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00070 : résumé manquant

Cette documentation ArcGIS 10.4 a été archivée et n’est plus mise à jour. Certains contenus et liens peuvent être obsolètes. Consultez la dernière version de la documentation.

La description des éléments du paquetage ou du service ne comporte pas de résumé.


Click the Item Description tab and provide a Summary before sharing a package or service.

More Information

When packaging or serving content, it is important to provide a summary of your package or service so that consumers of the package or service will know who created the it, where it came from, and when and how it was made. The package or service summary can be added by accessing the Item Description page in the Geoprocessing Package or Service Editor window and editing the appropriate fields. The Service Editor and Package window can be accessed from the Results window in ArcMap by right-clicking a result, selecting Share As > Geoprocessing Service or Geoprocessing Package.

Learn more about documenting a geoprocessing service

Dans cette rubrique
  1. Solution