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ArcGIS Production Mapping server extension

获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。

The ArcGIS Production Mapping server extension allows you to publish Topographic Map products as a map service.

As a map service, map products can be shared to an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment and published to your Enterprise organization.

Map products can be used by any client app that can use an ArcGIS Server map service, including existing ArcGIS Desktop web and mobile clients. In addition, web developers can use the ArcGIS Server REST API to develop web maps and apps.

Enable the Production Mapping server extension

The stand-alone Production Mapping server extension installer is no longer necessary in 10.9 or later releases. However, the software must be authorized using a Production Mapping server extension license key on each machine on which it is installed.

A full base Enterprise deployment is required.

Authorize the software

Visit My Esri to obtain authorization (by email, fax, phone, or mail), and use your license key to authorize the following:

  • Production Mapping server extension
  • Map Production System (MPS) (enabled with the Production Mapping server extension license)

    The MPS web app runs with the Production Mapping server extension services published from ArcGIS Pro and must be separately installed and deployed.

    Learn more about the self-serve MPS web app

Once the Production Mapping server extension license is used to authorize each instance of ArcGIS Server, the Production Mapping server extension features and services are available to use.

Compatibility with ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro and Enterprise must be installed to compatible versions:


This applies only to services published using ArcGIS Pro.

ArcGIS Pro versionArcGIS Enterprise version











Add the Topographic Production Service capability to map services

The Production Mapping server extension extends an existing ArcGIS Server map service with an additional REST service capability for topographic production.

Learn more about the Topographic Production Service and enabling its capability.