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Configuring a segment report

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Segment reports dynamically segment events on a route together into a single record set. The segment report returns separate records at any measure along the event where any of the attributes change. Segment reports can have multiple use cases depending on the needs of an organization and can provide the basis of analysis to evaluate legislation, policy, and budget options.

Learn more about segment reports

A road segment report published using Roadway Reporter

In this example, the process is for producing a segment report similar to the one shown previously.

Data required

The following data layers are used to create the report. The layer names used here are only examples. You can use your own layer names to produce your reports:

LRS data typeLayer nameExplanation

Network layer


The routes are selected from this layer. The layers are segmented on the selected routes.

Event layer


The annual average daily traffic layer used to segment the routes.

Event layer


The international roughness index layer used to segment the routes.

Event layer

Surface type

The surface type layer used to segment the routes.

Event layer


The rural and urban type layer used to segment the routes.

Selecting the network

The first step towards producing a segment report is to select the route network.

  1. Go to your reporting URL.
  2. Click the New Report button New Report.
    Creating reports
  3. Click the Segment Report button Road Segments Report.
    Create a new segment report
    Create a new segment report
  4. Choose the Route Network using the drop-down arrow.
    Choosing the network
  5. Choose the Effective Date for the report.
  6. Choose the Output Units using the drop-down arrow.

    The road segments will be reported using these units.

  7. Type the Number of decimals.

    These are the number of decimals that show in the segments measures in the report.

  8. Click Next to select the routes.

Selecting the routes

The next step in the segment report creation process is to select the routes with which the segment measures will be calculated. There are two options available: spatial and attribute selection.

The spatial and attribute filters work in conjunction with each other. This means you can apply an attribute filter in addition to the spatial filter and vice versa. You can also choose to apply either of the spatial or attribute filters.


If you want to select all the routes in your data to be used for reporting, do not apply any spatial or attribute filters.


You can use Show SQL to write an SQL statement instead of using the selection method to create an attribute filter.

Using SQL to create an attribute filter
Using SQL to create an attribute filter

Spatial selection

You have several options for selecting the segments spatially: Drawing bounding graphics, Selecting polygon features, Select by proximity, Select by extent and Select by route.

Spatial selection by drawing bounding graphics
Spatial selection by drawing bounding graphics

Drawing bounding graphics

Before you draw the bounding graphic or use any other spatial filtering tool, you have an option to apply the filter in three ways: Intersects, Completely Within, and Touches Edge.

Select by point

Select By Point

Select by line

Select By Line

Select by polygon

Select By Polygon

Select by rectangle

Select By Rectangle

Select by circle

Select By Circle

Clear selection

Clear Selection

Route selection by a drawing a rectangle
Route selection by a drawing a rectangle
  • Intersects—Routes that intersect the graphic get selected.
    Routes that intersect the graphic
    Routes that intersect the graphic
  • Completely Within—Routes completely within the graphic get selected.
    Routes that are completely within the graphic
    Routes that are completely within the graphic
  • Touches Edge—Routes that touch the edge of the graphic get selected. A route that is within the graphic but not touching its edge will not be selected.
    Routes that are touching the edge of the graphic
    Routes that are touching the edge of the graphic

Selecting polygon features

You can use polygon features available in the map to select routes. For example, if you have administrative boundaries in the map, such as county or town boundaries, you can select the routes that intersect a particular county or town.

Selecting routes that intersect a town boundary
Selecting routes that intersect a town boundary

To use polygon features available in the map to select routes, complete the following steps.

  1. Choose Selecting polygon features from the Filter by list.
  2. Optionally choose a polygon layer from the Filter layer drop-down arrow.

    Filter layer is populated only if there are additional polygon layers in your map.

  3. Optionally filter proximity selection to routes that intersect, fall completely within, or touch the edge of the proximity border.

    For example, in the screenshot below, those routes that fall completely within the polygons are selected.

  4. Click the Select by point button Select Polygon.
  5. Click one or more polygons on the map.

You can also select routes that intersect multiple polygons.

Selecting routes that intersect multiple town boundaries
Selecting routes that intersect multiple town boundaries

For selecting routes that intersect multiple polygons, complete the following steps.

  1. Click the Select by rectangle button Select by rectangle.
  2. Draw a box on the map that touches those polygons.

Select by proximity

You can select routes that are within a certain distance from a point located on the map.

  1. Choose Select by proximity from the Filter by list.
  2. Click the Select the center point button Select the center point.
  3. Click the Units drop-down arrow and choose the unit of measure.
  4. Type a distance for the unit of measure in the Distance text box.
  5. Optionally filter proximity selection to routes that intersect, fall completely within, or touch the edge of the proximity border.

    For example, in the screenshot in step 6, those routes that fall completely within 12 miles are selected.

  6. Click the map to add a point.

    The routes that fall completely within the resulting graphic will be selected.

    Selection by proximity
    Selection by proximity

Select by extent

You can select routes that are within the present extent of the map.

Selection by map extent
Selection by map extent
  1. Choose Select by extent from the Filter by list.
  2. Click the Select current extent button Select current extent.
  3. Click Next to filter the features by attributes.

    If you don't want to select the routes using attributes, then you can skip this step by clicking Next.

Select by route

You can filter routes by route ID either by selecting a route in the map or by typing the route ID.

  1. Choose Select by route from the Filter by list.
  2. Click the Select Route button Select Route to select a route on the map.
  3. Click a route on the map to select it.

    You can also type the route ID into the Route ID text box.

  4. Click Next to filter the features by attributes.

Attribute selection

You can select the routes on the basis of attributes available in the network layer that you have selected to produce the report. There are three selection methods available (only when a spatial filter is applied):

Attribute selection options

Selection methodDescription

Add to current selection

Applies an OR filter to the spatial selection

Remove from current selection

Applies a NOT filter to the spatial selection

Select from current selection

Applies an AND filter to the spatial selection

Attribute selection options
Attribute selection options

To add an attribute filter, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose a selection method.

    In the example below, Select from current selection is chosen.

    Attribute selection method chosen
    Attribute selection method chosen
  2. Click Add Clause and select a field from the network layer on which the filter will be applied.
    Selecting a field from the network layer
    Selecting a field from the network layer
  3. Choose the mathematical function and click the value.
  4. Click OK.
    Selecting the field value
    Selecting the field value

    An attribute selection clause is added
    An attribute selection clause is added

    You can add more attribute selection clauses by clicking Add Clause and choosing whether to apply an AND or OR logic to the first clause.

    Adding a second attribute selection clause
    Adding a second attribute selection clause

    Follow the same procedure as described above to add a second clause.

    The second attribute selection clause is added
    The second attribute selection clause is added

  5. Click Next after applying the attribute filter.

Selecting the layers to segment

The next stage in creating a segment report is to select the layers to segment. You can optionally filter the features of each layer by building an attribute filter expression.

  1. Select one or more layers to segment.
    Selecting the layers to segment
    Selecting the layers to segment
  2. If you want to add an attribute filter to the selected layer, select the Filter button Filter to add an attribute selection clause.

    Adding an attribute filter
    Adding an attribute filter

    Alternatively, you can filter the attributes of selected layers by unchecking them from the Segment Layers menu.

    Filtering attributes for selected layers
    Filtering attributes for selected layers

    In this example, IRIYEAR and IRISTATUS attributes have been removed from the IRI layer. These attributes will not be included in the produced report.

  3. Click Next.

    The Report Fields section appears. You can now format, run, and save the report.