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静默安装 ArcGIS Server

ArcGIS 11.3 (Windows)  | |  帮助归档

如果使用 Windows Installer 命令行参数来运行安装程序,则无需通过用户界面即可安装 ArcGIS Server


如果您要升级到 11.3,请参阅常见升级问题以了解详细信息。


  • .NET 扩展模块支持功能要求安装适当版本的 Microsoft .NET。 如果未找到适当的版本,则无法安装 .NET 扩展模块支持功能。

有关适当版本的信息,请参阅 ArcGIS Server 系统要求


静默安装 ArcGIS Server 时需要用到以下参数。


    在静默安装过程中,需要提供此属性才能接受“最终用户许可协议”。 指定“是”将同意 EULA 并安装软件。 指定“否”或忽略此属性将导致安装失败。 下载内容中包含最终用户许可协议 (EULA) 的 PDF 版本。 该 EULA.pdf 文件位于 \Documentation 文件夹中。


<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes


以下是静默安装 ArcGIS Server 时将使用的可选 Windows Installer 命令行参数。 使用这些命令可更改 ArcGIS Server 的安装位置。

  • INSTALLDIR=<安装位置>

    该属性用于通过命令行指定 ArcGIS Server 的安装位置。 如果您没有设置其属性,则使用默认安装位置 C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\

示例 1:更改 ArcGIS Server 的安装位置:

<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes INSTALLDIR=C:\NewServerDir USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=my.password

示例 2:不安装 .NET 扩展模块支持功能:

<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes ADDLOCAL=GIS_Server USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=my.password

使用命令行参数配置 ArcGIS Server 帐户

以静默方式安装 ArcGIS Server 时必须配置 ArcGIS Server 帐户。 对于生产系统,建议指定一个预先存在于域或 Active Directory 中并且遵循组织安全策略的帐户。 如果在静默安装中未使用命令行参数配置 ArcGIS Server 帐户,则帐户将设置为本地系统帐户。 这主要是为了方便快速安装 ArcGIS Server


以后可以通过运行“配置 ArcGIS Server 帐户”实用程序更改 ArcGIS Server 帐户。 该实用程序可从开始 > ArcGIS > ArcGIS Server > 配置 ArcGIS Server 帐户获得。 当系统弹出提示时,请输入要用于 ArcGIS Server 的帐户名称和密码。 使用该选项可将配置文件与此信息一同保存,以加快在其他 ArcGIS Server 计算机上进行配置的过程,同时减少因疏忽而输入错误名称或密码的几率。 虽然帐户密码已加密,但也需要将配置文件存储在一个安全的位置。

使用下面的命令行参数配置 ArcGIS Server 帐户。

直接传送 ArcGIS Server 帐户凭据


如果 ArcGIS Server 帐户在静默安装 (/qb) 过程中未定义或凭据无效,则 ArcGIS Server 安装程序将在安装期间显示一条警告消息。 可单击确定关闭消息。 在上述情况下,ArcGIS Server 帐户将设置为本地系统帐户。

  • USER_NAME=<操作系统帐户>

    此帐户可以是域帐户,也可以是本地帐户。 如果使用的是域帐户,则必须是一个已存在的帐户。 如果使用的是本地帐户,则帐户尚不存在时将创建帐户。 如果帐户无效,则在安装过程中会弹出一个消息框,提示帐户或密码无效。


    此参数应仅与托管服务帐户配合使用。 托管服务帐户必须是一个在您的域上已存在的帐户。 请勿将此参数与本地帐户或具有密码的域帐户配合使用。 托管服务帐户将不会使用 PASSWORD 参数。

  • PASSWORD=<帐户密码>

    这是为 USER_NAME 参数指定的帐户的密码。 如果密码无效,则在安装过程中会弹出一个消息框,提示帐户或密码无效。



命令行参数区分大小写。 如果进行命令行安装时出现问题,请确认大小写是否与示例中显示的属性相匹配。


<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes USER_NAME=mydomain\mydomainaccount PASSWORD=my.password


<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=my.password


<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes MSA=TRUE USER_NAME=mydomain\mymsa

使用服务器配置文件导入 ArcGIS Server 帐户凭据

要使用服务器配置文件导入 ArcGIS Server 帐户凭据,以下两个命令行参数必须同时使用。

  • ACCOUNT=UseConfigFile

    使用的 ACCOUNT 命令行参数必须与上面显示的完全相同。 此属性没有其他有效值。

  • CONFIGPATH=<服务器配置文件的完整路径和名称>

    与 ACCOUNT=UseConfigFile 配合使用,此属性用于指定用于配置 ArcGIS Server 帐户的服务器配置文件。 通过在安装 ArcGIS Server 时导出服务器配置文件(从早期安装或从其他计算机导出服务器配置文件)来创建服务器配置文件。 有关详细信息,请参阅 ArcGIS Server 帐户


<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes ACCOUNT=UseConfigFile CONFIGPATH=\\networkmachine\serverconfigs\standardaccount.xml


命令行参数区分大小写。 如果进行命令行安装时出现问题,请确认大小写是否与示例中显示的属性相匹配。

ArcGIS Server 帐户凭据导出至服务器配置文件


将服务器配置文件导出至网络共享时,计算机上安装 ArcGIS Server 的本地系统帐户必须具有对网络共享的写入权限。 例如,如果您在名为 Quick 的计算机上安装 ArcGIS Server,则 Quick 上的“本地系统”帐户必须具有对网络共享的写入权限。 如果未设置该权限,服务器配置文件可能不会成功导出。 如果您不确定如何正确设置网络共享的权限,请联系系统管理员,或本地导出服务器配置文件,然后将其复制到网络共享。

要将 ArcGIS Server 帐户凭据导出至服务器配置文件,以下两个命令行参数必须同时使用。


    利用此属性可导出通过 USER_NAME 和 PASSWORD 命令行参数输入的帐户信息。 帐户信息存储在加密的 XML 文件中,称为服务器配置文件。 默认情况下此属性设置为 No。

  • CONFIGPATH=<服务器配置文件的完整路径和名称>

    与 EXPORTCONFIG=Yes 配合使用,此属性可用于定义服务器配置文件的名称和存储位置。 文件名必须以 .xml 结尾,且指定的文件夹必须已存在。 如果文件的扩展名不是 .xml 而且指定的目录不存在,则无法成功创建服务器配置文件。


<path to the ArcGIS Server setup download>\setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes EXPORTCONFIG=Yes CONFIGPATH=\\networkmachine\serverconfigs\standardaccount.xml


命令行参数区分大小写。 如果进行命令行安装时出现问题,请确认大小写是否与示例中显示的属性相匹配。

静默授权 ArcGIS Server

运行以下命令,静默授权 ArcGIS Server,如有必要可编辑命令行,以反映实际授权文件位置:

<System disk drive>\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\tools\SoftwareAuthorization\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /S /Ver <Version number> /LIF <path to .prvc authorization file>authorizationfile.prvc


.prvc 授权文件必须在运行静默授权 ArcGIS Server 的命令之前完成全部用户信息。 在文本编辑器中打开授权文件并完成用户信息部分。

使用 createsite 命令行实用程序创建 ArcGIS Server 站点

10.6 版本中,安装 ArcGIS Server 后,您可以使用 createsite 命令行实用程序创建一个新的 ArcGIS Server 站点。 使用 createsite 实用程序的两个可用选项如下:

  • 以管理员身份在命令提示符中运行 createsite 实用程序,并指定用户名、密码、config-store 和目录参数。
  • 将提供一个包含指定参数的 文件。

要使用 createsite 命令行实用程序,请使用 -h-help 运行 createsite.bat 脚本,如下所示:

<ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>\tools\createsite\createsite.bat -help

该实用程序的使用示例:createsite.bat [-u <arg>] [-p <arg>] [-d <arg>] [-c <arg>]

使用文件的使用示例:createsite.bat [-f <FILE>]


如果在 文件中引用路径,则必须转义反斜线,例如,C:\\arcgisserver\\config-store\\\\<Absolute path to>\\<Server config-store>


-u; --username



-p; --password



-d; --directory




\\\\<Absolute path to>\\<Server directories>

-c; --configstore

ArcGIS Server 站点的配置存储。



\\\\<Absolute path to>\\<ArcGIS Server config-store>

-f; --file

createsite 实用程序的属性文件。

默认情况下, 文件位于此位置:

<ArcGIS Server Installation Directory>\tools\createsite

-h; --help

显示命令行帮助并退出。 文件示例:

# Configuration properties for Server site creation
# User name for primary site administrator.
# Cannot contain these characters: \/:*?<>"
# Password for primary site administrator.
# Cannot contain these characters: \/:*?<>"
# Initially, leave SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED set to false.
# When you run the tool the first time, the password will be
# encrypted and SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED will change to true.
# Root server directory. By default, the server directories will be created locally, 
# e.g.C:\\arcgisserver\\directories, or \\\\<Absolute path to>\\<Server directories>.
# Configuration store for the ArcGIS Server site. By default, the configuration store will be created locally, 
# e.g. C:\\arcgisserver\\config-store, or \\\\<Absolute path to>\\<Server config-store>.

在工具退出之前,您将收到一条消息,表明已成功创建 ArcGIS Server 站点。

Uninstall ArcGIS Server silently

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 11.3 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {BFADF38F-B9D3-40E6-AFD5-7DA1DA5BD349}DF38F-B9D3-40E6-AFD5-7DA1DA5BD349} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 11.2 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {30269B69-BC12-45EB-BE81-A76831CA6644} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 11.1 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {0F6C2D4F-9D41-4D25-A8AF-51E328D7CD8F} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 11.0 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {A14CF942-415B-461C-BE3C-5B37E34BC6AE} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {E4A5FD24-5C61-4846-B084-C7AD4BB1CF19} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.9 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {32A62D8E-BE72-4B28-AA0E-FE546D827240} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {E9B85E31-4C31-4528-996B-F06E213F8BB3} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.8 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {458BF5FF-2DF8-426B-AEBC-BE4C47DB6B54} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.7.1 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {08E03E6F-95D3-4D33-A171-E0DC996E08E3} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.7 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {98D5572E-C435-4841-A747-B4C72A8F76BB} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.6.1 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {F62B418D-E9E4-41CE-9E02-167BE4276105} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.6 silently, run this command from the command line:

msiexec /x {07606F78-D997-43AE-A9DC-0738D91E8D02} /qb

Uninstall ArcGIS Server language packs silently

To uninstall ArcGIS Server 11.3 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 11.2 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 11.1 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 11.0 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.9 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.8 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.7.1 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.7 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.6.1 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack


To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.6 language packs silently, replace the product code with the product code of the language pack to be uninstalled. Language pack product codes are listed in the following table:

Language packProduct code

ArcGIS Server Arabic language pack


ArcGIS Server Chinese language pack


ArcGIS Server French language pack


ArcGIS Server German language pack


ArcGIS Server Italian language pack


ArcGIS Server Japanese language pack


ArcGIS Server Portuguese language pack


ArcGIS Server Russian language pack


ArcGIS Server Spanish language pack


ArcGIS Server Turkish language pack
