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Configure ArcGIS Maritime

Standard または Advancedのライセンスで利用可能。

Production Mapping ライセンスで利用できます。

ArcGIS Maritime ライセンスで利用できます。

ArcGIS Maritime uses a server object extension (SOE). You must add the SOE to your ArcGIS Server Manager site to enable Maritime Chart Service functionality for a map service.

Review the following requirements before setting up the service:

  • Mapped network drives are not recommended for the workspaceDirectories property setting due to potential performance issues. It is recommended that the .senc files be stored on the physical server.
  • Maritime Chart Service can only be enabled on a dedicated instance type. Shared instance pools are not supported.
  • You will exceed a URL length of 2,048 characters if you use display properties in the GET request. POST is not necessarily supported in all third-party apps. If you cannot support POST in your apps, it is recommended that you increase the allowable URL length using a web.config.xml file.
  • A sample web.config.xml file is provided at <ArcGIS Server installation directory>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\Bin.
  • For deploying Custom Chart Builder (CCB), you must use web.config.xml to increase the default URL length.
  • It is recommended that you increase the map service's javaHeapSize value from the default 128 MB to 2048 MB or greater, depending on your system resources and the number of datasets in your service. The queryDataset operation and Custom Chart Builder (CCB) exports can exceed this default limit.
  • At ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0, new map services with a dedicated instance pool will have the minimum and maximum number of instances per machine set to zero by default. It is recommended that you set the minimum and maximum number of instances per machine to 1. This ensures that when the map service with Maritime Chart Service (MCS) enabled is started, the cataloging process starts automatically. This was the default setting in previous versions of ArcGIS Enterprise. Without changing this setting to 1, a request must be made to one of the Maritime Chart Service endpoints to start the cataloging process, which may cause delays in response time. The cataloging process is when MCS scans the datasets folder and builds the necessary .senc files. For more information about changing instance settings, refer to Configure service instance settings.

Enable Maritime Chart Service

To enable Maritime Chart Service, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a folder named maritimeserver in the ArcGIS Server site at <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories.

    If this location doesn't exist, verify that the ArcGIS Server site has been created.

    Learn more about creating an ArcGIS Server site

  2. Copy the maritimechartservice folder from <ArcGIS Server installation directory>\MaritimeServer\Server<version> to the maritimeserver folder.

    The setup steps provide a default location and name to deploy the configuration files. The name of the maritime chart service folder and location may differ depending on your organization's requirements.

  3. Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager.
  4. Click Site.
  5. In the Server Configuration window, click Extensions.
  6. Click Add Extension.
  7. Click Choose File and browse to <ArcGIS Maritime Server installation directory>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\Bin.
  8. Click MaritimeServer.soe.
  9. Click Add.

    The MaritimeServer.soe file is added.

  10. Click the Services tab.
  11. Click the map service to which you want to add Maritime Chart Service.

    Maritime Chart Service works with any existing map service.

  12. Click Capabilities and check the Maritime Chart Service check box.
  13. Verify that the Maritime Chart Service properties are configured correctly.

    The MaritimeServer.soe file uses the maritimechartservice folder to automatically populate the Maritime Chart Service capabilities properties.

  14. Click Save and Restart to restart the map service.

    Maritime Chart Service capabilities are enabled.

You are ready to load S-57 and S-63 datasets to the map service.


Default configuration settings and service properties can now be modified.

Deploy Custom Chart Builder (CCB)

The Maritime server extension allows you to deploy a web-based app to generate information map products in real time and allows you to create any product at any scale.

Copy the customchartbuilder folder

Copy the customchartbuilder folder from the Custom Chart Builder (CCB) installation and paste it to the deployment location. The files in the installation location can be treated as a backup and the files in the deployment location are modified as needed. The recommended location to copy the customchartbuilder folder to is <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver so that the CCB folder and maritimeserver folder are under the same directory.


To deploy Custom Chart Builder (CCB) in an ArcGIS Server site, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a folder named maritimeserver in the ArcGIS Server site at <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories if necessary.
  2. Copy the customchartbuilder folder from <ArcGIS Maritime server installation drive>\MaritimeServer\Server<version> and paste it to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver.
  3. Configure the ArcGIS Server account, if necessary.

Configure sharing and permissions

CCB export processing writes or modifies files in the arcgisserver folder, which requires full control by the ArcGIS Server account. To configure sharing for the arcgisserver folder and to add Full Control permissions for the ArcGIS Server account, complete the following steps:

  1. Locate the arcgisserver folder at <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\, right-click it, and click Properties.
  2. Click the Sharing tab.
  3. Click Advanced Sharing.
  4. Check the Share this folder check box.
  5. Click Permissions.
  6. Click Add on the Share Permissions tab.
  7. Add the ArcGIS Server account.

    The ArcGIS Server account default name is arcgis. Alternatively, you can use the local or domain account used to configure ArcGIS Server.

  8. Once the ArcGIS Server account has been added, click OK to close the Select Users or Groups dialog box.
  9. Choose the newly added ArcGIS Server account in the Group or user names window on the Share Permissions tab.
  10. Check the Allow check box next to Full Control.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click OK to close the Advanced Sharing dialog box.
  13. Click Close.
  14. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.

Update the toolConfig.json file and Registry Key

The JSON file stores file paths that support parameters in the Calculators and ExportWebMap service definition files. Administrator permissions are required to add the toolConfig.json file path to the Registry Key.

Update the toolConfig.json file

To update the toolConfig.json file, complete the following steps:

  1. In File Explorer, browse to the toolConfig.json file and open it in a text editor.

    The default location is <ArcGIs Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\customchartbuilder\Tools.

  2. Update the following variables:
    • shared_products_path and output_directory—Update the variables with your machine name, domain, and folder path if you did not use the default settings.
    • output_url—Update the variable with your machine name, domain, and folder path if you did not use the default settings.

      Localhost can only be used for local testing.

  3. Save the changes to toolConfig.json and close the file.

After the toolCongfig.json file is updated, it must be added to the Registry Key.

Add the toolConfig.json file to the Registry Key

To add the toolCongfig.json file to the Registry Key, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Windows Start menu and type Registry Editor.
  2. Click Open.
  3. Click Yes to allow Registry Editor to make changes.
  4. Browse to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EsriProduction\Server<version>\Maritime.
  5. Right-click the Maritime folder, point to New, and click String Value.
  6. For the string name, type ccbToolConfig.
  7. Double-click the string to edit it.
  8. In the Value data text box, provide the file path as follows: <ArcGIS Server installation location>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\customchartbuilder\Tools\toolConfig.json.

Publish the service definition files

Publish the service definition files, and, to ArcGIS Server for CCB to calculate the area of interest (AOI) extent and export the chart.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager.
  2. Click Services > Manage Services.
  3. Click Choose File to browse to the service definition you want to publish, or type the path to the file.

    The default location is <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\customchartbuilder\ServiceDefinitionFiles.

  4. Choose and click Open.

    Do not change the name of the service. The web app does not work if a different name is used.

  5. Click Next.

    You must specify the properties for the service. No additional capabilities are required.

  6. Check the Existing check box and choose CCB from the drop-down list.

    All CCB service definitions must be in the same folder to deploy CCB.

  7. Click Back or Next as necessary.
  8. Click Publish.
  9. Repeat these steps for

Enable custom symbology

The ServerConfiguration.xml file contains a CustomSymbology Boolean to enable or disable display of custom symbology that overrides the default S-52 presentation library. When available, Maritime Chart Service references rules in the CustomSymbolMap.xml file, Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) symbols, and Lua scripts to provide a paper chart-like display of the S-57 data.

After setting custom symbology to true, you must rebuild the .senc files for the symbols to appear in the service.

Example of custom symbology
Default S-52 presentation library

Lua in Maritime Chart Service can do the following:

  • Reference .svg files to override point symbols or line patterns (simple and complex)
  • Override symbol instructions such as color, fill pattern, or transparency
  • Access view groups or display properties
  • Provide instructions to modify a text group's font name, size, weight, color, and offset

Update geoenabled notes

Geoenabled notes allow you to generate textual notes for CCB outputs based on the geographic location of the product.

The notes are stored in a point, line, or polygon feature class, where each record has a text box that contains the note. When a new product area of interest is inserted, the area of interest is intersected with the geoenabled notes layers, and a separate A4 sheet is appended to the export. If there is more than one page of notes, a second page is generated, and so on.

To customize geoenabled notes, complete the following steps:

  1. Unzip the file in the <ArcGIS Server directory location>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\customchartbuilder\LayoutTemplates directory.

    A sample notes geodatabase exists in the file.

  2. In ArcGIS Pro, add multipart polygon features to the FeatureClassForNotes feature class in the Notes.gdb folder.

    Optionally, add features to the FeatureClassForNotes or FeatureClassForNotes_Line feature class.

    • Sample notes are available in the FeatureClassForNotes_Sample feature class in the Notes.gdb folder.
    • Multipart polygons allow you to have several geographic locations that share the same note text without redundancy.
  3. Optionally, edit the following fields in the FeatureClassForNotes feature class:


    This is a required field.

    Add note text or the body of the paragraph.


    This is an optional field.

    Add the name of the note that prints above the note paragraph.


    This is an optional field.

    Set the Red, Green, Blue (RGB) value of the note paragraph and title. Separate values with a single comma. The note appears with black text if the field is empty, null, or has invalid values.


    This field does not accept CMYK color values.


    This is an optional field.

    Specify the smallest chart scale on which the note appears. For example, if a note appears on a chart between 1:40000 and 1:90000, type 40000 in the field.


    This is an optional field.

    Specify the largest chart scale on which the note appears. For example, if a note appears on a chart between 1:40000 and 1:90000, type 90000 in the field.

Customize layout templates

You can customize the layout templates as described below.

Map elements

Custom Chart Builder (CCB) provides several layout templates for various page sizes and orientations. Each layout contains map elements such as scale bars, north arrows, and legends and logos, text, or other graphics that are created for specific purposes in the chart. Map frames are also layout elements.


Use the center anchor point in the map frame to minimize movement and prevent the grid border from overlapping surrounding elements. The map frame expands 13 millimeters on each side during the export map process.

Templates for page sizes A0 and ANSI E have common chart notes added to them. You can modify these notes to fit your local needs. If you do not want to create A0 or ANSI E sized charts with notes, you can remove those templates from the setup and replace them with the previous versions of those templates renamed with the _withoutnotes suffix.


Rename the A0 and ANSI E templates, for example, with the _withnotes suffix in their name. Remove _withoutnotes from the backup A0 and ANSI E templates. The system recognizes the A0 and ANSI E templates that no longer have common notes.

By default, the layout template font is Arial.

Manage elements

During product creation, the map elements are updated dynamically to reflect changes in the chart, such as scale, geographic extent, and generation date. CCB uses the names of elements to manage and identify the elements to be modified by the automation script. Do not change map element names. If you modify the names, the element cannot be managed using the automation script. If necessary, you can access the name by clicking Element Name on the Size and Position tab of the Properties dialog box.

Map frame

The AOI generated in the CCB web app is obtained from the layout template's map frames. A calculator finds the lower left corner of the data frame and the left and bottom edge. Changing the map frame size impacts AOI size.

Configure the web app

Once you have published the service definition files, updated the layout templates, published a map service with Maritime Chart Service available, and updated the toolconfig.json file, you are ready to configure and deploy the CCB web app.

  1. Browse to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\WebApplications and copy the CCB folder to C:\inetpub\wwwroot if you're using Internet Information Server (IIS) to deploy the web app.

    You can rename the CCB folder. This is the name of the app you access over the web.

  2. Register the web app and get the app ID.

    You can skip this step if the web app is configured for the Fixed Product type. For the Custom Product type, this is an optional setting. If you want to activate sign-in capability and need to add data from your organization's account, this step is required.

  3. If you registered the web app through your portal, complete the postregistration steps.
  4. Update the ccbconfig.js file located at <ArcGIS Maritime installation location>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\WebApplications\ccb\js.
    1. Update the serviceURL value with the location of the service you created in step 2 of Publish the service definition files.

      If the recommended default values were used, the path is

    2. Update the MCSURL value to the map service with Maritime Chart Service enabled.

      If the Maritime Chart Service capability is enabled for SampleWorldCities, the path is


      The app uses the Esri Ocean basemap. To choose another basemap, modify the basemap variable.

    3. Update the ccbconfig.js file with the app ID that you created in step 2 if necessary.

      This allows you to sign in to the ArcGIS organizational account. This only applies to the Custom Product type.

  5. Save the changes to the ccbconfig.js file.

You can launch the app to use CCB.

Update the portal URL

If you registered the web app through your portal, complete the following postregistration steps:

  1. Browse to the CCB folder in the web root folder.

    For example, browse to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ccb if you are deploying the web app using Internet Information Server (IIS).

  2. In the widgets\AddData folder, open Widget.js.
  3. Update the portalUrl value to
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the widgets\LayerList folder, open Widget.js.
  6. In the appConfig section, update the portalUrl value to
  7. Click Save.
  8. In the js folder, open SignInButton.js.
  9. Uncomment // portalUrl: "", and update the portalUrl value to the URL of your organization.
  10. Click Save.