The ability of users to access work and the functionality displayed in workflow items depend on the privileges contained in the roles that are assigned to the groups to which the users belong. Roles are commonly used to limit the following types of actions to specific user groups:
- Creation of jobs
- Reassignment of jobs
- Editing of workflow diagrams
- Management of workflow item settings
Workflow item privileges are separate from ArcGIS Enterprise privileges and don't require ArcGIS Enterprise administrative privileges to manage roles and privileges for workflow items in Workflow Manager.
User accounts and access to the Workflow Manager web app are managed in your organization's ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
Learn more about adding members to your portal
Learn more about licensing the Workflow Manager user type extension
Groups are managed in your organization's ArcGIS Enterprise portal and allow workflow item administrators to assign roles with a set of privileges to a group of users for a workflow item.
A role contains a set of privileges that can be assigned to ArcGIS Enterprise portal groups to give each user in the group the underlying privileges for a workflow item. The following sections list the privileges assigned to the default workflow item roles.
Workflow Administrator
The Workflow Administrator role requires a portal Creator user type with a Publisher role and contains the following privileges:
Privilege | Description |
adminAdvanced | View the Design page and configure workflow diagrams, job templates, and workflow item settings such as group roles and privileges. |
jobAssignAny | Assign any job to any person or group at any time. |
jobAssignGroup | Assign any job assigned to your group to any person in the group. |
jobAssignIndividual | Assign any job that is assigned your group to yourself, and assign any job that is assigned to yourself to your group. |
jobClose | Close a job when the workflow is complete. |
jobCreate | Create a job. |
jobDelete | Delete a job. |
jobReopenClosed | Reopen a closed job. |
jobUpdateAttachments | Add, update, and delete job attachments. |
jobUpdateDate | Update the scheduled start or end date for jobs. |
jobUpdateDescription | Update job descriptions. |
jobUpdateExtendedProperties | Update extended properties for jobs. |
jobUpdateName | Update the job name. |
jobUpdateNotes | Update job notes. |
jobUpdateOwner | Update the job owner. |
jobUpdateParentJob | Update a job's parent job. |
jobUpdatePriority | Update job priority. |
jobUpdateStatus | Update job status. |
jobUpgrade | Upgrade a job's workflow diagram to the latest version. |
viewCreatePanel | View the Create panel. |
viewDetailsPanelAttachments | View job attachments in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelComments | View job comments in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelDiagram | View job workflow diagrams in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelHolds | View job holds in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelLocation | View job locations in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelNotes | View job notes in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelProperties | View job properties in the Details panel. |
viewManagePage | View the Manage page. |
viewWorkPage | View the Work page. |
workflowSetStepCurrent | Set the current step in a job's workflow. |
Workflow Designer
The Workflow Designer role requires a portal Creator user type with a Publisher role and contains the following privileges:
Privilege | Description |
adminBasic | View the Design page and configure workflow diagrams and job templates. |
jobAssignAny | Assign any job to any person or group at any time. |
jobAssignGroup | Assign any job assigned to your group to any person in the group. |
jobAssignIndividual | Assign any job that is assigned your group to yourself, and assign any job that is assigned to yourself to your group. |
jobClose | Close a job when the workflow is complete. |
jobCreate | Create a job. |
jobDelete | Delete a job. |
jobReopenClosed | Reopen a closed job. |
jobUpdateAttachments | Update job attachments. |
jobUpdateDate | Update the scheduled start or end date for jobs. |
jobUpdateDescription | Update job descriptions. |
jobUpdateExtendedProperties | Update extended properties for jobs. |
jobUpdateHolds | Update job holds. |
jobUpdateName | Update the job name. |
jobUpdateOwner | Update the job owner. |
jobUpdateParentJob | Update a job's parent job. |
jobUpdatePriority | Update job priority. |
jobUpdateStatus | Update job status. |
jobUpgrade | Upgrade a job's workflow diagram to the latest version. |
workflowSetStepCurrent | Set the current step in a job's workflow. |
Manage Jobs - Advanced
The Manage Jobs - Advanced role requires a portal Editor user type and contains the following privileges:
Privilege | Description |
jobAssignAny | Assign any job to any person or group at any time. |
jobCreate | Create a job. |
jobDelete | Delete a job. |
jobReopenClosed | Reopen a closed job. |
jobUpdateDate | Update the scheduled start or end date for jobs. |
jobUpdateDescription | Update job descriptions. |
jobUpdateExtendedProperties | Update extended properties for jobs. |
jobUpdateName | Update the job name. |
jobUpdateNotes | Update job notes. |
jobUpdateOwner | Update the job owner. |
jobUpdateParentJob | Update a job's parent job. |
jobUpdatePriority | Update job priority. |
jobUpdateStatus | Update job status. |
viewCreatePanel | View the Create panel. |
viewDetailsPanelAttachments |
View job attachments in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelDiagram | View job workflow diagrams in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelLocation |
View job locations in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelNotes | View job notes in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelProperties |
View job properties in the Details panel. |
viewManagePage | View the Manage page. |
viewWorkPage | View the Work page. |
Manage Jobs - Basic
The Manage Jobs - Basic role requires a portal Editor user type and contains the following privileges:
Privilege | Description |
jobAssignGroup | Assign any job assigned to your group to any person in the group. |
jobAssignIndividual | Assign any job that is assigned your group to yourself, and assign any job that is assigned to yourself to your group. |
jobUpdateAttachments | Add, update, and delete job attachments. |
jobUpdateHolds | Update job holds. |
jobUpdateNotes | Update job notes. |
viewCreatePanel | View the Create panel. |
viewDetailsPanelAttachments |
View job attachments in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelLocation | View job locations in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelNotes | View job notes in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelProperties | View job properties in the Details panel. |
viewWorkPage | View the Work page. |
Privileges allow groups of users to access work and specific functionality in supported applications in Workflow Manager. For example, some user groups may be able to create jobs, while other user groups can run jobs but not create them.
The following is a list of Workflow Manager privileges, the required portal user type, and their descriptions:
Privilege | Portal user type | Portal role | Description |
adminAdvanced | Creator | Publisher | View the Design page and configure workflow diagrams, job templates, and workflow item settings such as group roles and privileges. |
adminBasic | Creator | Publisher | View the Design page and configure workflow diagrams and job templates. |
jobAssignAny | Editor | N/A | Assign any job to any person or group at any time. |
jobAssignGroup | Editor | N/A | Assign any job assigned to your group to any person in the group. |
jobAssignIndividual | Editor | N/A | Assign any job that is assigned your group to yourself, and assign any job that is assigned to yourself to your group. |
jobClose | Editor | N/A | Close a job when the workflow is complete. |
jobCreate | Editor | N/A | Create a job. |
jobDelete | Editor | N/A | Delete a job. |
jobReopenClosed | Editor | N/A | Reopen a closed job. |
jobUpdateAttachments | Editor | N/A | Add, update, and delete job attachments. |
jobUpdateDate | Editor | N/A | Update the scheduled start or end date for jobs. |
jobUpdateDescription | Editor | N/A | Update job descriptions. |
jobUpdateExtendedProperties | Editor | N/A | Update extended properties for jobs. |
jobUpdateHolds | Editor | N/A | Update job holds. |
jobUpdateName | Editor | N/A | Update the job name. |
jobUpdateNotes | Editor | N/A | Update job notes. |
jobUpdateOwner | Editor | N/A | Update the job owner. |
jobUpdateParentJob | Editor | N/A | Update a job's parent job. |
jobUpdatePriority | Editor | N/A | Update job priority. |
jobUpdateStatus | Editor | N/A | Update job status. |
jobUpgrade | Editor | N/A | Upgrade a job's workflow diagram to the latest version. |
viewCreatePanel | Viewer | N/A | View the Create panel. Hinweis:This privilege also requires the viewWorkPage or the viewManagePage privilege. |
viewDetailsPanelAttachments | Viewer | N/A | View job attachments in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelComments | Viewer | N/A | View job comments in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelDiagram | Viewer | N/A | View job workflow diagrams in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelHolds | Viewer | N/A | View job holds in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelLocation | Viewer | N/A | View job locations in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelNotes | Viewer | N/A | View job notes in the Details panel. |
viewDetailsPanelProperties | Viewer | N/A | View job properties in the Details panel. |
viewManagePage | Viewer | N/A | View the Manage page. |
viewWorkPage | Viewer | N/A | View the Work page. |
workflowSetStepCurrent | Editor | N/A | Set the current step in a job's workflow. |