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Enable the Fixed Product type

Mit der Standard- oder Advanced-Lizenz verfügbar.

Mit der Production Mapping-Lizenz verfügbar.

Mit der ArcGIS Maritime-Lizenz verfügbar.

Fixed and custom products are supported in Custom Chart Builder (CCB). These are options set in the web app Java configuration file, ccbconfig.js. You can choose which product type your CCB app displays: Custom or fixed.

The Fixed Product option is for more standardized cartographic outputs. The host organization defines the chart extent, scale, page size, and orientation available in the web app. You can choose a chart extent from a published feature service.


You must create areas of interest (AOIs) representing chart extents before enabling the Fixed Product option.

The Custom Product option allows you to create charts anywhere. Charts are built in real time using the scale, page size, and orientation options in the app. You can add data from ArcGIS Online or your ArcGIS organization account, and the added data appears in the web map and the exported PDF. Custom Product is the default setting in the web app.

Publish areas of interest for a fixed product

A polygon feature class with areas of interest (AOIs) representing chart extents must be created before enabling the Fixed Product option. This fixed AOI polygon feature class is published as a map service to ArcGIS Server with the Feature Access capability enabled.

A fixed AOI polygon feature class must include the following mandatory fields:

Field nameExplanationData type


Displays the name inside the area of interest and is the chart title at export.



Orientation of the sheet. Valid field values are Portrait and Landscape.



Valid field values for page_size are A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, C, D, E, and Letter.



The scale of the chart product. For example, if the scale is 1:20,000, type 20000.



A sample fixed AOI polygon feature class is located at <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\customchartbuilder\ This geodatabase contains a feature class with the mandatory fields and attributes.

When extracting the .zip file, verify the file path is ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\customchartbuilder\FixedProduct\FixedProduct.gdb. The geodatabase must be inside the FixedProduct folder without a file extension.

Keep the following in mind:
  • Chart titles cannot contain special characters (such as #, %, &, +, [, ], /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |).
  • Field names must be lowercase.

It is recommended that you configure the label and symbol properties of a feature layer before publishing it to your service so that features can be identified on the map.

Learn how to label with a standard label engine and apply symbology to draw individual layers in a single category.

Complete the following steps to publish areas of interest for a fixed product:

  1. Publish your fixed product service in ArcGIS Pro.
    1. In the General section, under Service Details, for Name, type the name of the service as FixedProductExtent.
    2. For Location, click the Folder drop-down arrow and choose CCB.
    3. Click Analyze and resolve any errors or warnings.
    4. Click Publish.
  2. Sign in to your portal as a server manager by launching
  3. Click Services > Manage Services and choose the CCB folder.
  4. Click Map Service on the FixedProductExtent page, and click the Capabilities tab.
  5. Check the Feature Access capability check box.
  6. Click Save and Restart for the map service on the FixedProductExtent page.

Enable Fixed Product

Complete the following steps to change the web app from Custom Product to Fixed Product:

  1. Browse to your CCB deployment location and open the web app configuration file. If using Internet Information Server (IIS) to deploy your web app, the file is located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ccb\js\ccbconfig.js.
  2. Locate productType:"Custom" and replace "Custom" with "Fixed".
  3. Optionally, set showDisplaySettingWidget to true if you want the Display Properties tab to appear in the web app.
  4. Hide or remove parameters from the Display Settings pane by setting them to false in DisplaySettingsControls.