Uninstalling Portal for ArcGIS
Cette documentation ArcGIS 10.3 a été archivée et n’est plus mise à jour. Certains contenus et liens peuvent être obsolètes. Consultez la dernière version de la documentation.
You can uninstall Portal for ArcGIS either with a user interface (UI) or silently. Follow the steps in the sections below to uninstall.
Remarque :
Your portal's data and content are not removed when Portal for ArcGIS is uninstalled.
Before uninstalling Portal for ArcGIS
If Portal for ArcGIS is configured to be started with the operating system, follow the steps below to remove the daemon:
- Switch to root user.
- Remove the daemons, if created, by executing the following commands provided below:
$ chkconfig --del arcgisportal $ rm -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/arcgisportal
$ insserv -r arcgisportal $ rm -f /etc/init.d/arcgisportal
- End the root user session.
Uninstalling using the UI
- Log in as account that was used to install Portal for ArcGIS.
- Browse to the root of the Portal for ArcGIS installation directory and launch the uninstall_ArcGISPortal script.
- In the uninstaller, click Uninstall to proceed with the uninstallation of Portal for ArcGIS.
- When the uninstallation is completed, click Done to exit.
Silently uninstalling
Run to the following command from the command line:
<Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>./uninstall_ArcGISPortal -s
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