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Configure general settings

ArcGIS 11.4  | |  ヘルプのアーカイブ

Production Mapping ライセンスで利用できます。

You can modify the appearance, title, and logo of the Map Production System (MPS) web app as a user with administrator privileges.

To configure the general settings, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the MPS web app's settings.
  2. Provide the text that you want to appear in the app's header in the Title and Subtitle text boxes.
  3. Optionally, upload a logo or splash screen for the app.
    Map Production System dialog box with options to configure an app logo or splash screen under General Settings

    The maximum size supported for the logo image file is 400x400 pixels and the default logo is available at C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\apps\mps\images\mps_logo.svg. It maintains a 1:1 aspect ratio when the width or height values are changed.

    The splash screen image's width and height values cannot be modified, but will resize with the browser window. The default image is available at C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\apps\mps\images\mps_world.svg.


    If a custom logo or splash screen image is uploaded, it is saved as a public item by default in the MPS Files folder on the ArcGIS Enterprise portal. The name of the items will start with the associated app's ID to support images for multiple apps on the same portal. When a new custom logo or splash screen image item for an instance of an app is uploaded, it will overwrite the existing custom image item for that app.

    The width and height values for a custom logo can be modified independently of each other. If you import or export configured settings for use in multiple MPS apps, custom logos are not supported.

    The following image formats are supported:

    • PNG
    • JPG
    • JPEG
    • SVG
    • GIF
  4. Optionally, click the Theme drop-down arrow to choose a preset theme for the app.

    If an SVG formatted logo exists locally, the chosen theme's colors are applied to it. Custom formatted logos uploaded through the app are not impacted by the chosen theme.

  5. Check the Always require login check box to require users to sign in to the portal even if the services used by the app are shared publicly.
  6. To use basemaps from the associated portal, ensure that the Use portal-configured basemaps check box is checked.

    These basemaps are part of a group configured for the basemap gallery.

  7. Click Update to save the changes or click Close to close the dialog box.

    You can also reset all of the settings that have been configured.

The Map Production System dialog box closes and the MPS app opens with the settings you configured.
