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Rename monitor services

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ArcGIS Monitor Administrator allows you to rename existing monitor services. The process involves deleting the monitor service from the Windows Services manager and then using ArcGIS Monitor Administrator to re-create and add the monitor service. Complete these steps to rename a monitor service:

  1. Start Monitor Administrator.

    The Connections view appears.

  2. Click Open on the Monitor Serverapplication connection for which you want to rename an existing monitor service.

    The collection pane appears.

  3. Click the collection in the tree view for which you want to rename an existing monitor service.
  4. Click the monitor service you want to rename in the tree view.
  5. Right-click the monitor service and click Stop.
  6. Right-click the monitor service and click Delete Monitor Service.
  7. Click the monitor service you want to rename in the tree view.
  8. Click the Monitor Service tab.
  9. Type a name for the monitor service in the Name text box.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Right-click the monitor service and click Create Monitor Service.
  12. Start the Windows Services manager and verify that the ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> service was created and is running.
  13. Update monitor service credentials as necessary.
  14. Expand each counter type under the renamed monitor service in the tree view.
  15. Click a counter under a counter type to choose it.

    The Config tab appears.

  16. Click Test to test the renamed counter.

    The test results are displayed below the Test button.

  17. Click Save if the test was successful.
  18. Repeat steps 15 through 17 for each of the remaining counters.