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Adding linear events to a route redline

ArcGIS 11.3  | |  帮助归档

适用于 Location Referencing 许可。

The Add Linear Events widget allows Event Editor to add events to redlines. This provides the ability to characterize the pipeline with the appropriate attributes before the LRS editor has added or fixed the route in the LRS, so their workflow is not impeded by having an incorrect LRS route based on current information.

Learn more about redlining a route


  • This functionality is only available when you've included the redline layer in the map service configured against Event Editor.

    Learn more about deploying redline routes.

  • You can save events on redlines that have Create Route or Reverse Route activity types.
  • For the reverse route redline, the measure provided upon storage will be translated to the measures required to get the events to locate at the same location before the reverse.

You can use the following steps to add linear events using redlines. A redline with the following attributes is used for this example.

Attributes for the redline

  1. Open Event Editor and, if prompted, sign in to the Enterprise portal or ArcGIS Online.
  2. Click the Edit tab.
  3. In the Edit Events group, click Line Events 线事件.

    The Add Linear Events widget appears.


    The selections for the network To and From method and measure can be configured in advance when configuring, creating, or editing the default settings for attribute sets.

    Learn more about configuring and creating and editing default settings for attribute sets.

  4. Click the Network drop-down arrow and choose the network that will serve as a source linear referencing method (LRM) for defining the input measures for the new events.
    Add Linear Events widget
  5. Click the Select a Redline on the Map button 选择红线 to select the redline from the map.

    You can also click the Route ID drop-down arrow and click Choose Redline, then type the route ID for which the new event measures will be provided.

    Typing the route ID from the redline
  6. In the From section, click the Method drop-down arrow and use one of the following methods to choose the from measure value for the events.
    Complete the from and to methods and measures
    • Choose the network (MilePoint in this case) to enter the from measure value for a single redline.
    • Choose a reference offset method to enter the from measure value using a reference offset.
  7. Provide the intended start location for the new linear event along the redline using any of these options:
    • Type the value in the Measure text box.
    • Click the Select From Measure on the Map button 选择地图上的起始测量值 and choose the from measure value along the route on the map.
    • Click the Measure drop-down arrow and choose either Use the Route Start or Use the Route End as the from measure value for the event.
      Get the from and to measure values of the event from the route start and route end values
  8. In the To section, click the Method drop-down arrow and use one of the following methods to choose the to measure value for the events.
    • Choose the network (MilePoint in this case) to enter the to measure value for a single redline.
    • Choose a reference offset method to enter the to measure value using a reference offset.
  9. Choose the date that will define the start date of the events by doing one of the following:
    • Provide the start date in the Start Date text box.
    • Click the Start Date drop-down arrow and choose the start date.
    • Check the Use route start date check box.

    The start date default value is the current date, but you can choose a different date using the date picker.


    If you configured the Event Editor instance to not allow dates before the start date of the route, and you provide a date that is before the start date of the selected route in Start Date, a warning message appears alerting you to choose a date on or after the start date of the selected route.

  10. Choose the date that will define the end date of the events by doing one of the following:
    • Provide the end date in the End Date text box.
    • Click the End Date drop-down arrow and choose the end date.
    • Check the Use route end date check box.

    The end date is optional, and if it is not provided, the event remains valid now and into the future.

  11. 单击下一步
  12. Specify attribute information for the new event by doing one of the following:
    • Provide the attribute information for the new event in the tables defined by attribute sets.
    • Click Copy Attribute Values 复制属性值 and click a route on the map to copy event attributes from another route.

    Event Editor uses a default attribute set on the Edit tab. You can modify the attribute set to create custom attribute sets or use the administrator-configured attribute set.


    Coded values, range domains, and subtypes are supported when they're configured for any field in the Attribute-Value table.

  13. To access more information about the attribute set, do any of the following:
    • Check the Show network name check box to show the LRS Network associated with the selected event layer.
    • The list of attributes in the tables defined by attribute sets can be from more than one event layer. To identify the source event layer for each attribute, check the Show layer names check box.
    • Checking the Go to the next measure upon save check box results in prepopulating the from measure value using the to measure value of the present section to continue the event creation process. For example, this will occur if events are created on the route using a from measure value of 0 miles and a to measure value of 0.289 miles. If you click Save, using this option checked on the Attribute Set tab, the Add Linear Events widget is prepopulated with the value of 0.289 miles as the from measure value for the new events.
  14. Click Save.

    The new linear events are created and appear on the map. A confirmation message appears at the lower right once the newly added line events are saved.

After an event has been created, you can do the following to continue characterizing the route:

  • Click New Edit to clear all the input entries in the widget and restore the default values from the geodatabase to the attribute table.
  • Click Next Edit to retain all the existing entries in the widget and the attribute table for the convenience of quick editing of similar characteristics.
