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Error Management in an ArcGIS Server

ArcGIS 11.3  | |  ヘルプのアーカイブ

After publishing the rules to a feature service in the previous tutorial, this tutorial describes how to evaluate the rules and perform data quality management to correct features that do not meet your organization's data quality requirements.

Tutorial summary

This tutorial builds on the first tutorial, Create validation rules in an enterprise geodatabase, and the second tutorial, Set up and publish rules to a feature service. To proceed with this series, you must complete the previous two tutorials. If you have not downloaded ArcGIS Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro and the ArcGIS Pro tutorial data from the first tutorial, review the data requirements for this tutorial and complete the first tutorial.


If you do not have access to an enterprise geodatabase or a feature service, or if you are not familiar with the fundamentals of working with ArcGIS Enterprise, review the ArcGIS Data Reviewer quick-start tutorials for ArcGIS Pro.

Estimated time

20 minutes

Software requirements

Minimum versions ArcGIS Pro 3.3 and ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or later

Licensing requirements

ArcGIS Pro:

  • ArcGIS Pro Standard
  • ArcGIS Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Enterprise:

  • ArcGIS Server Standard
  • ArcGIS Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Server

The ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension is required to complete this tutorial series.

Data requirements

The data for this tutorial is available from the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Enterprise Tutorial page. This package contains the project package and a subset of the Local Government sample data. To download the data, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Enterprise Tutorial page.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Extract the files to a convenient location on your computer, such as C:\EsriTraining.

Open the project

In this exercise, you will open a project package that contains data modeled in a file geodatabase and verify its contents using ArcGIS Pro.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Sign in if necessary to ArcGIS Pro using your Enterprise account.

Evaluate the published rules

With the neighborhood street data and attribute validation rules successfully published to a feature service, you can evaluate the rules in ArcGIS Pro using the Error Inspector pane.

To evaluate the published rules in ArcGIS Pro, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the DataReviewerTutorial.ppkx file in ArcGIS Pro if it is not already open.
  2. On the ArcGIS Pro ribbon, click the Insert tab.
  3. In the Project group, click the New Map 新規マップ drop-down arrow, and click New Map.
  4. In the Contents pane, right-click Map, and click Properties.
  5. In the Name text box, change the map name to Evaluate Data Quality, and click OK.
  6. Open the Catalog pane and click the Portal tab.
  7. Double-click the Naperville_Service feature layer, and press Ctrl while clicking AddressPoints, BuildingFootprint, Master Road Name, Parcels, and RoadCenterline.
  8. Right-click one of the selected features, and click Add To Current Map.
    Catalog pane with Add To Current Map selected

    The layers are added to the map.

  9. In the Contents pane, right-click the RoadCenterline layer, and click Add Error Layers.

    Error layers are added as a group to the Contents pane.

  10. Right-click the RoadCenterline layer, and click Zoom to Layer.

    The map zooms to the RoadCenterline area.


    If the Naperville_Services feature service is added to the map, error layers are also added as individual layers. Although the error layers are added individually, you must add them to the Contents pane as a group by right-clicking one layer and selecting Add Error Layers. If the error layers are not added as a group using Add Error Layers, the Error Inspector pane will remain deactivated, and you cannot write or manage errors.

  11. Click List by Data Source データ ソース別にリスト at the top of the Contents pane.
  12. Right-click the database connection created in the first tutorial and click Manage Versions.

    The Versions tab appears.

  13. Create a branch version.
  14. After creating the branch version, in the Contents pane, right-click the database connection and click Change Version.

    The Change Version dialog box appears.

  15. Choose the new version created in the previous steps and click OK.
  16. At the top of the Contents pane, click List by Drawing Order 描画順にリスト and go back to the Evaluate Data Quality map.
  17. Click the Edit tab.
  18. In the Data Reviewer group, click Manage Quality 品質の管理.
  19. In the Results group, click Error Inspector エラー インスペクター.

    The Error Inspector pane appears.

  20. In the Error Inspector pane, click the Evaluate Rules drop-down arrow 範囲の検証, uncheck the Batch Calculation check box, and choose Visible Extent.

    Ensure that Visible Extent is chosen if you want to limit the evaluation area to the active map extent. To evaluate all the features in the dataset, choose Full Extent.

  21. Click Evaluate Rules.
    Evaluate Rules drop-down menu with Batch Calculation unchecked

    Errors appear as rows in the Error Inspector pane. These errors are found by the validation rules created in the first tutorial. Depending on the size of the dataset, evaluation may take a few minutes.

  22. On the Edit tab in the Manage Edits group, click Save 更新 to save the error records.

Review and correct an error result

To review and fix one of the errors found in the Error Inspector pane, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Error Inspector toolbar, click Menu メニュー and click Show Status.

    The Data Reviewer error life cycle columns are added to the Error Inspector pane.

  2. In the Filter group, click Fields フィールド to display a list of error properties that can be used to filter the errors displayed in the Error Inspector pane.
    Fields filter options
  3. In the Severity section, check the 1 check box to only display features with a severity value of 1 in the Error Inspector pane.

    The Road name missing from master street list error remains.

  4. Click the numbered column next to the error phase column to highlight the feature that has the error.
  5. Right-click the numbered column and click Zoom To ノードにズーム.
  6. On the Edit tab, click Attributes 属性 to open the Attributes pane.
  7. In the Attributes pane, click Change the selection 四角形による選択 and drag a rectangle across the road with the error to select it.

    Do not select any other layers.

    Selection of the Summit Hills Lm error layer

    RoadCenterline (1) appears in the Attributes pane.

  8. Click the RoadCenterline (1) drop-down arrow, and click Summit Hills Lm.
    Summit Hills Lm layer selected in the Attributes pane
  9. In the attributes, go to Full Road Name, change Lm to Ln, and press Enter.
    Corrected road name
  10. Click Apply.
  11. On the Edit tab, click Save Edits 編集の保存 and click Yes to save your edit.
  12. Click Clear 選択解除 to clear the selection.
  13. Click Evaluate Rules 範囲の検証.

    The error you corrected appears in the Error Inspector pane with the verified status.

  14. On the Edit tab, click Save Edits 編集の保存 and click Yes to save your edit.
  15. Click Save Project プロジェクトの保存 and close ArcGIS Pro.

Using the Error Inspector pane, you evaluated the rules that you authored in a previous tutorial and corrected an error, changing its validation status to acceptable.