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ArcGIS architectures on Microsoft Azure

ArcGIS 11.4  | |  Hilfearchiv

The following diagrams provide a general guide to the resources created when you use ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azureto create deployments.

Single-tier ArcGIS Enterprise deployment

When you choose the Single tier option in Cloud Builder for an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, Cloud Builder creates virtual machines containing Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS GIS Server (for the hosting server), and ArcGIS Data Store (for the relational data store), plus Azure network infrastructure and an Azure Blob Storage container that acts as the object store for the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.

When you use the single-tier option, you can include one virtual machine or two. The following diagram shows a single-tier ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on one virtual machine:

Single-tier base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on one virtual machine in Azure created using Cloud Builder

If you include two virtual machines in a single-tier ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, both machines run Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS GIS Server, and ArcGIS Data Store configured as the relational data store. This is shown in the following diagram:

Single-tier base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on two virtual machines in Azure for high availability

Multitier ArcGIS Enterprise deployment

When you create a multitier ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, the different parts of the base deployment are installed on separate machines. This distributes resources and allows you to specify up to two machines for Portal for ArcGIS, up to two machines for the relational ArcGIS Data Store, and multiple machines for the hosting server site.

In the following diagram, there are two Portal for ArcGIS machines, two machines in the hosting server site, and two machines in the relational data store. The portal content directory, the hosting server's configuration store, and the object store are in an Azure Blob Storage container. GIS Server directories are stored on a virtual machine.

Multitier ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on Azure created using Cloud Builder

Federated servers

You can use Cloud Builder to add federated servers to fill specific roles in the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, provide additional functionality, and run different types of web services on separate sites. When you include federated servers with the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, the sites are deployed in the same subnet and region as ArcGIS Enterprise.

Image hosting site

When you include a federated ArcGIS Image Server site with the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, it can serve the role of the deployment's image hosting server. The deployment includes a registered database (enterprise geodatabase) and Azure Blob Storage container.

Federated ArcGIS Image Server site in the role of image hosting server on Azure

Raster analysis site

A federated ArcGIS Image Server site can also fill the role of the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment's raster analysis server, which allows organization members to run raster analysis tools and functions to analyze imagery data. The deployment includes a registered database (enterprise geodatabase) and Azure Blob Storage container.

Federated ArcGIS Image Server site in the role of raster analysis server on Azure

ArcGIS Notebook Server site

You can include an ArcGIS Notebook Server site with an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. Notebook Server sites are always federated and configured for the Notebook Server role.

ArcGIS Notebook Server is deployed in a Docker container and uses ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) for communication when you create the deployment using Cloud Builder.

Federated ArcGIS Notebook Server site in Azure

Additional federated servers

Other federated server types that you can add to an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment using Cloud Builder are listed below. Most provide specific functionality and some are assigned to a role in ArcGIS Enterprise. Depending on the server type, additional resources may be created.

  • ArcGIS GeoEvent Server—You can add a spatiotemporal big data store with the deployment when you include a federated ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site. The spatiotemporal big data store is always configured on separate virtual machines when you include it with a multitier ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. When you include a spatiotemporal big data store with a single-tier ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, you have the option to run the spatiotemporal big data store on machines separate from the base ArcGIS Enterprise components.
  • ArcGIS Knowledge Server—A graph store is always included with the deployment when you add an ArcGIS Knowledge Server site. The graph store is always configured on virtual machines separate from the ArcGIS Enterprise components. ArcGIS Knowledge Server is always federated and configured in the Knowledge Server role.
  • ArcGIS Workflow Manager—When you add a federated ArcGIS Workflow Manager to the deployment, it is configured in the Workflow Manager role.
  • ArcGIS GIS Server—You can federate additional GIS Server sites to run map and feature services that reference registered data sources. This keeps these services separate from the hosted services that run on the hosting server.

The following diagram shows a federated GIS Server site created using Cloud Builder:

A federated GIS Server site in Azure

Stand-alone ArcGIS Server sites

You can use Cloud Builder to create stand-alone ArcGIS Server sites.

Stand-alone GIS Server site

When you create a stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server site on Azure using Cloud Builder, you specify the number of virtual machines in the site. If the site includes a single machine, the configuration store and ArcGIS Server directories are stored on the same machine as ArcGIS Server. A single-machine GIS Server site created using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure is shown below.

ArcGIS Server on a single virtual machine in Azure

If you create a stand-alone GIS Server site that contains multiple machines, you can store the configuration store in an Azure Blob Storage container, but shared directories are always stored on virtual machines separate from the site. In the following diagram, a file server virtual machine is used for both the configuration store and shared directories:

An ArcGIS Server running on two virtual machines in Azure plus a third virtual machine for the ArcGIS Server configuration store and directories

Stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server site

You can create a stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server site using Cloud Builder. If the site includes a single machine, the configuration store and ArcGIS Image Server directories are stored on the same machine as ArcGIS Image Server.

A stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server site on Azure

When you create a multiple-machine stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server site using Cloud Builder, the configuration store can be in a file share or an Azure Blob Storage container. Shared directories are always on another virtual machine. The following diagram shows a two-machine ArcGIS Image Server site with a file share machine for the configuration store and shared directories:

A stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server site containing two machines, plus a third machine for the configuration store and shared directories on Azure

Stand-alone ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server sites are always on a single virtual machine when created using Cloud Builder. The configuration store and directories are stored on the same machine as ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, as shown in the diagram below.

A stand-alone ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site on Azure