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Creating or editing bookmarks in Event Editor

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You can navigate a web map faster in ArcGIS Event Editor using bookmarks. You can create or edit existing bookmarks to access a specific location in a web map.

When Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online security is deployed, bookmarks can be loaded from an existing web map as well as saved to a new or existing web map.

Accessing bookmarks

The Bookmarks button shows a drop-down menu of existing bookmarks and allows you to create new bookmarks.

  1. Event Editor を開き、プロンプトが表示されたら Portal for ArcGISArcGIS Online にサイン インします。
  2. [マップ] タブをクリックします。
  3. In the Navigate section, click the Bookmarks button ブックマーク.

Adding new bookmarks

You can add a new bookmark to save the location of a map for future reference.

  1. Browse to the location in the map where you want your new bookmark.
  2. In the Navigate section, click the Bookmarks button ブックマーク and click Add Bookmark.
  3. Type the name in the Name text box and click Enter.
  4. Click the Save Web Map button Web マップの保存 on the Map tab.

    If saving an existing web map that you own, the file will be updated. If you are not signed in as the owner of the currently loaded web map, or if you are pointing to a configuration file, you will always be prompted to save as a new web map. If saving a new web map, see the following section.

    A confirmation message appears at the lower right once the map is saved.

Managing bookmarks

The following additional functionality is available.

  1. To pan and zoom to a saved location, click the Bookmarks button ブックマーク and click an existing bookmark.
  2. To rename a bookmark, double-click the bookmark and type the new name.
  3. To reorder a bookmark, drag the bookmark to a new location in the list.
  4. Click the Zoom to Extent button 範囲にズーム to zoom into an area of the bookmark.
  5. To pan, click the Pan to Extent button 範囲に移動, and the view changes to that saved location.

    The map pans to the saved location but does not change to the bookmark's scale if it is different from that of the current map.

  6. To replace the saved location with the current extent and scale on the map, click the Update Bookmark button ブックマークの更新.
  7. To delete the bookmark, click the Delete Bookmark button ブックマークの削除 at the end of the row.
  8. Click the Save Web Map button Web マップの保存 on the Map tab.

    If saving an existing web map that you own, the file will be updated. If you are not signed in as the owner of the currently loaded web map, or if you are pointing to a configuration file, you will always be prompted to save as a new web map.

    A confirmation message appears at the lower right once the map is saved.
