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Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

ArcGIS Data Store 注册到您设置为 GIS Server 托管服务器的 Portal for ArcGIS 站点。必须将此系统中的所有组件升级到同一版本。


请注意,在升级 ArcGIS Server 前必须先升级托管服务器上的 ArcGIS Data Store。如果您具有可供联合 ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 站点写入数据的时空大数据存储,则必须在升级 ArcGIS Data Store 之前也升级 ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 站点。

升级 ArcGIS Data Store 前的注意事项


我可以直接升级到 ArcGIS Data Store 10.5.1 吗?

是的;您可以从任何先前版本的 ArcGIS Data Store 直接升级到 10.5.1 ArcGIS Data Store。不必先升级到任何中间版本。

在安装新版本之前,是否需要卸载 ArcGIS Data Store

不需要,升级过程将为您更新 ArcGIS Data Store 安装。如果您在阅读升级说明之前卸载了软件,升级仍然可以进行。但是,您必须自己安装新版本的 ArcGIS Data Store


是,您必须在升级 ArcGIS Server 前先升级 ArcGIS Data Store。部署中使用的 ArcGIS ServerArcGIS Data StorePortal for ArcGIS 安装版本必须相同。

在升级 ArcGIS Data Store 计算机时是否必须遵循特定顺序?




在所有计算机的时空大数据存储升级完成前,请勿运行创建托管要素图层的 GeoAnalytics Tools 和为 ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 创建新的存档服务。要确保在时空大数据存储升级时无人运行 GeoAnalytics Tools,您可以 ArcGIS Server 管理员身份登录至 ArcGIS Server Manager 并停止 GeoAnalyticsTools 系统服务。

升级 ArcGIS Data Store 需要多长时间?


在升级之前,是否需要创建 ArcGIS Data Store 的备份?

是,请在升级 ArcGIS Data Store 安装之前创建部署中每种类型数据存储的备份。

我需要在 ArcGIS Data Store 内容目录中设置权限吗?

如果从 10.3 或 10.3.1 升级,则需要将 ArcGIS Data Store 内容目录的完全控制权限授予 ArcGIS Data Store 帐户

如果从 10.4 或更高版本升级,则已经设置了权限。

Steps to upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

升级 ArcGIS Data Store 之前,必须先为要升级的 ArcGIS Data Store 版本下载相应的安装文件 并对您的数据存储进行备份,然后才能升级 ArcGIS Server。如果您正在使用时空大数据存储存档高容量数据,则您必须同时升级 ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 安装。

完成每个 ArcGIS Data Store 安装的升级步骤。注册到同一 ArcGIS Server 站点的所有数据存储必须运行相同的 ArcGIS Data Store 版本。这意味着您需要在以下情况下在不同的计算机上完成升级步骤:

  • 如果每种类型的数据存储在单独的计算机上运行,则单独升级每个数据存储。例如,如果在计算机 1 上有一个关系数据存储,在计算机 2 上有一个时空大数据存储,请分别完成每个数据存储的升级步骤。


    ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 之前的版本中,关系和切片缓存数据存储都在配置数据存储时创建。但是,如果组织中没有人在门户上发布托管场景图层,则不会配置切片缓存数据存储,如果升级后您不打算使用切片缓存数据存储,或想要将切片缓存数据存储配置在与关系数据存储不同的计算机上,则不必升级切片缓存数据存储。

  • 如果您的关系或切片缓存数据存储中有主机和备用计算机,则先完成步骤以升级和重新配置主机。确保随后升级和重新配置备用计算机。
  • 如果有使用 ArcGIS Server 站点配置的多个时空大数据存储,则您必须分别升级和重新配置每台时空大数据存储计算机。

  • 如果每种类型的数据存储在单独的计算机上运行,则单独升级每个数据存储。例如,如果在计算机 1 上有一个关系数据存储,在计算机 2 上有一个时空大数据存储,请分别完成每个数据存储的升级步骤。


    ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 之前的版本中,关系和切片缓存数据存储都在配置数据存储时创建。但是,如果组织中没有人在门户上发布托管场景图层,则不会配置切片缓存数据存储,如果升级后您不打算使用切片缓存数据存储,或想要将切片缓存数据存储配置在与关系数据存储不同的计算机上,则不必升级切片缓存数据存储。

  • 如果您的关系或切片缓存数据存储中有主机和备用计算机,则先完成步骤以升级和重新配置主机。确保随后升级和重新配置备用计算机。
  • 如果有使用 ArcGIS Server 站点配置的多个时空大数据存储,则您必须分别升级和重新配置每台时空大数据存储计算机。

You can upgrade using an interactive wizard-driven experience by launching the Setup.exe program, or run Setup.exe and the configuredatastore utility from a command prompt or script to silently upgrade ArcGIS Data Store. No matter which method you use, the Setup.exe installation file detects and upgrades an existing installation of ArcGIS Data Store.


Upgrading ArcGIS Data Store restarts the ArcGIS Data Store service.

Upgrade using an interactive wizard-driven experience

  1. Run the backupdatastore utility to create a full backup or snapshot of each of your data stores. Be sure your backup files are stored in a remote, secure location.
  2. Download the latest ArcGIS Data Store, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, and ArcGIS Web Adaptor software installation files from My Esri.
  3. You must upgrade ArcGIS Server and its web adaptor on your hosting server before upgrading ArcGIS Data Store. See Upgrade ArcGIS Server in the ArcGIS Server installation guide for instructions. If you have a federated ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, upgrade it as well.


    You can upgrade Portal for ArcGIS before or after upgrading ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Data Store, just be sure all components of your Web GIS are upgraded to the same release before you begin using it.

  4. Once ArcGIS Server and its web adaptor are upgraded, double-click Setup.exe to launch the ArcGIS Data Store setup program.
  5. During the installation, read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.
  6. If you accept the license agreement, the ArcGIS Data Store setup program displays the features that will be installed.
  7. The account used by your existing installation is prepopulated in the ArcGIS Data Store input box. Provide the password for the account. Typically, this is the password you defined when installing the software. If the password has changed since you installed the software, you need to provide the password you designated when modifying the account. If the password is not validated successfully, an error message is displayed indicating the password is invalid. If you are unsure of the password for the account, contact your system administrator.


    Earlier versions of ArcGIS Data Store used the Local System account to create the ArcGIS Data Store service. At version 10.4 and later, you specify a local user or domain user account to start the ArcGIS Data Store service. If you are upgrading from ArcGIS Data Store 10.3 or 10.3.1, you must manually provide this account full control to your ArcGIS Data Store content directory (the default location is C:\arcgisdatastore).

  8. To complete the installation, follow the directions on the screen.

    When the installation wizard completes, it automatically opens the Data Store Configuration wizard in your default browser. You must reconfigure each data store with the same GIS Server site you were using before upgrading to complete the ArcGIS Data Store upgrade process.

  9. In the Data Store Configuration wizard, provide the user name and password of an ArcGIS Server administrator and click Next.
  10. Confirm the location of the content directory is correct and click Next.

    A list is displayed showing the data stores on this machine that can be upgraded. In most cases, you will only have one data store per machine.

  11. Leave the data store types checked and click Next.
  12. Confirm the information on the Upgrade Summary page is correct. If it is, click Finish to upgrade. If it is not correct, click Back to correct the information before proceeding with the upgrade process.
  13. Once you have upgraded and reconfigured the primary relational or tile cache data store or the first spatiotemporal big data store, repeat steps 4 through 12 for the standby relational or tile cache data store or all additional spatiotemporal big data stores.
  14. Upgrading any individual machine in a spatiotemporal big data store stops ArcGIS Data Store on all spatiotemporal big data store machines. Therefore, after you upgrade all machines in a spatiotemporal big data store, you must manually start ArcGIS Data Store on each spatiotemporal big data store machine.
  15. If you have more than one type of data store configured with the same GIS Server site, and the data stores are running on different machines, repeat step 1 and steps 4 through 13 for each type of data store.

When the hosting server, federated servers, portal, and all ArcGIS Data Store machines are upgraded to the latest release, your existing hosted web layers are available for use, and you can publish new hosted feature and scene layers, and archive high-volume observation data from GeoEvent Server.

Silently upgrade using commands

Rather than run the setup program, you can run the Setup.exe file at a command prompt or in a batch script.

  1. Run the backupdatastore utility to create a full backup or snapshot of each of your data stores. Be sure your backup files are stored in a remote, secure location.
  2. Download the latest ArcGIS Data Store, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, and ArcGIS Web Adaptor software installation files from My Esri.
  3. You must upgrade ArcGIS Server and its web adaptor before upgrading ArcGIS Data Store. See Upgrade ArcGIS Server in the ArcGIS Server installation guide for instructions. If you have ArcGIS GeoEvent Server on one of your federated servers, upgrade it as well.


    You can upgrade Portal for ArcGIS before or after upgrading ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Data Store, just be sure all components of your Web GIS are upgraded to the same release before you begin using it.

  4. Once ArcGIS Server and its web adaptor on your hosting server are upgraded, run the Setup.exe from a command prompt or in a script.

    When silently upgrading using Setup.exe, you must specify the ArcGIS Data Store account. Typically, this is the account you defined when installing the software. If the account has changed since you installed, you need to provide the user name and password you designated when modifying the ArcGIS Data Storeaccount.

    Earlier versions of ArcGIS Data Store used the Local System account to create the ArcGIS Data Store service. At version 10.4 and later, you specify a local user or domain user account to start the ArcGIS Data Store service. If you are upgrading from ArcGIS Data Store 10.3 or 10.3.1, you must manually provide this account full control to your ArcGIS Data Store content directory (the default location is C:\arcgisdatastore).

    If you do not specify the ArcGIS Data Store account, or it does not match the account used by your current installation, the installation process displays a message indicating the credentials could not be validated. As a result, the installation will exit.

    In the following example, the account used by the software is myaccount:

    <path to ArcGIS Data Store setup download folder>\Setup.exe /qb USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=mypassword

    For example, to run the command with a domain account, such as mydomain\myaccount, with the password 4myI.s0nly, type the following:

    \\machinename\mydownloadfolder\Setup.exe /qb USER_NAME=mydomain\myaccount PASSWORD=4myI.s0nly


    Command line parameters are case sensitive. If you are having trouble upgrading, confirm the case matches the properties as shown in the examples.

  5. After you install the new version of ArcGIS Data Store, reconfigure the data store to complete the upgrade.
  6. Use the configuredatastore command utility to reconfigure the data store with the same ArcGIS Server site you were using before upgrading. You must run the command prompt as an administrator on the machine where ArcGIS Data Store is installed.

    In this example, the primary relational and tile cache data stores are reconfigured with GIS Server site

    configuredatastore serveradmin MyAdminPassword C:\arcgisdatastore --stores relational,tilecache

  7. Once you have upgraded and reconfigured the primary relational or tile cache data store or the first spatiotemporal big data store, repeat steps 4 and 5 for the standby relational or tile cache data store or all additional spatiotemporal big data stores.
  8. Upgrading any individual machine in a spatiotemporal big data store stops ArcGIS Data Store on all spatiotemporal big data store machines. Therefore, after you upgrade all machines in a spatiotemporal big data store, you must manually start ArcGIS Data Store on each spatiotemporal big data store machine.

When the hosting server, federated servers, portal, and all ArcGIS Data Store machines are upgraded to the latest release, your existing hosted web layers are available for use, and you can publish new hosted feature and scene layers, and archive high-volume observation data from GeoEvent Server.

升级 ArcGIS Data Store 后的注意事项

升级后,您应确认您的数据存储可访问。您可通过 ArcGIS Server Manager 或 ArcGIS Server 管理员目录执行此操作。还要确认托管要素和场景图层仍然有效。


您可登录到 ArcGIS Server Manager 来验证您的 GIS Server 站点是否仍可与关系数据存储进行通信。您无法通过 ArcGIS Server Manager 验证切片缓存或时空大数据存储。

按照以下步骤通过 ArcGIS Server Manager 验证关系数据存储:

  1. 登录 ArcGIS Server Manager。
  2. 转至站点 > 数据存储
  3. 选中关系数据存储旁的复选框 (ArcGIS_Data_Store)。
  4. 单击验证

如果数据存储正在运行并且 GIS Server 站点可以与其通信,则状态列中将显示一个绿色复选框。

要在升级后验证切片缓存或时空大数据存储,请登录到 ArcGIS Server 管理员目录(URL 格式为并使用验证命令


您还可以从 ArcGIS Server 管理员目录中验证关系数据存储,因此如果您的站点有多种类型的数据存储正在运行,请从 ArcGIS Server 管理员目录中验证所有数据存储。



  1. 登录 ArcGIS Server Manager。
  2. 转至服务 > 托管
  3. 检查所有服务是否正在运行。