exists, the existing GeoEvent Definition will be used. The first data record received will be used to determine the expected schema of subsequent data records, a new GeoEvent Definition will be created based on that first data record's schema.

The parameter is shown when Create GeoEvent Definition is set to Yes and is hidden when set to No.

GeoEvent Definition Name (Existing)


The name of an existing GeoEvent Definition to use when adapting received data to create event data for processing by a GeoEvent Service.

The parameter is shown when Create GeoEvent Definition is set to No and is hidden when set to Yes.

Default Spatial Reference

The well-known ID (WKID) or well-known text (WKT) of a spatial reference system in which the geometry's coordinates are expressed. This parameter has no default value.

This is a deprecated parameter. The GeoJSON specification states that all coordinates be expressed in a geographic coordinate reference system, using the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) datum, with longitude and latitude units of decimal degrees.

Expected Date Format

The pattern used to match expected string representations of date/time values and convert them to Java Date values. The pattern's format follows the Java SimpleDateFormat class convention.

While GeoEvent Server prefers date/time values to be expressed in the ISO 8601 standard, several string representations of date/time values commonly recognized as date values can be converted to Java Date values without specifying an Expected Date Format pattern. These include the following:

  • "2019-12-31T23:59:59"—The ISO 8601 standard format
  • 1577836799000—Java Date (epoch long integer; UTC)
  • "Tue Dec 31 23:59:59 -0000 2019"—A common web services string format
  • "12/31/2019 11:59:59 PM"—Common format used in the United States (12-hour clock)
  • "12/31/2019 23:59:59"—Common format used in the United States (24-hour clock)

If the date/time values received are expressed using a convention other than one of the five shown above, you will have to specify an expected date format pattern so GeoEvent Server knows how the date/time values should be adapted.

Dans cette rubrique
  1. Usage notes
  2. Parameters