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Searching for addresses and places

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Some event editing workflows are associated with an address, and the Find Address tool in the ArcGIS Event Editor helps to explore the LRS Network. You can search for an address and zoom to its spatial location.

The Find Address tool uses the ArcGIS Online single-line geocoder. You can use another geocoder as long as it is single line. For more information of configuring the geocoder, see Configuring the ArcGIS Event Editor web application.

  1. Öffnen Sie ArcGIS Event Editor, und melden Sie sich bei Ihrer ArcGIS-Organisation an, wenn Sie dazu aufgefordert werden.
  2. Klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Karte.
  3. In the Find group, click the Find Route button and click Find Address.
    Select Find Address in Roadway Characteristics Editor
    Find Address in Roadway Characteristics Editor
  4. Enter the address you would like to explore.

    The address input does not need to be exact.

  5. Press the Enter key.

    The results of the search operation are populated in the Search Results dialog box below, along with information about the total number of result pages available.

    Find Address
  6. Click individual rows within the Search Results dialog box and the map refreshes to zoom to the extent of the selected address.
  7. Explore the results using the navigation buttons at the bottom of the dialog box.
    • Click the First Page button Erste Seite or Last Page button Letzte Seite to go to the first or last page of results, respectively.
    • Click the Next Page button Nächste Seite or Previous Page button Vorherige Seite to go to the next or previous page of results, respectively. Alternatively, you can use the drop-down arrow and choose the page number to directly access a page.