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What's new in Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 and 10.5.1

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 and 10.5 include changes and improved functionality in the portal website. For a list of issues fixed at 10.5.1, see the 10.5.1 Issues Addressed List. For a list of issues fixed at 10.5, see the 10.5 Issues Addressed List.

Review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with version 10.5 or 10.5.1 and to see a list of functionality that has been deprecated. To review which earlier ArcGIS product versions are compatible with Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 or 10.5.1, see Portal compatibility with earlier versions of ArcGIS.

Distributed collaboration

With distributed collaboration, you can connect and distribute your GIS across a network of portals. ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1 supports distributed collaborations with ArcGIS Online. For additional details, see about distributed collaboration.

ArcGIS Enterprise Builder

ArcGIS Enterprise Builder provides a simple installation and configuration experience for a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on a single machine.

With ArcGIS Enterprise Builder, the experience to install and configure a base deployment is quick and efficient. The builder gathers your requirements through a streamlined wizard. Once requirements are met, installation and configuration is completed behind the scenes to save you time.

Update accounts that access Living Atlas of the World content

As the portal administrator, you can update the ArcGIS Online accounts used by the portal to access Living Atlas of the World subscriber and premium content. For example, you might need to update the account's password or change to an account that has been allotted more credits in the ArcGIS Online organization.

New privileges available for custom roles

Beginning with 10.5.1, the following new privileges are available when defining custom roles to provide you more fine-grained control of user access in the portal website:

  • View content shared with portal—Members of a custom role that include this privilege can see and search for content shared with the portal. When the privilege is not included in the custom role, members can only see items they own or that are shared with groups to which they belong. This general privilege is unchecked by default when you create a custom role.
  • GeoAnalytics Feature Analysis—Members of a custom role that includes this privilege can use GeoAnalytics Tools. When the privilege is not included in the custom role, GeoAnalytics Tools are not available to members even if the portal has a GeoAnalytics server configured. This general privilege is unchecked by default when you create a custom role in 10.5.1. However, existing custom roles that included the Spatial Analysis privilege will include the GeoAnalytics Feature Analysis privilege when you upgrade to 10.5.1. If you do not want this privilege included in the existing custom role, remove it.
  • Raster Analysis—Members of a custom role that includes this privilege can use raster analysis tools. When the privilege is not included in the custom role, raster analysis tools are not available to members even if the portal has a raster analysis server configured. This general privilege is unchecked by default when you create a custom role in 10.5.1. However, existing custom roles that included the Spatial Analysis privilege will include the Raster Analysis privilege when you upgrade to 10.5.1. If you do not want this privilege included in the existing custom role, remove it.
  • View—Members of a custom role that include this privilege can see the list of portal members on the My Organization page of the portal website, and they can access information about each member through the Action menu.
  • Create with update capabilities—You can grant this privilege to an administrative custom role to allow members to create a group whose members can update all items that are shared to the group.
  • View all—You can grant this privilege to an administrative custom role to allow members to view all groups owned by members of the portal organization.

The Spatial Analysis privilege has been renamed Standard Feature Analysis.

Changes in app licensing

Beginning with 10.5.1, you can only provision GeoPlanner for ArcGIS and Navigator for ArcGIS licenses to portal members with membership level 2.

Match ArcGIS Online user names in Portal for ArcGIS

If the same SAML-compliant identity provider is used in your ArcGIS Online organization and your portal, the enterprise user names can be configured to match. See Configuring a SAML-compliant identity provider with your portal for details.

Improvements for hosted layers

  • When publishing CSV files as hosted feature layers, you can now specify the time zone of your date and time data. The specified time zone is used to mitigate the offset introduced when converting your date and time data to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
  • You can add a CSV file to your portal and publish it as a table layer. This is useful if you want to share nonspatial attributes. You can also add or drag the CSV file into the map viewer. If the file does not contain x, y coordinates or addresses, a table layer will be added to the map.
  • You can view and edit related records in the map viewer for feature layers that have related records.
  • You can add and view attached files or photos to hosted table layers or the attribute tables of feature layers.
  • When deleting files from My Content that are the source for a hosted layer, the files cannot be deleted until the dependent hosted layer is deleted. For example, if you upload a zipped shapefile and publish a hosted feature layer from it, you cannot delete the zipped shapefile from My Content until you delete the hosted feature layer. However, if you do not need the source file anymore (for example, you don't intend to ever overwrite the hosted feature layer published from the zipped shapefile), you can delete the source file from the Settings tab on the file's item page. When deleting here, you receive a message listing all dependent hosted layers, but you can proceed with deleting the file.
  • When the portal administrator changes the owner of a primary hosted feature layer, ownership is also changed for all dependent layers and files.
  • Editable hosted feature layers have a new option to allow users to add features but not view them or any other features in the layer. This is useful when you want the public to contribute information but not view publicly sourced information until you've had a chance to review it.
  • You can create a custom expression written in the Arcade scripting language when you change styles on feature layers in the map viewer.
  • When you publish a hosted feature layer from a feature collection, you can provide a unique name for the hosted feature layer that is different from the source feature collection's name.

New in the scene viewer

You can now add point cloud scene layers and vector tile layers to the scene viewer.

New 3D symbology options are available in the scene viewer for point scene layers.

New analysis tools

The following standard feature analysis tools have been added to the map viewer:

  • Join Features—Allows you to transfer attributes from one layer or table to another based on spatial and attribute relationships.
  • Find Outliers—Determines if there are any statistically significant outliers in the spatial pattern of your data.
  • Geocode Locations from Table—Provide a table or file containing addresses to this tool, and it geocodes the locations and produces a comma-separated values file, an Excel spreadsheet, or a hosted feature layer containing those locations. You can use these outputs in analysis in your portal, or download and use them in analysis in other products.

Improved directions and routing

As an alternative to generating routes using the current time, you now have the option of specifying a start time for the route. Directions also include the arrival and departure time at stops as well as the typical travel time.

You can draw a line across a route to specify barriers that represent temporary restrictions. When you generate directions, the resulting routes will not use streets that intersect the line barriers. This is useful when you want to ensure that certain streets are not considered when finding routes. For example, you may want to avoid road closures or crowds resulting from events such as marathons, protests, or concerts at a nearby stadium.

New boundary layers available

Boundary layers for over 100 additional countries are now available on My Esri. You can download the service definition files you need and configure them in your portal.

Changes in Living Atlas of the World content

If your portal is configured to access Living Atlas content, you will have access to additional content with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1, including vector tile layers and web maps. Vector tile layers generally draw more rapidly than raster-based tile layers, so you can improve drawing performance in your maps by using vector tile layers as basemaps.

The following new layers and maps are available in 10.5.1:

Content typeItem typeItem names


Web maps

Dark Gray Canvas, Imagery Hybrid, Light Gray Canvas, Navigation, Terrain with Labels, Topographic, Streets, Streets (Night), Streets (with Relief), USA Congressional Districts

Vector tile layers

Dark Gray Canvas, Dark Gray Canvas Base, Dark Gray Canvas Reference, Hybrid Reference Layer, Light Gray Canvas, Light Gray Canvas Base, Light Gray Canvas Reference, World Navigation Map, World Street Map, World Street Map (with Relief), World Street Map (Night), World Terrain with Labels, World Topographic Map

Feature layers

USA 115th Congressional Districts, USA Bureau of Land Management Lands, USA Critical Habitat, USA Federal Lands, USA Fish and Wildlife Service Lands, USA Forest Service Lands, USA Historic Sites, USA National Park Service Lands, USA Native Lands, USA Protected Areas


Imagery layers

USA Protected Areas - GAP Status 1-4, USA Protected Areas - GAP Status 1, USA Protected Areas - GAP Status 2, USA Protected Areas - GAP Status 3, USA Protected Areas - GAP Status 4, USA Protected From Land Cover Conversion

Be aware that the life cycle of Living Atlas content is independent of ArcGIS Enterprise. Therefore, Living Atlas content can be placed in mature support status or, on rare occasions, retired regardless of what ArcGIS Enterprise release you have deployed. When content is in mature support, you can still access it; however, you should begin using alternate content, as content in mature support will not be updated and could be retired at some point.

At the time of the ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1 release, the content listed in the following table has entered mature support. You can use the ID provided to find the replacement item. Use the search in the portal website, and type id:<ID>, where <ID> is the ID of the item you want to find in the portal.

Content typeItem typeItem now in mature support and IDReplacement item and ID


Web maps

World Hydro Reference Overlay


Esri Hydro Reference Overlay



Map image layers, feature layers

USA All Federal Lands


USA Federal Lands




USA Bureau of Land Management Lands


USA Critical Habitat


USA Critical Habitat


USA Critical Habitat 2014


USA Critical Habitat Final


USA Native American Lands


USA Native Lands




USA National Park Service Lands




USA Forest Service Lands




USA Fish and Wildlife Service Lands


Imagery layers

USA All Federal Lands


USA Federal Lands




USA Bureau of Land Management Lands


USA Critical Habitat


USA Critical Habitat Final


USA Critical Habitat Final 2014


USA Critical Habitat Final


USA Critical Habitat Proposed 2014


USA Critical Habitat Proposed


USA Critical Habitat American Crocodile


USA Critical Habitat American Crocodile


USA Critical Habitat Atlantic Salmon


USA Critical Habitat Atlantic Salmon


USA Critical Habitat Bull Trout


USA Critical Habitat Bull Trout


USA Critical Habitat California Condor


USA Critical Habitat California Condor


USA Critical Habitat Chinook Salmon


USA Critical Habitat Chinook Salmon


USA Critical Habitat Chum Salmon


USA Critical Habitat Chum Salmon


USA Critical Habitat Coho Salmon


USA Critical Habitat Coho Salmon


USA Critical Habitat Delta Smelt


USA Critical Habitat Delta Smelt


USA Critical Habitat Desert Tortoise


USA Critical Habitat Desert Tortoise


USA Critical Habitat Marbled Murrelet


USA Critical Habitat Marbled Murrelet


USA Critical Habitat Mexican Spotted Owl


USA Critical Habitat Mexican Spotted Owl


USA Critical Habitat Northern Spotted Owl


USA Critical Habitat Northern Spotted Owl


USA Critical Habitat Peninsular Bighorn Sheep


USA Critical Habitat Peninsular Bighorn Sheep


USA Critical Habitat Sockeye Salmon


USA Critical Habitat Sockeye Salmon


USA Critical Habitat West Indian Manatee, 3b47038fc63f4ddb8f8fc0dac8aefd29

USA Critical Habitat West Indian Manatee, 6e8111040d4149fd8d85c249dc2b835a

USA Historic Sites


USA Historic Sites


USA Native American Lands


USA Native Lands




USA National Park Service Lands


USA Protected Areas


USA Protected Areas


USA Unprotected Areas


USA Unprotected Areas




USA Forest Service Lands




USA Fish and Wildlife Service Lands


The following content has been retired at the time of the ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1 release.

Retired item and IDReplacement item and IDType of content

National Water Model (10 Day Forecast), 725bdde85e084708949ccb749991cbc8

National Water Model (10 Day Forecast), f43c154ef3b9421bbda14bc17f9e98d2

map image layer (default content)

If your 10.5 portal accessed subscriber or premium Living Atlas content, you need to upgrade the content after upgrading software. See Upgrade Portal for ArcGIS in the Portal for ArcGIS installation guide for instructions to upgrade the portal and Living Atlas content.

Changes in app templates

The Story Map Cascade configurable app is available in Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1.

By default, a My Stories item is available in Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 that you can use to access the My Stories app.

Two new configuration options are available to customize web app templates you create: basemaps, which lets template users add a drop-down list of Esri basemaps to their app, and conditional, which allows template users to hide or display options based on template conditions.

The Finder and Find, Edit, Filter configurable app templates have been retired.

New functionality in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

You now can add custom widgets to your portal and use them in the builder environment when you create an app.

In addition, the following widgets have been added or improved in 10.5.1. For more information, see Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS help.

  • A new Extent Navigate widget is available for navigating the map to its previous or next extent.
  • A new Legend (3D) widget is available for viewing legend information in 3D apps.
  • The Add Data widget now supports adding layers from groups and local files including shapefiles, CSV, GPX, and GeoJSON.
  • The Directions widget now supports predefined start and end stops and displays the default travel modes when the travel mode URL is not specifically configured.
  • The Smart Editor widget now hides the cache layer from the app so it no longer shows on the Layer List and Legend widgets.
  • The Near Me and District Lookup widgets have new options for advanced search and using a pushpin button to set location.
  • The symbol picker in the Draw widget now supports custom images as point symbols.
  • Two new tools are available in the Analysis widget: Join Features and Join Outliers.
  • Plan Routes, Connect Origins To Destinations, and Find Nearest tools in the Analysis widget now have a configurable option to include Route Layer as a result layer.
  • The Layer List widget now supports showing or hiding labels for a layer.
  • You can now configure the labels for the Tasks and Results tabs in the Query widget.
  • Layer List (3D) now supports displaying layer hierarchy and terrain layers.
  • The Basemap Gallery widget allows you to import basemaps from a group and also has a new option to always synchronize with the basemap gallery setting of the organization.
  • Unsupported basemaps with different tiling schemas from the current basemap are now excluded from the Basemap Gallery widget.
  • When running a query against a related table, all the related features are now highlighted on the map and listed in the Query panel. Further, you can change the symbol to highlight the query result differently on the map and allow users to export query results.
  • You can now add markers to the features and locations you are interested in or remove markers from them.
  • In a pop-up, related records now use the pop-up title defined in the map viewer as the default display name instead of the display name defined in the service. Optionally, you can change the title to a different field name.
  • Label configurations in a layer are now honored in the app.
  • Feature sets—for example a query result, a GP result, or a selection set—can now be saved to My Content.

Changes that affect the webgisdr utility

The webgisdr utility is installed with Portal for ArcGIS, but is used to create backups and restore ArcGIS Enterprise deployments. In 10.5.1, changes in the following areas affect the use of the webgisdr utility:

Changes in language support

The Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 website has been localized to the following new languages:

  • Bosnian (BS)
  • Hindi (HI)
  • Indonesian (ID)

Beginning with 10.5.1, the Portal for ArcGIS help and administrator guides will not be translated into Portuguese (Portugal).

What's new in 10.5

Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 includes stability enhancements and improved functionality.

Introducing ArcGIS Enterprise

At 10.5, the product formerly known as ArcGIS for Server is now called ArcGIS Enterprise. When you purchase ArcGIS Enterprise, you get the ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Data Store, and ArcGIS Web Adaptor software components; you can install these to deploy Web GIS in your own infrastructure.

As part of this name change, 10.5 also introduces licensing roles for ArcGIS Server to enable different capabilities for your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. You install the ArcGIS Server component and license it as one of the following:

  • ArcGIS GIS Server
  • ArcGIS Image Server
  • ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server
  • ArcGIS GeoEvent Server
  • ArcGIS Business Analyst Server

See About ArcGIS Server licensing roles for more information. To learn more about ArcGIS Enterprise, see What is ArcGIS Enterprise?.


Due to changes in the Portal for ArcGIS licensing model at 10.5, if you are upgrading your existing Portal for ArcGIS implementation, you will need to authorize with new license files. This step was not necessary at previous releases. You can access your new authorization files in My Esri. It is strongly recommended that you review the upgrade documentation before upgrading to 10.5.

Assign members to new membership levels and a default Viewer role

At 10.5, Portal for ArcGIS administrators can leverage two levels of membership when assigning organizational roles and privileges to members. These multiple levels of membership are designed to provide a broader range of privileges to your organizational members.

In addition to the default User, Publisher, and Administrator roles, a default Viewer role is available for members with a limited set of privileges.

Use Living Atlas of the World content

At 10.5, Living Atlas of the World content published by Esri is available to all portal members.

Living Atlas content hosted in ArcGIS Online is available by default in your portal. Portal members can add Living Atlas layers to their own maps and scenes, create apps that contain Living Atlas content, and use maps and scenes from Living Atlas.

As a portal administrator, you can configure the portal to allow access to additional Living Atlas subscriber and premium content. You can also configure analysis tools in the map viewer to access Living Atlas layers.

If your portal cannot access the Internet, you can still provide your portal members with access to Living Atlas content boundary layers.

Perform big data analysis with ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

Beginning at ArcGIS 10.5, you can perform feature analysis using distributed computing with the tools provided by ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server. These tools can analyze patterns and aggregate data in the context of both space and time as well as help you answer questions such as the following:

  • Using millions of emergency calls accumulated over decades, which areas had the highest rates of emergency calls?
  • What are the most popular locations for taxi pickups in New York City, and how is this trend changing weekly?
  • What is the flight path of recorded GPS tracks, and how many of those paths occurred within 100 km of a no-fly zone in 2015?

ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server enables distributed analysis across multiple ArcGIS Server machines. By harnessing the compute power of multiple machines, your analysis can be performed more quickly and with larger quantities of data than could previously be computed on a single machine.

The big data analysis tools are hosted as a series of tasks in ArcGIS Server as part of GeoAnalytics Server. To expose the tools to your portal members—through the map viewer, ArcGIS Pro, or the ArcGIS REST API—you'll need to follow the instructions in Set up ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server.

Perform large raster data analysis with ArcGIS Image Server

At 10.5, you can perform large raster data analysis using distributed computing with the tools provided by ArcGIS Image Server. These tools use the existing raster function analysis capability to allow you to build your own custom raster processing or analysis workflow using ArcGIS Pro as a client, and generate the analysis result at full resolution.

A subset of the raster analysis tools is also available in the map viewer.

The raster analysis tools are hosted as a series of tasks in ArcGIS Server as part of ArcGIS Image Server. To expose the tools to your portal members through the portal map viewer, the ArcGIS REST API, or through ArcGIS Pro, follow the instructions in Configure the portal to perform raster analysis.

Share content with multiple portals using portal-to-portal collaboration

Beginning with Portal for ArcGIS 10.5, you can establish a connection between multiple portals to allow users to share content across your organization. This connection, called a portal collaboration, can be between multiple on-premises portals. This allows you to distribute your Web GIS into one that spans multiple Web GIS deployments.

Once you've set up a portal-to-portal collaboration, members can share content to a group that's linked to the other portals in the collaboration. Content shared with that group will be copied to the other portals according to a schedule that you determine. See About portal-to-portal collaboration for more information.

ArcGIS Python API

ArcGIS Python API is a powerful, modern, and easy to use Python SDK for Web GIS. It empowers publishers, administrators, and developers to automate their workflows and perform repetitive tasks using scripts in ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS. By integrating with the Jupyter Notebook and the SciPy stack, it also enables academics, data scientists, and GIS analysts to share geo-enriched literate programs and reproducible research with others. To learn more about what you can do with this API, see ArcGIS Python API.

Explore your data with Insights for ArcGIS

Insights for ArcGIS allows you to create dynamic collections of data in workbooks where you visualize and interact with your data to gain spatial understanding. An Insights workbook is a new item type in Portal for ArcGIS that provides an exploratory spatial analysis experience.

See Configure the portal to support Insights for details on how to provide access to Insights to portal members.

Enable portal members to use new apps

Import entitlements into Portal for ArcGIS to provide your members with access to the following premium apps:

*Once portal members have been assigned a license for one or more of these apps, they can access the app through the Apps button Apps button, which appears in the header of the portal website when the member logs in to the portal.

Improvements in disaster recovery workflows

When you implement a replicated ArcGIS Enterprise deployment at 10.5, the machine names in the standby deployment do not have to be the same as the machine names in the primary deployment; you just have to use the same URLs to access the portal and the same services URLs for the ArcGIS Server sites in the deployments on both the primary and standby. For example, if the URL to access the portal on the primary deployment is and the services URL for the GIS Server site on the primary deployment is, the standby deployment must use the same URLs for its portal and GIS Server site.

When you use the webgisdr utility to transfer data changes to the standby deployment or to create a backup of your deployment, you now have the option to create incremental backups. Creating an incremental backup of your ArcGIS Enterprise takes less time and produces a smaller backup file. Use a full backup to initially populate your standby deployment, then use incremental backups to transfer the changes made to the primary deployment after that. For ArcGIS Enterprise backups used for disaster recovery, you can create full backups on a less frequent basis and create incremental backups at more frequent intervals in between the full backups. Incremental backups contain all changes since the last full backup, so if you have to restore your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, restore the last full backup and then restore the last incremental backup.

Improved item pages

Item pages have been redesigned with improved workflows, performance, and layout. They also include new functionality that helps you explore and work with content. For content consumers, the pages provide more ways to explore items in-depth. For content creators and administrators, the new design makes it easier to modify item properties and configure settings.

Design improvements include the following:

  • A new tabbed layout that makes it easy to find, add, and edit information about an item.
  • More in-depth information is provided for each item, with the most important information presented first.
  • Convenient, in-place editing of item descriptions and other information.
  • More intuitive workflow for configuring editing options for feature layers.

New functionality includes the following:

  • An interactive attribute table that integrates related records and attachments, making it easy to navigate and edit hosted feature layer data and view all aspects of a field together, including field values, summary statistics, and settings.
  • A focused experience for content creators and consumers to configure feature layer styles, pop-ups, and other layer properties without having to leave the item page to go to the map viewer.
  • The ability to create configurable apps from maps and scenes directly from the item pages.
  • You can now reply to a comment on an item when viewing an item page.

Manage story maps with My Stories

My Stories is an app that portal members can use to build and manage story maps. To help your portal members access My Stories, you can configure an item that your portal members can use to open My Stories.

Option to unfederate ArcGIS Server site using the portal app removed

The button to unfederate an ArcGIS Server site from your portal has been removed from the Servers tab under Edit Settings for your portal. This option was removed to decrease the likelihood of unfederating sites without understanding the consequences of this action. Unfederating a site will break connections between items in the portal and the ArcGIS Server site, and portal members will no longer be able to use that content.

You can still remove a site using the Portal for ArcGIS administration API. See Removing an ArcGIS Server site from your portal for details.

Security fixes and enhancements

At Portal for ArcGIS 10.5, administrators have more control over the security settings in their organization. They can choose to allow members to edit biographical information and configure who can see their profiles.

Two new general privileges have been added to control edits on hosted feature layers: Edit and Edit with full control. When you add Level 2 licensed portal members to a custom role that does not have privileges to edit features, members of that role cannot edit hosted feature layers even if the layers are configured to allow editing. When you add Level 2 licensed portal members to a custom role that has privileges to edit with full control, those members can add, update, and delete features in editable hosted feature layers even if the layer is only configured to allow, for example, attribute updates.

ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services

Since the Esri Amazon Machine Images include Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, and ArcGIS Data Store, the product formerly called ArcGIS Server on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is now ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services.

Improvements for Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 deployments on AWS include the ability to store your portal content directory in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket and new CloudFormation templates that allow you to deploy ArcGIS Enterprise using multiple machines. See What's new for ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services for details.

ArcGIS Enterprise on Microsoft Azure

ArcGIS Server on Microsoft Azure has been renamed to ArcGIS Enterprise on Microsoft Azure and the ArcGIS Server Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure has been renamed to ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure.

ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure has been improved to allow you to deploy additional ArcGIS Server sites, such as ArcGIS Image Server and ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server. See What's new in ArcGIS Enterprise on Microsoft Azure for details.

Chef cookbook updates

The Esri ArcGIS Cookbooksupports upgrading your Web GIS deployment (Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, and ArcGIS Data Store) from 10.4 or a later release.

In addition to using Chef for the administration of your deployment, you can now also use Chef to automate the publication of ArcGIS Server services using service definition files.

New item types

The following new item types are supported in Portal for ArcGIS 10.5:

  • Big data file share—A big data file share item is created for each big data file share you register with your portal's federated servers. The big data file share item in your portal allows you to browse for your registered data so that you can run GeoAnalytics Server tools on your datasets. A big data file share is only available for use if you have enabled the ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server.
  • Relational database connection—A relational database connection item allows client applications to browse the tables and views within a database for the purpose of analyzing its contents. An item of this type can be created when getting data from a database within the Insights for ArcGIS app by selecting New connection. When a relational database connection item is shared, the owner of the item is giving others the ability to browse the database's content and is not sharing any user name or password information. Before Insights for ArcGIS can create relational database connection items, an administrator must enable database connections on your portal's hosting server.
  • Insights workbook—An Insights workbook collects or associates all data and analytical activity for a project in a single place, capturing and maintaining relationships such as data locations and storing results layers, models, pages, and cards.
  • Insights model—An Insights model records your analysis steps on a workbook page, including adding and joining datasets, spatial analysis (such as spatial filtering), data analytics (such as attribute aggregation), and styling. You can edit, use, and share an Insights model to automate common analytical tasks.
  • Insights page—An Insights workbook enables you to divide your work among different pages. Each page is where you add data and analyze related content and themes. Additionally, individual pages can be shared more widely so that the interactive visualizations can be explored by others in the Insights viewer.
  • WFS layer—If you require OGC compliant feature layers, you can publish hosted WFS layers from an existing hosted feature layer or add a WFS service from an ArcGIS Server site as an item in your portal.
  • Scene layer package—Scene layer packages are portable files that contain a single web scene layer. ArcGIS Pro 1.3 generated scene packages (.spk). Beginning with ArcGIS Pro 1.4, you will create scene layer packages (.slpk) instead. Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 can work with both types of packages.
  • Image collection— An image collection is a .zip file that contains one or more image files. You can upload the .zip file to your portal and publish a hosted imagery layer.
  • When you share a geoprocessing service from ArcGIS Pro 1.4 to one of your portal's federated servers, the corresponding item created in your portal will be called a Tool. This equates to a geoprocessing service running on the federated server.


You can publish hosted WFS layers from an existing hosted feature layer. Hosted WFS layers are OGC compliant, read-only views of the hosted feature layer data from which they are published.

Beginning at ArcGIS Pro 1.4, when publishing to one of your portal's federated servers, you can choose to cache your map image or imagery layers. You can also publish a Tool or Locator to a federated server. See Share with ArcGIS Pro in the ArcGIS Pro help for details.

Hosted tile layers published to Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 are enabled for WMTS. This allows WMTS client apps to consume hosted tile layers from Portal for ArcGIS. Once your portal and hosting server are upgraded to 10.5, existing hosted tile layers can also be used in WMTS client apps.

New analysis tool

The new Choose Best Facilities analysis tool finds the set of facilities that best serve demand from surrounding areas. Facilities might be public institutions that offer a service, such as fire stations, schools, or libraries, or they might be commercial ones, such as drug stores or distribution centers for a parcel delivery service. Demand represents the need for a service that the facilities can meet. Demand is associated with point locations, with each location representing a given amount of demand.

Improvements in the map viewer

  • You can now search for layers in ArcGIS Online from your portal's map viewer. This option is enabled by default in the map viewer but can be disabled for disconnected deployments or otherwise by setting the advanced portal option for the searchArcGISOnlineEnabled property to false.
  • You can now create a basemap containing multiple layers from your map. This is useful when you have two or more layers that you want to use together as a background, or context, for your map—for example, if you have a base imagery layer and want to add a map image layer that includes reference labels on top of it, or if you want to combine multiple base layers, such as a hillshade imagery layer with a topographic map image layer. Layer types that are currently supported as basemap layers—such as tiles and WMS—can be added to a multilayer basemap in the Contents pane.
  • When using the map viewer to get driving directions, you can now make changes to the route. Drag the route on the map to dynamically alter the route and the turn-by-turn directions.
  • It's easier to share pre-calculated, optimized routes with others to use in field apps such as Navigator for ArcGIS and in web and desktop apps. Create your route in the map viewer, save the route layer as an item, and share it through the item page.
  • You can now filter your data by date to view events that happened within a certain time period—for example, in the last week, over the last two months, or in a specific year.
  • Use the new Predominant Category and Predominant Category & Size styles to compare multiple related attributes in a layer and show which attribute is predominant. For example, in a layer that shows crop production by county, it is useful to know which crop has the highest value and the degree of its predominance compared to other crops.
  • The option to search layers on the web is no longer supported in the map viewer.

Improvements in the scene viewer

The following enhancements have been made in the scene viewer:

Create apps based on scenes

You can use a configurable app or Web AppBuilder to create and publish an app based on a scene in My Content.

Enhancements for open standards

You can now add and use the following OGC service layers in Portal for ArcGIS

  • Add OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) services as items.
  • Add OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) layers to maps and as items, or publish a hosted WFS layer from a hosted feature layer in your portal.
  • Enable pop-ups in OGC Web Map Service (WMS) layers.
  • Hosted tile layers are now enabled as WMTS items, allowing you to use them in WMTS clients.

Additional language support

The Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 website has been localized to the following new languages:

  • Croatian (Hr)
  • Serbian (Sr)

Changes in configurable app templates

The following configurable app templates are new at Portal for ArcGIS 10.5:

  • 3D Data Visualization—From My Content, use this configurable app with a global or local scene to visualize numeric data.
  • Basic Viewer (10.5 version)—The configuration experience for this new version of the Basic Viewer is easier to access and use. This is part of an ongoing goal by Esri to design and implement GIS products and technologies that everyone can access and use and that align with the objectives of Section 508.
  • Compare Scenes—Explore different scenarios or locations with a side-by-side comparison of two local or global scenes.
  • Simple Scene Viewer—Present a global or local scene with a custom color theme and more context, such as a title and subtitle, than the scene viewer provides.
  • Time Aware (10.5 version)—This new version of the Time Aware app template includes improved date and time formatting and a new option for displaying data for the last 24 hours.

The Crowdsource Manager app now contains options for enabling attribute and time filters that have been set on the map, displaying noneditable layers in addition to editable layers, viewing and editing, and batch updating feature attributes.

The following app templates have been retired. Use the suggested replacement app templates instead.

Retired app templateReplacement app template

Basic Viewer

Basic Viewer (10.5 version)

Time Aware (10.4 version)

Time Aware (10.5 version)


Esri does not maintain the code on retired templates, and retired templates are not available from the map viewer. However, you can download the source code and API for retired templates and host them on your own web server. Instructions are included in readme files included with the download file.

New functionality in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

The following functionality has been added to Web AppBuilder. For more information, see Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS help.

  • An improved building experience allows you to modify the map from within Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS; you no longer need to leave the app.
  • You can now build 3D apps with scenes.
  • The Attribute tab has a new app state option. This option allows you to choose if you want to keep the map extent and layers visible when you leave the app.
  • Use the new District Lookup widget to find point features related to a selected polygon, view more detailed information about the related point features, and get directions to a selected point feature.
  • The Edit widget includes a display field in the setting page so you can choose attributes for display only when performing editing.
  • Use the new Plateau theme to create a modern and minimalist-styled app with flat toolbars and widget containers.
  • Use the new Near Me widget to find features near a specified location, view more detailed information about those features, and get directions to a selected feature.
  • The Add Color Picker theme allows you to choose your own color or match your agency's approved color palette.
  • The Select widget enables other widgets to take an action on the selected features.
  • Use the Share widget to enable a social sharing experience of apps.
  • The Add Data widget enables you to search for layers in the organization, the web, ArcGIS Online, and a GIS Server and add them to the map at runtime.
  • The enhanced Query widget adds spatial relationships such as intersect, overlap, and contain so you can perform the query against features in another layer. The result can be exported as a CSV file, GeoJSON, or feature collection.
  • Use the Filter widget to filter features. Other widgets, if applicable, will use the filter accordingly.
  • The Smart Editor widget extends the core editing widget.
  • The Oblique Viewer widget displays images in their native coordinate system using the image's coordinate system. This allows you to pan in the oblique mode, in a single viewing angle, or switch angles to view an area of interest from different angles.