使用门户日志时,您可能需要更改某些日志设置,以帮助您更有效地捕获事件。 例如,您可能需要将日志级别从默认的警告更改为信息,以便捕获与用户登录和登出组织相关的事件。 您可能还想缩短将日志保留在磁盘上的天数(从而节省磁盘空间),或更改门户存储日志的位置。
使用 Portal Administrator Directory 指定以下设置。 您所做的任何更改均会立即反映在门户中。
- 打开 Portal Administrator Directory 并以管理员身份登录。
URL 通常为 https://webadaptorhost.domain.com/webadaptorname/portaladmin。
- 单击日志 > 设置 > 编辑。
- 通过编辑日志设置页面上的选项调整日志设置。
Level | Description | Sample message |
Severe | Serious problems that require immediate attention. This level only includes severe messages. | The 'System/GPServer/PublishingTools' service is stopped or ArcGIS Server is not started. Verify these components are started and try again. |
Warning | Moderate problems that require attention. This level also includes severe messages. | Organization updated: HTTP access disabled. The portal can only be accessed through HTTPS. |
Info | Common administrative messages of the portal, including messages about organization settings being updated. This level also includes severe and warning messages. | User 'asmith' signed in to the portal. |
Fine | Common messages from use of the portal, like names of operations and requests received. This level includes severe, warning, and info messages. | Account settings updated. |
Verbose | Messages providing more detail about how the portal fulfills operations and requests. This level includes severe, warning, info, and fine messages. | Setting log level to VERBOSE before creating new site. |
Debug | Highly verbose messages designed for developers and support technicians who want to obtain a better understanding of the portal's state when troubleshooting. Don't use this level in a production environment; it may cause a decrease in performance. If you're not troubleshooting an issue, use the Warning level instead. | Failed to update index for item '44b37137e1f64de2bec832ab82043b86'. |
Off | Logging is turned off. Events are not logged with the portal. | N/A |
默认情况下,日志在磁盘上大约保留 90 天。 当日志的保留天数超出此时间范围时,则会删除此日志。 指定较小的时间范围(例如 30 天)可以避免日志目录的增长超出预期。
门户写入日志的默认目录为 C:\arcgisportal\logs。 必须将日志路径设置到门户计算机的本地目录中。 指定日志目录时,将此位置保持在门户的根级别下。 请勿将网络目录指定为日志位置。
日志目录与门户的内容目录无关。 即使修改内容目录的位置,日志也仍位于默认目录(如上所述)或您指定的目录中。