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What's new for ArcGIS Maritime

Cette documentation ArcGIS 11.0 a été archivée et n’est plus mise à jour. Certains contenus et liens peuvent être obsolètes. Consultez la dernière version de la documentation.

Disponible avec une licence Standard ou Advanced.

Disponible avec une licence Production Mapping.

Disponible avec une licence ArcGIS Maritime.

The latest release of ArcGIS Maritime server extension contains several enhancements.

Remarque :

For a complete list of enhancements and issues addressed, visit the product download page.

Maritime Chart Service (MCS)

The following enhancements were made for Maritime Chart Service (MCS):

  • All bugs and enhancements through the release of 10.9.1 Patch 1 are available.
  • Turn sublayers on and off for the MCS MapServer endpoint using ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Online web viewer.
  • Enter custom extents using the Maritime Chart Service tile package or mcstpk.exe.
  • Enhanced Lua support and symbols for custom symbology.
  • Display blue light sectors with COLOUR=5 using a newly added color token, LITBL.
    Blue light sector using color token LITBL

Custom Chart Builder (CCB)

The following enhancements were made for Custom Chart Builder (CCB):

  • Geoenabled notes now support point and line geometries.
  • Convert exported products from RGB to CMYK.
  • Page layouts (.pagx files) now use a center anchor point for the map frame.
  • New Lua scripts for the following:
    • Land objects, lndare01.lua, and quapos01.lua
    • Coastline object, coalne01.lua
  • Enhanced restricted area script, resare04.lua, with SVG symbols N20, N21, and N2.1
  • PDF Merge Support allows you to merge elements and pages within a PDF document. This feature is optional, however, without this feature, PDF documents cannot be exported from the Custom Chart Builder (CCB) app.