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What's new in ArcGIS Server 10.5.1

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

What's new in ArcGIS Server 10.5.1

ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 is a maintenance and quality improvement release. For a list of issues that were fixed at 10.5.1, see the 10.5.1 Issues Addressed List.

It's recommended that you review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with version 10.5.1 and to see a list of functionality that has been deprecated. To review which earlier ArcGIS product versions are compatible with ArcGIS Server 10.5.1, see Compatibility of ArcGIS Server with earlier versions.

ArcGIS Enterprise Builder

ArcGIS Enterprise Builder provides a simple installation and configuration experience for a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on a single machine.

With ArcGIS Enterprise Builder, the experience to install and configure a base deployment has never been easier. The builder gathers your requirements through a streamlined and easy to use wizard. Once requirements are met, installation and configuration is completed behind the scenes to save you time.

What's new in ArcGIS Server 10.5

ArcGIS Server 10.5 introduced stability enhancements and improved functionality throughout the product. For a list of issues that were fixed at 10.5, see the 10.5 Issues Addressed List.

It's recommended that you review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with version 10.5 and to see a list of functionality that has been deprecated. Note that globe services and the mobile data access capability are deprecated at 10.5. To review which earlier ArcGIS product versions are compatible with ArcGIS Server 10.5, see Compatibility of ArcGIS Server with earlier versions.

Introducing ArcGIS Enterprise

At 10.5, the product formerly known as ArcGIS for Server is now called ArcGIS Enterprise. When you purchase ArcGIS Enterprise, you get the ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Data Store, and ArcGIS Web Adaptor software components; you can install these to deploy Web GIS in your own infrastructure.

As part of this name change, 10.5 also introduces licensing roles for ArcGIS Server to enable different capabilities for your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. You install the ArcGIS Server component and license it as one of the following:

  • ArcGIS GIS Server
  • ArcGIS Image Server
  • ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server
  • ArcGIS GeoEvent Server
  • ArcGIS Business Analyst Server

See About ArcGIS Server licensing roles for more information. To learn more about ArcGIS Enterprise, see What is ArcGIS Enterprise?.

Due to changes in the ArcGIS Server licensing model at 10.5, if you are upgrading your existing ArcGIS Server implementation, there is a modified upgrade workflow, and you will need to authorize with new license files. This step was not necessary at previous releases. You can access your new authorization files in My Esri. It is strongly recommended that you review the upgrade documentation before upgrading to 10.5.

Perform big data analysis with ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

Beginning at ArcGIS 10.5, you can perform feature analysis using distributed computing with the tools provided by ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server. These tools can analyze patterns and aggregate data in the context of both space and time as well as help you answer questions such as the following:

  • Using millions of emergency calls accumulated over decades, which areas had the highest rates of emergency calls?
  • What are the most popular locations for taxi pickups in New York City, and how is this trend changing weekly?
  • What is the flight path of recorded GPS tracks, and how many of those paths occurred within 100 km of a no-fly zone in 2015?

ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server enables distributed analysis across multiple ArcGIS Server machines. By harnessing the compute power of multiple machines, your analysis can be performed more quickly and with larger quantities of data than could previously be computed on a single machine.

To use ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, you must have Portal for ArcGIS in your deployment. For details on how to set up your deployment to enable GeoAnalytics Server, see Set up ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server.

The GeoAnalytics Server tools are available through ArcGIS REST API, ArcGIS Python API, ArcGIS Pro, and the Portal for ArcGIS map viewer. .

Perform large raster data analysis with ArcGIS Image Server

At 10.5, you can perform large raster data analysis using distributed computing with the tools provided by ArcGIS Image Server. These tools use the existing raster function analysis capability to allow you to build your own custom raster processing or analytic workflow using ArcGIS Pro as a client, and generate the analytic result at full resolution.

A subset of the raster analysis tools is also available in the Portal for ArcGIS map viewer. See Configure the portal to perform raster analysis for instructions on configuring raster analysis tools with your portal.

Perform batch geocoding of big tables with new geocoding tools

At 10.5, you can batch geocode big tables, CSV files, and Excel files using a new GeocodingTools service. This new service performs batch geocoding using any of your existing geocoding services. The service creates outputs as a hosted feature service or as file items in your portal.

To learn more about using the service, see Perform batch geocoding.

Security fixes and enhancements

ArcGIS Server 10.5 includes several fixes and enhancements that improve the security of the software. It's recommended that you upgrade to 10.5 to help protect your ArcGIS Server infrastructure.

Service enhancements

The following functionality is new for services:

  • When you publish a feature service, the Allow update of true curves property is now enabled by default. You also now have the option to restrict editors to only update true curves in feature services using a client that is capable of creating and editing true curves. See Editor permissions for feature services for more information.
  • A new property has been added to feature services to allow NaN m-values to be automatically inserted to m-enabled layers when editing their geometries. You are blocked from editing feature services that contain m-enabled layers from certain clients, such as ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS. If your layer does not need the m-values, you can enable this property on the feature service to automatically insert a NaN value. See Configure editable feature services that contain m-enabled layers for more information.
  • You can set default z-values for feature services when you publish them from ArcGIS Pro.
  • You can specify a time zone for feature services that contain time data when you publish from ArcGIS Pro.

ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services

Since the Esri Amazon Machine Images include Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, and ArcGIS Data Store, the product formerly called ArcGIS Server on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is now ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services.

For information on new functionality at 10.5, see What's new for ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services.


Register views with the geodatabase

The Register with Geodatabase geoprocessing tool has been extended to allow you to register views. When you register a view with the geodatabase, the geodatabase stores view properties, such as which field to use for an ObjectID, and information about spatial attributes. This improves performance when you add the view to a map, because ArcGIS does not have to prompt you or query the contents of the view to obtain this information.

You can also create metadata for views registered with the geodatabase, since metadata is stored in the geodatabase.

New log file table type in geodatabases in PostgreSQL and SQL Server

When you use an ArcGIS 10.5 client with a geodatabase in PostgreSQL or SQL Server, log file tables are created as temporary tables. These temporary log file tables are created per user, so there is no resource contention for multiple connections made by the same user, and the tables are automatically deleted when the client session ends. Use of temporary tables also improves performance, as data inserted into temporary tables doesn't have to be written into the database transaction logs.

ArcGIS 10.5 clients will always use temporary tables for log file tables in PostgreSQL and SQL Server; therefore, geodatabase administrators no longer need to alter log file table settings for geodatabases in these two databases. Note that ArcGIS 10.5 clients will ignore any log file changes made using the Configure Geodatabase Log File Tables tool.

New storage method for geometry attributes in geodatabases in SQL Server

At ArcGIS 10.5, feature classes you create in a geodatabase in SQL Server that use Geometry or Geography storage will store attributes such as pointIDs, multipatches, and parametric entities (such as true curves) directly in the business table. Prior to ArcGIS 10.5, this information was stored in a side table that joined with the business table. This join could cause poor performance if the side table contained lots of geometry attributes. This decreased performance was often noticed while working with parcel fabric datasets, for example.

Feature classes you migrate from the SDEBINARY storage type to Geometry or Geography storage will also use this format.

If you created your Geometry or Geography feature class or migrated data to Geometry or Geography storage prior to 10.5, you can run the Migrate Storage geoprocessing tool to move the geometry attributes into the business table and take advantage of performance improvements.

Note that 10.3 and earlier clients cannot connect to feature classes that use this new type of storage.

New default raster storage type in geodatabases

Enterprise geodatabases you create in Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server using ArcGIS 10.5 use a new type of raster storage for mosaic datasets by default: rasterblob. Rasterblob provides optimized BLOB storage of raster data in the business table of the mosaic dataset, which reduces I/O operations and improves performance. If you upgrade your geodatabase to 10.5, your default raster storage setting will not change in the geodatabase. To use the new storage type for mosaic datasets in upgraded geodatabases, export the contents of the DBTUNE table, alter the RASTER_STORAGE parameter value under the DEFAULTS configuration keyword, and import the altered contents.

Note that when you set the RASTER_STORAGE parameter to RASTERBLOB, raster datasets and raster catalogs will use BINARY (PostgreSQL or SQL Server) or BLOB (Oracle) storage.

ArcGIS client versions prior to 10.5 and ArcGIS Pro versions prior to 1.4 cannot open mosaic datasets that use rasterblob storage. If your 10.5 geodatabase will be accessed by older ArcGIS clients that need to work with mosaic datasets, change the default RASTER_STORAGE parameter in the geodatabase to BINARY (PostgreSQL or SQL Server) or BLOB (Oracle).

Synchronize open_cursors settings for geodatabases in Oracle

10.5 geodatabases in Oracle contain a stored procedure—sde.gdb_util.update_open_cursors—that allows you to synchronize the open_cursors value you have set in Oracle with the setting in your geodatabase.

ST_Transform functionality expanded for ST_Geometry data in PostgreSQL

The ST_Transform SQL function in PostgreSQL now takes a second SRID as input to allow you to convert data between two different geographic coordinate systems.

Geodatabase functionality that is no longer supported

You cannot create locators in geodatabases using an ArcGIS 10.5 client.

ArcGIS no longer supports creating datasets that contain Oracle SDO_GeoRaster. You can still view SDO_GeoRaster data in older geodatabases, but you cannot create new datasets that contain SDO_GeoRaster fields using an ArcGIS 10.5 client.