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Publishing ArcGIS Data Reviewer Server services

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Setting up ArcGIS Data Reviewer Server involves the following actions:

  1. Install ArcGIS Server.
  2. Obtain an authorization file for the machine on which you will install Data Reviewer Server.
  3. Verify that your site meets the system requirements.
  4. Install Data Reviewer Server.
  5. Deploy services for hosting Data Reviewer capabilities.
  6. Configure the server object extension with ArcGIS Server.

This document covers steps 3 through 6.

System requirements

Data Reviewer Server system requirements match those of ArcGIS Server. To view the ArcGIS Server system specifications, including hardware requirements, supported operating systems, and web servers, see ArcGIS Server system requirements.

Setting up Data Reviewer Server

Data Reviewer Server uses a map service, geoprocessing service, and a server object extension to serve its functionality to distributed clients. Once you have installed the software, you must configure the map service and extensions.

  1. Install ArcGIS Server and authorize your software using the authorization wizard.

    During authorization, verify that you have an entry for datareviewersvr included in the list of authorized features.

  2. Install Data Reviewer Server.

    After the software installation wizard has completed, restart ArcGIS Server. This ensures that the ArcGIS Server account can access your newly installed features.

Deploying Data Reviewer Server services

Follow the steps in the following sections to deploy services for hosting Data Reviewer capabilities.

Deploying Data Reviewer batch validation services

Data Reviewer Server includes a service definition ( *.sd) file for its batch validation geoprocessing services. You need to publish this .sd file to create the geoprocessing service.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager by opening your manager URL in a web browser.

    Your manager URL is https://<server name>:6443/arcgis/manager.

  2. Click Services on the top banner.
  3. Click Publish Service.
  4. On the Publish Service dialog box, click Choose File.
  5. Browse to the file and click Open.

    The file is located in <ArcGIS Server installation folder>\ArcGISDataReviewerServer\Server<version>\Service Definitions .

  6. Click Next on the Publish Service dialog box.
  7. Optionally, click the Folder drop-down arrow and choose a folder name.
  8. Optionally, click the Cluster drop-down arrow and choose a cluster name.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Publish.

    The service security settings for the ExecuteBatchJob geoprocessing service must be set to Public, available to everyone to ensure that scheduled batch validations complete as expected.

Deploying Data Reviewer Dashboard services

Data Reviewer Server includes a service definition ( *.sd) file for its Reviewer map service. You need to publish this .sd file to create the service.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager by opening your manager URL in a web browser.

    Your manager URL is https://<server name>:6443/arcgis/manager.

  2. Click Services on the top banner.
  3. Click Publish Service.
  4. On the Publish Service dialog box, click Choose File.
  5. Browse to the file and click Open.

    The file is located in <ArcGIS Server installation folder>\ArcGISDataReviewerServer\Server<version>\Service Definitions .

  6. Click Next on the Publish Service dialog box.
  7. Optionally, click the Folder drop-down arrow and choose a folder name.
  8. Optionally, click the Cluster drop-down arrow and choose a cluster name.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Publish.

Configuring the Map Service using the DRS Configuration Utility

Next, you must configure the Reviewer map service using a configuration utility. This utility will also add the Data Reviewer Server extension to your ArcGIS Server site.

  1. Click Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > ArcGIS Data Reviewer Server > DRS Configuration Utility.
  2. Verify that the URL listed in the URL text box points to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory.
    The format of this service directory is https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin.

    If you have installed Data Reviewer Server in a cluster, you only need to run the DRS Configuration Utility against one machine in the cluster. The configuration changes are automatically applied to each machine in the cluster.

  3. In the Username and Password text boxes, type your Server primary site administrator user name and password. This is the account you use to sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager.
  4. Click Connect.
  5. In the Add DRS extension area, click Browse.
  6. Browse to the location that contains the ESRI.ReviewerServer.soe file and click Open.

    The file is located in <ArcGIS Server installation folder>\ArcGISDataReviewerServer\Server<version>\Bin.

  7. Click Add.
  8. Click the drop-down arrow next to Select Map Service and choose reviewer.MapServer from the list.
  9. Click Browse next to the Select New Reviewer Workspace text box.
  10. Browse to the location of the Reviewer workspace and click OK .

    The ArcGIS Server account must have at least read access to the folder containing the .sde connection file that points to a Data Reviewer workspace. Do not choose a file geodatabase if you only use the Dashboard services. The geodatabase connection file's (.sde) version property is honored when connecting to a versioned Reviewer workspace.


    If you have installed Data Reviewer Server in a multimachine deployment, the Reviewer workspace path must be a UNC path and accessible to all machines in the deployment.

  11. Click Apply.

    If the Reviewer map service fails to start, you can restart the service from within the ArcGIS Server Manager.

  12. Click Close to close the DRS Configuration Utility dialog box.
  13. Test your configuration by browsing to the Data Reviewer Server services directory URL:

    https://<server name>:6443/arcgis/rest/services/reviewer/MapServer/exts/DataReviewerServer

    For a multimachine deployment, browse to the services directory URL through the ArcGIS Web Adaptor:

    https://<web adaptor url>/arcgis/rest/services/reviewer/MapServer/exts/DataReviewerServer

    The Data Reviewer services directory page displays the location and spatialReference of the Reviewer workspace and four Child Resources: Batch Validation, Dashboard, ReviewerResults, and Utilities.

The Data Reviewer Server setup is complete. Next, you can configure web clients to enable web-based data quality workflows or change the batch validation scheduler database to an enterprise database.