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Configure SSL certificates

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ArcGIS Monitor is preconfigured with a self-signed SSL certificate to allow for initial testing of your installation and configuration. For security purposes, it's recommended that you configure ArcGIS Monitor to use an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA) or a domain certificate issued by your organization in PEM format.

Complete these steps to update ArcGIS Monitor SSL certificate settings.

  1. Copy your private and public SSL certificate .pem files to the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\ssl directory on the machine where the ArcGIS Monitor Server application is installed.
  2. Start Monitor Administrator.

    The Connections view appears.

  3. Click the File menu and click Open.

    The Open File dialog box appears.

  4. Browse to the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\settings directory on the machine where the Monitor Server application is installed, click config.db, and click Open.
  5. Click Server on the main menu.

    The Server configuration pane appears.

  6. Click the Private Key browse button.
  7. Browse to and choose the private key certificate .pem file and click Open.
  8. Click the Public Key browse button.
  9. Browse to and choose the public key certificate .pem file and click Open.
  10. Click the File menu and click Save to save your changes.
  11. Click the File menu and click Close to return to the Connections view.
  12. Right-click the ArcGIS Monitor Server service in the Windows Services manager and click Restart.