Mit der Production Mapping-Lizenz verfügbar.
The 11.0 release of the Production Mapping server extension includes enhancements for the Topographic Production Service (REST SOE) and self-serve Map Production System web app.
Topographic Production Service (REST SOE)
The following are enhancements to the Topographic Production Service (REST SOE):
- You can use export presets for PDF and TIFF outputs.
- Enabled products to use image services.
- You can remove jobs that have been completed or were canceled using the delete REST operation.
- Secured services are supported.
Self-serve Map Production System web app
The following are enhancements to the self-serve Map Production System (MPS) web app:
- You can delete an export from the export list.
- The panes in the MPS web app can be resized.
- You can add PDF and TIFF export properties.
- You can show or hide map service layers.