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Configuring the Event Editor web app

Доступно с лицензией Location Referencing.

Several properties can be configured in the Event Editor web app. Open the config.json file in the EventEditor web folder on the web server to modify and deploy.

Configuring the Event Editor web app is one of the steps of the deployment process. Ensure that all steps before this are completed before continuing with configuring the Event Editor web app.

Event Editor configuration properties



Specifies the unique ID or URL to an authored web map hosted on ArcGIS Online or the web server. After authoring a web map and sharing it publicly, the contents can be accessed directly by a URL.

For example, if the web map is hosted on ArcGIS Online, sign in with your global account and browse to My Content. Click the title of the web map to view more details. At this point, the URL has the following format:<webmapID>.

For example:

Copy the webmap value for the configuration.

"webmap": "1dcf369089804329946e3b3abf385251",

If the web map is hosted through Portal for ArcGIS, navigate to content and select the web map from the list of items in your portal. The URL has the following format: http://<HostName>/<PortalWebAdaptorName>/item.html?id= <webmapID>.

For example: http://<HostName>/<PortalWebAdaptorName>/item.html?id= 7e133f430cc4d95897647581f23d819

Copy the webmap ID value for the configuration.

"webmap": "f7e133f430cc4d95897647581f23d819",

If the web map is hosted on a server. the URL has the following format: http://<HostName>/EventEditor/sample_webmap.json, where sample_webmap.json is the text file that contains the web map definition.


Specifies the URL to a geometry service. By default, the configuration file contains a link to the geometry service hosted on ArcGIS Online, but it can be configured to refer to any geometry service hosted on any other ArcGIS Server instance.

In ArcGIS Server Manager, click Utilities > Geometry to view the Geometry page, then click Capabilities to view the geometry service URL.


  • label
  • labelColor
  • backgroundColor

Specifies the banner label text, and label color and banner color. The following is the format for the banner label.

<Specified banner text here> - ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing <version>
  • label—Banner label text. Only the prefix of the banner label can be changed. The default is Event Editor.
  • labelColor—Banner label color. The default color is e8e8e8.
  • backgroundColor—Banner color. The default color is 2f2f2f.

"banner": {
        "label": "My Event Editor",
        "labelColor": "#e8e8e8",
        "backgroundColor": "#2f2f22"

The color is specified as #RRGGBB in HTML hexadecimal color codes.


Specifies the relative URL to the proxy page on the web server.


You should not change or remove this proxy URL from the configuration file.

"proxyUrl": "proxy/proxy.ashx",


  • recordsPerPage

Specifies a setting for the Check Events widget.

recordsPerPage—Specifies the number of records per page in the results table for the Check Events widget.


  • allowReconcileAndPost
  • allowChangeVersions
  • allowCreateVersions
  • allowDeleteVersions

Specifies the setting for the enterprise geodatabase capability in the Event Editor. These are optional configuration settings to make the following controls visible to event editors.

  • allowReconcileAndPost—Specifies whether the Reconcile & Post widget is visible to the user.
  • allowChangeVersions—Specifies whether a person can change the geodatabase version.

    The version needs to be public before you can change it.

  • allowCreateVersions—Specifies whether a person can create a new geodatabase version.

    The new geodatabase version that is being created uses the user credentials from the published map service and the access level of the newly created version is public.

  • allowDeleteVersions—Specifies whether a person can delete an existing geodatabase version.
    "versioning": {
        "allowReconcileAndPost": false,
        "allowChangeVersions": false,
        "allowCreateVersions": false,
        "allowDeleteVersions": false


  • serviceUrl
  • executeBatchJobUrl
  • productionWorkspace
  • batchJobWaitTime
  • recordsPerPage

Specifies the setting for Data Reviewer capability in the Event Editor.

The following are optional configuration settings if Data Reviewer integration is required:

  • serviceUrlData Reviewer map service URL.
  • executeBatchJobUrlData Reviewer geoprocessing service URL.
  • productionWorkspace— A path to a .sde connection file of the production workspace, the geodatabase of the data to be validated.

    This parameter only has to be configured if the Reviewer workspace and the LRS are in different databases.

  • batchJobWaitTime—Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before time-out for batch job requests.
  • recordsPerPage—Specifies the number of records per page in the results table for the Reviewer Table widget.

"dataReviewer": {
    	"serviceUrl": "http://<server name>:6080/arcgis/rest/services/reviewer/MapServer",
    	"executeBatchJobUrl": "http://<server name>:6080/arcgis/rest/services/ExecuteBatchJob/GPServer",
     "batchJobWaitTime": 60,
    	"recordsPerPage": 25

Advanced propertiesDescription


The portal URL configured to use with the Event Editor. This could be an ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS URL.

This is used in portalGroup of the basemaps configuration and as the URL to access for the web map content.

An example ArcGIS Online portal URL:

"portalUrl" : "",

An example portalURL:

"portalUrl" : "https://<HostName>/<PortalWebAdaptorName",


  • portalGroup
    • owner
    • title
    • id
  • layers
    • url
    • title

Apart from the default custom basemap configured in webmap, you can add multiple custom basemaps to the Event Editor using the following methods:

  • Using an ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS group
  • Using the basemap layers URL

ArcGIS tiled map services and ArcGIS dynamic map services are supported as a basemap.

If an ArcGIS organization group is configured, then, the default ArcGIS Online basemaps group is not used. These are optional configuration settings.

  • portalGroup—Specifies a public portal group, which includes the basemaps that you want to use. You need to provide the owner and title of the group or ID of the group. The portal configured in the portalUrl is used. You need to configure the portalUrl to use this configuration.
  • owner—Specifies the owner on the group.
  • title—Specifies the title of the group from the ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.
  • id—Specifies the ID of the group.
  • layers—Specifies the list of URL and title.
  • title—Specifies the title of the group.

"basemaps" : {
         "portalGroup" :{
                   "title":"<Basemap group title to find the group>",
                   "id":"<Basemap group id to find the group>"
        } ,
         "layers:  [
                    "url": "http://server/arcgis/rest/map/MapServer",
                    "title": "<The title to display>"
               ...  (any number of layer JSON blocks)            


Specifies the Bing maps key used by Bing basemaps. If you have used a Bing map as a default basemap in the webmap or configured it in the basemaps widget, you need to provide this key.

Learn more about adding Bing maps as basemaps

"bingMapsKey": "<your bing maps key acquired from Microsoft>",


  • maxSessionTimeMinutes
  • portalAppId

ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing supports a secure sign in via Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online on the published map service that has linear referencing capability. This security is provided via OAuth 2.0. Configuring secure sign in for an ArcGIS organization allows these apps to handle security and identity authentication for Event Editor. Only users that have been added to the ArcGIS organization account will have proper credentials to authenticate and access Event Editor.

The following configuration settings are required:

  • maxSessionTimeMinutes—Specifies the duration, in minutes, before an Event Editor session logs out. Set the value to -1 to never be logged out.
  • portalAppId—Specifies the app ID after the Event Editor has been registered with either Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online. If the type is set to “none”, then this property is ignored.

    Learn more about configuring your ArcGIS organization for Event Editor

"security": {
        "maxSessionTimeMinutes": 10080,
        "portalAppId": "Zr1sRV3VN89r9tL2"


  • cad
    • uploaderUrl
    • gpServiceUrl

Specifies the URL for the Add Data tools.

The following are optional configuration settings if the Add Data tools are not intended to be used:

  • uploaderUrl—Specifies the relative URL to the upload proxy file.
  • gpServiceUrl—Geoprocessing service URL that you have published for uploading DWG or DGN files.

"addData": {
        "cad": {
            "uploaderUrl": "proxy/upload.ashx",
            "gpServiceUrl": "http://yourserver/arcgis/rest/services/ConvertCADToFeatureDataset/GPServer/Convert CAD to Feature Dataset"


  • maxUploadBytes
  • uploadTimeoutSeconds

Specifies the limit for the file upload operation. It is used by the Add Data tools. These are optional configuration settings if the Add Data tools are used.

  • maxUploadBytes—Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, for the file to be uploaded using the Event Editor. This size should be in sync with your web server's file upload limit.
  • uploadTimeoutSeconds—Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before time-out for an upload request.

"uploader": {
        "maxUploadBytes": 10485760,
        "uploadTimeoutSeconds": 60


Specifies whether the Start Date in the Add Point Events and Add Linear Events widgets can be set to a date prior to the start date for the selected route.

"checkEventStartDate": true


Specifies a list of fields to be excluded from Identify, Measure Identify, Select Events by Attributes, and Advanced Route Find search results.

"excludeFields": [ "shape", "shape.len", "shape_len", "shape_length", "st_length(shape)", "shape.stlength()", "shape_area"],


  • recordsPerPage
  • geocoder
    • url
    • displayFieldName
    • resultFieldNames
    • useCurrentToken
    • token

Specifies the setting for the Event Editor search capability.

  • recordsPerPage—Specifies the number of records per page in the results table for Find Route and Find Addresses.
  • geocoder—Specifies the single-line geocoder service you want to use for Find Addresses. These are optional configuration settings.

 "search": {
        "recordsPerPage": 10,
        "geocoder": {
            "url": "",
            "displayFieldName": "Match_addr",
            "resultFieldNames": ["Addr_type", "Score"],
            "useCurrentToken": false,
            "token": ""


  • excludeFields
  • maxUniqueRecordCount

Specifies the setting for the Select by Attributes widget.

excludeFields—Specifies the list of fields to exclude from the Selecting events by attribute widget. Administrators can choose to exclude certain fields that are not intended to be edited.

maxUniqueRecordCount—Specifies the maximum number of unique values for the Get Unique Values tool.

"selectEventsByAttribute": {
        "maxUniqueRecordCount": 1000


  • recordsPerPage
  • errorCellColor
  • editedCellColor
  • nonEditableCellColor

Specifies the settings anywhere the Event Editor allows users to edit the cell, such as in the Event Attributes, Attribute Set, Split Events, and Merge Events widgets.

  • recordsPerPage—Specifies the number of records per page in the results table.
  • errorCellColor—Specifies the background color of a cell that has failed data validation as you edit.
  • editedCellColor—Specifies the background color of a cell that has been edited.
  • nonEditableCellColor—Specifies the background color of a noneditable cell in the table.

"eventAttributes": {
        "recordsPerPage": 10,
        "errorCellColor": "#ff9999",
        "editedCellColor": "#ffff99",
        "nonEditableCellColor": "#eeeeee"
Event Editor results grid


Specifies the style, color, width, size, and outline of all feature selections made on the map.

"selectionSymbols": {
        "line": { "style": "solid", "color": "#00ffff", "width": 3 },
        "point": { "style": "diamond", "color": "#00ffff", "size": 12, "outline": { "style": "solid", "color": "#008080", "width": 2 } },
        "fromMeasure": { "style": "cross", "color": "#008000", "size": 14, "outline": { "style": "solid", "color": "#00c000", "width": 3 } },
        "toMeasure": { "style": "x", "color": "#ff0000", "size": 12, "outline": { "style": "solid", "color": "#ff0000", "width": 3 } }

Types of line symbols include solid, dash, dot, dashdot, and dashdotdot.

Types of point symbols include circle, square, x, cross, and diamond.

The color is specified using HTML hexadecimal color codes.


Specifies the style, color, width, size, and outline of the point symbol during snapping.

{ "style": "cross", "color": "#ff0000", "size": 16, 
"outline": {"style": "solid", "color": "#ff0000", "width": 3}

Types of point symbols include circle, square, x, cross, and diamond.

Types of line symbols include solid, dash, dot, dashdot, and dashdotdot.

The color is specified using HTML hexadecimal color codes.


Specifies the maximum number of layers that can be enabled for snapping. A value of 0 means only one layer can be enabled.

 "snapMaxLayers": 1


Specifies the maximum scale that snapping is supported. A value of 0 means snapping is supported at all scales.

 "snapMaxScale": 0


  • folder

Custom attribute sets can be added to the Event Editor by adding attribute set files to the attributeSets folder located in the EventEditor folder. Additionally, you can modify the config.json file to use a custom folder created in the Event Editor folder.

 "attributeSets": {
    	"folder": "attributeSets"

folder—Specifies the name of the attribute sets folder.


  • showEventIDField
  • showLayerNames

Specifies the default behavior of attribute set while configuring it and using it.

  • showEventIDField—Specifies whether you want to show an event ID field on the Attribute set configuration dialog box. Valid values are true or false.
  • showLayerNames—Specifies the default if you want to show the layer name while attributing events in the Add Linear Events widget as well as in the Attribute set configuration. Valid values are true or false.

 "attributeSetEditing": {
        "showEventIDField": false,
        "showLayerNames": false


  • showEventIDField
  • saveToDominantRoute

Specifies whether you want to show an event ID field in the Add Point Event widget.

  • showEventIDField—Valid values are true or false.
  • saveToDominantRoute—Add point events to dominant route.

"addPointEvents": {
        "showEventIDField": false


  • hideTransferButtons


The conflictPrevention advanced property is not used in Event Editor for Pipeline Referencing.

Specifies whether you want to show the transfer lock buttons in the Locks Table widget. Allow Lock Transfer in ALRS properties needs to be enabled to transfer locks.

"conflictPrevention": {
    	"hideTransferButtons": false

hideTransferButtons—Valid values are true or false.


  • retireOverlaps
  • mergeCoincident
  • preventInvalidMeasures
  • saveToDominantRoute

Specifies whether you want the Retire overlaps, Merge coincident events, and Prevent measures not on route check boxes checked or unchecked by default in the Add Linear Event widget.

"addLinearEvents": {
        "retireOverlaps": false
        "mergeCoincident": false
        "preventInvalidMeasures": false

  • retireOverlaps—Valid values are true or false.
  • mergeCoincident—Valid values are true or false.
  • preventInvalidMeasures—Valid values are true or false.
  • saveToDominantRoute—Add line events to dominant route.


  • autoDetection
  • layerId

You can have a separate map service with feature access enabled for the redline. This configuration is optional.

You can configure your redline layer in two ways.

  • autoDetection—If the redline layer name is the same as the redline feature class name (including prefix), the app auto detects the redline layer from the operational layers that you have configured in the webmap.

    If autoDetection is set to true the layerID value is ignored.

    Valid values are true or false.


    The comparison between the layer name and the redline feature class is case sensitive.

  • layerId—Another option is to configure the map service as the first operational layer in the webmap and then provide the layer ID number for the redline layer.

"redline": {
        "autoDetection": true,
        "layerId": 0


  • label
  • wkid
  • wkt

Configure a well-known ID (WKID) or well-known text (WKT) to specify the spatial reference of point event coordinates when adding point events by coordinate location or adding linear events by coordinate location. More than one WKID or WKT can be configured. This configuration is optional.

"spatialReferenceList": [          
	{"label": "GCS_North_American_1983", "wkid": 4269},          
	{"label": "GCS_WGS_1984", "wkt": 'GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984", 
	PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0], UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]'} 

  • label—Specifies the name of the spatial reference.
  • wkid—Specifies the WKID of the spatial reference.
  • wkt—Specifies the WKT of the spatial reference.