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What is the Map Production System?

ArcGIS 11.1  | |  Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Defense Mapping.

The Map Production System (MPS) web app is an ArcGIS Enterprise configurable, self-serve web app that allows organization members to export preconfigured, high-end map products in a variety of formats from a web browser. It is composed of two main tabs, the Map tab and the Export tab.

MPS app landing page

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Allows you to sign in and out of the web app. When signed in, you can access and update MPS web app settings.

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Customizable logo.

Learn more about uploading a custom logo

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When the Map tab is active, you can choose the map product, specify the export settings, select areas of interest (AOIs) to export, and add items to the Export Queue pane.

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When the Export tab is active, you can monitor a job's export progress, download completed jobs, delete export jobs, and review any error or warning messages on export jobs.

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Allows you to choose a map product type.

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Allows you to specify export settings for a map product.

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Allows you to select AOIs to add to the export queue.

This app is included with either the ArcGIS Production Mapping or ArcGIS Defense Mapping server extension.

This app uses ArcGIS Server. In ArcGIS Pro, you can enable this service and configure its properties, including which map products the service supports and are available in the app to export.