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Event Volume Controller Processor

ArcGIS 11.3  | |  Hilfearchiv

The Event Volume Controller Processor is used to filter the number of unique event records processed over an iterating time interval. Event records sent to the processor which exceed the maximum events allowed per interval are discarded and not available for further processing.


The following are example uses of the Event Volume Controller Processor:

  • The processor, placed right before a notification-based output connector such as an email, text, or instant message output, can be used to throttle the rate of messages sent. For example, if an email is to be sent when a delivery truck enters a delivery location, the processor can be used to ensure only one email is sent every 10 minutes rather than every 5 seconds the delivery truck is reporting its location.
  • An Event Volume Controller Processor placed right before an Event Joiner Processor can be used to ensure the rate of the fastest input source matches the rate of the slowest input source. For example, a vehicle reporting its location every second can be limited to every 5 seconds to match a separate feed that is reporting vehicle diagnostics every 5 seconds.

Usage notes

Keep the following in mind when working with the Event Volume Controller Processor:

  • Event records sent to the Event Volume Controller Processor must have a GeoEvent Definition with a Track ID tag. The processor uses this tagged field to evaluate the uniqueness of an event record and to keep track of when a unique event record has exceeded the maximum event threshold for the current interval.
  • Unique event records that exceed the max events per interval for the current interval are discarded and not available for further processing. For example, if the Interval parameter is set to 60 seconds and the Max Events Per Interval parameter set to 5, the processor would only process the first 5 received event records of each Track ID in an iterating 60-second interval.
  • Event records sent to the processor are evaluated on a first-in basis. This means the first event records received by the processor are evaluated and processed accordingly.
  • Event records that exceed the maximum event threshold for the current interval are discarded and not available for further processing. The discarded records are not cached.
  • Using the default setting, the processor will process one event record of any given Track ID every 60 seconds. For example, if the TRACK_ID tag is applied to a vehicle license plate field, as the live vehicle data is ingested, only the first reported event record for each unique license plate will be processed every 60 seconds. If the license plate ABC-1234 was just processed by the Event Volume Controller Processor, subsequent event records for license plate ABC-1234 received in the same 60-second interval will be discarded. Once the next 60-second interval starts, ABC-1234 will be eligible to be processed again once in that next 60-second interval. The same logic applies to other vehicles with unique license plate numbers.


The following are the parameters for the Event Volume Controller Processor:



A descriptive name for the processor used for reference in GeoEvent Manager.


Specifies the processor selected.

Interval (seconds)

Specifies the interval period, in seconds, event records will be evaluated for volumetric filtering. The default is 60.

Max Events Per Interval

Specifies the maximum number of event records, per unique Track ID, that will be processed with each interval. Event records of a particular Track ID that exceed the value set in the maximum events per interval parameter are discarded. The default is 1.

Considerations and limitations

The Event Volume Controller Processor does not currently support filtering based on queues. For example, the processor cannot fulfill a logical statement such as filter every third unique event record.