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Configure export settings

ArcGIS 11.4  | |  ヘルプのアーカイブ

Production Mapping ライセンスで利用できます。

The export settings, including export presets, can be configured by a user with administrator privileges to a Map Production System (MPS) web app.

Export settings

Export settings can be configured from the MPS web app's settings. These settings include how often a job's status refreshes and service request limitations.

Job status refresh

The owner or administrator of the app can specify how often export jobs refresh their status. The default is 30 seconds. Acceptable values range from one second to 1,800 seconds.


A job's status will not refresh automatically if the value specified is zero seconds.

Option to configure automatic job status refresh

Service requests

Export jobs send a request to Topographic Production Service instances associated with the MPS app deployment. The amount of service requests must not exceed hardware capabilities. To help manage these requests, app administrators can configure the rate at which requests are accepted by the service. The count per interval can range from 1 to 1,000, and the interval value can range from 0 to 1,800 seconds. An interval of zero indicates no delay.


This is not the rate at which export jobs run or how long it takes to complete them. This setting modifies the rate at which requests to start export jobs are submitted.

Option to limit service requests

If the Submit service requests at equal intervals check box is checked, the amount of service requests specified are spread evenly across the time specified. If it is not checked, the number of service requests specified are submitted as a batch and the time specified is the delay between submitted batches.

Configure export presets

At ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 or later, users with sufficient privileges can create presets for PDF or TIFF exports in the Map Production System (MPS) web app.

The following video demonstrates how to create presets for a PDF or TIFF export:

To create presets for PDF or TIFF exports, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the MPS web app's settings.
  2. In the Export Presets section, click the PDF or TIFF drop-down arrow to review existing presets.
  3. Click Add preset Add preset to create a new preset.
  4. Provide a name for the preset in the Alias text box.

    This is the name that appears in the Export Preset list in the MPS app.

  5. Provide a name for the preset file (.xprt) in the File Name text box.
  6. Click the Selected Products drop-down arrow and check the check boxes for the map products that can be used with the preset.

    To set a default product for the preset, check the Set As Default check box next to a product that has been enabled.

  7. Optionally, click Delete preset Delete preset on an existing preset to delete it.

    Once the app's configuration is complete or updated, these presets will appear as an option in the Export Format list for the map products specified.

  8. Click Update to save the changes or click Close to close the dialog box.

    You can also reset all of the settings that have been configured.

The Map Production System dialog box closes and the MPS app opens with the settings you configured.


  1. Export settings
  2. Configure export presets