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Identifying route locations

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You can identify route locations on the map and view their measure values and attributes in the ArcGIS Event Editor.

  1. Ouvrez ArcGIS Event Editor et, à l’invite, connectez-vous à votre organisation ArcGIS.
  2. Cliquez sur l'onglet Carte.
  3. In the Identify group, click the Identify Route Locations button Identifier les localisations d’itinéraires.
  4. Click a route in the map to identify it and view its attributes.
    Identifying routes on the map

    The identified routes are highlighted in yellow and their attributes are shown in the Route Locations window. Information on the measure value at the point location on the route and the minimum and the maximum measure values for the route are displayed.

    Remarque :

    You can also use the Time list to see all the of the time ranges of the route, event, or intersection at the identified location.

    The result of the Identify Route Locations tool
    Remarque :

    If more than one route exists in the point location clicked on the map, use the page navigation tools provided at the bottom of the Route Locations window to view another identified feature.

    Viewing results in the Route Locations window

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