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Creating and managing Products on Demand

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The sample interface that comes with Products on Demand (PoD) highlights the capabilities of the technology through a few tools that allow you to define, create, and export information products on demand.

Changing display settings

You can change all supported Maritime Chart Service Display settings before exporting your product.

  1. Click the Change display properties button Display Properties to open the Display Settings window.
  2. Change either your Depth Contour (Meters) or Miscellaneous properties and see your display change based on the new values.

All display property changes will be reflected on your exported product.

Defining and creating a product

The following steps guide you through defining and creating a product with PoD.

  1. Pan and Zoom to the area where you want to create a new product.
  2. Click the Define a Product button Define a Product.

    The Print Properties window appears.

  3. Define the scale of the product with a numeric value.
  4. Click the Page Size drop-down arrow and choose a size.

    Page sizes A0 and ANSI E contain common chart notes.

  5. Click the Orientation drop-down arrow and choose Portrait or Landscape.
  6. 单击应用
  7. You are now ready to insert the product extent.
  8. Click the Create a new extent button Create a new extent.
  9. Move the pointer so that it is centered over the location where you want to create the new product.
  10. Click on the map to create a new product extent.

    A new extent is inserted into the map.

Moving an existing product

After inserting a new extent, you may want to adjust its location. To adjust the position of your product extent, you can use the Move an extent tool.

  1. Click the Move an extent button Move a custom extent.
  2. Move the pointer over the Area Of Interest (AOI) on the map.
  3. Click and drag to move the AOI.

    If you have two or more overlapping AOIs, choose the product in the Export Queue first. If necessary, click Move an extent to move the AOI.

Exporting a product

You can export one or multiple products created from the Export Queue list using the following steps.

  1. Click the Export products button Export .

    The Export Queue window appears.

  2. If there is more than one product in the export queue, choose the one you want to export.

    To choose multiple products, press the Ctrl key while you click the products you want to export from the Export Queue list.


    If nothing in the Export Queue is chosen, all the products in the queue will be exported.

  3. Click the Export Products button Export Products.

    The export process begins. After the product is exported, right-click Open to open and view it in a new tab or window.

  4. 注:

    If you want to download your exported product, you must do so before exiting or refreshing the PoD website. The download link will no longer be accessible once the website is refreshed.

Deleting a product

You can delete one or multiple products by choosing them in the Export Queue window.

  1. If there is more than one product in the Export Queue, choose the one you want to delete.

    To choose multiple products, press Ctrl while you click the products you want to delete from the Export Queue.

  2. Click the Delete button Delete.
  3. 单击确定
  4. The product is deleted.


    You can also press Delete on your keyboard to remove a chosen product.