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Set up a database server

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Available with Standard or Advanced license.

A database server is a SQL Server Express instance that has been enabled to store geodatabases. Run the Database Server setup wizard to install a SQL Server Express instance, enable geodatabase storage, and authorize the database server with an ArcGIS GIS Server license.

ArcGIS Server and the database server (SQL Server Express instance) must be installed on the same machine.

Start the setup wizard

Run the Database_Server_Workgroup_<version>_<part_number>.exe to start the setup wizard.

  1. Log in to the computer as a user with Windows administrator privileges.
  2. Close all applications on your computer.
  3. Access the installation executable.
    • If you downloaded the installation file from My Esri, unzip the file and run the executable.
    • If you have an ISO file, use an ISO extractor to access the installation files and run the executable.

    The Database Server setup wizard opens.

  4. Read the information on the first window and click Next to proceed with database server setup.

If you already have an instance of SQL Server Express installed that you want to use as a database server, uncheck the Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition option in the Installation Options dialog box and skip to Enable geodatabase storage; otherwise, proceed with SQL Server Express installation.

Install SQL Server Express

Follow these steps to install SQL Server Express on your computer using the Database Server setup wizard.

  1. Leave the Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition option checked on the Installation Options dialog box and click Next.

    The Microsoft SQL Server setup wizard opens.

  2. Read and accept the Microsoft license agreement. Click Next to proceed.

    If you do not accept, the installation terminates.

  3. Install product updates and click Next.
  4. The setup wizard checks to be sure required components are installed on the computer, such as the .NET Framework and Windows PowerShell. If they are not, the wizard installs them.
  5. Provide the following information on the Feature Selection panel when it opens:
    1. Be sure Database Engine Services is selected.
    2. Accept default directory locations or choose your own.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Provide the following information on the Instance Configuration panel:
    1. Be sure Named instance is selected.
    2. Specify an instance name. The default name is SQLExpress. You can accept this name or type a different name.

      The instance name cannot exceed 16 characters, must start with a letter, cannot contain spaces or special characters, and must not duplicate an existing instance name.

    3. Accept the default location to create the instance or browse to a different location.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Provide the following information on the Server Configuration panel:
    1. Specify accounts to run the Database Engine and Browser services or take the default accounts. See the Microsoft SQL Server documentation for information on accounts to use for running services.
    2. Be sure the Database Engine and Browser services are set to start automatically.
    3. The SQL Server Express instance uses the default collation of the computer on which it is installed. If you need to choose a different collation, click the Collation tab and change the Database Engine language before proceeding. Be sure to use a case-insensitive collation, as case-sensitive collations are not supported with ArcGIS.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Provide the following information on the Database Engine Configuration panel:
    1. Be sure the Windows authentication mode is selected. This is the only authentication mode supported for use with the geodatabase accessed through the Database Servers node in the Catalog tree.
    2. Add an administrator user for the SQL Server Express instance.

      You cannot proceed with the installation if you do not add an administrator user.

    3. Click the Data Directories tab and specify the locations for your SQL Server Express files, or accept the defaults and click Next.
  12. On the Error Reporting panel, you can optionally choose to send information to Microsoft. Click Next to proceed with the installation.
  13. When your installation is complete, click Close to exit the Microsoft SQL Server setup wizard.

Proceed with enabling the SQL Server instance to store geodatabases.

Enable geodatabase storage

Specify the SQL Server Express instance to use as a database server, add a server administrator to the database server, and authorize the database server with an ArcGIS GIS Server workgroup license.

You must be logged in as a user with sysadmin privileges in the SQL Server Express instance to run this portion of the setup. This can be the administrator user you added to the instance in step 10b in the previous section or another sysadmin login.


If you want to enable geodatabases using an MS-DOS command instead, see Use a command to enable SQL Server Express to store geodatabases.

Specify an instance and administrator

Specify the SQL Server Express instance you will use as a database server. You can also add another login to be a server administrator.

  1. Choose the name of the SQL Server Express instance you want to use to store geodatabases from the SQL Server instance name list, for example, MyServer\SQLExpress.


    Be sure to choose the correct instance. If you mistakenly choose, for example, a SQL Server Enterprise Edition instance, the instance will not be properly enabled, and you will not be able to create any geodatabases in SQL Server Express.

  2. Type the login name of the user who will act as a server administrator on the SQL Server Express instance (the database server) you are enabling.

    You added an administrator login when you installed SQL Server Express. You only need to add another login here if you want to have an additional administrator.

    The login name should be the domain or machine name followed by a backslash (\) and the user's name, for example, WORLD\David. This user will not have any additional permissions at the operating system level but will be able to perform all necessary administrator functions on the database server.

  3. Click Next.
  4. If you are setting up a database server to store desktop geodatabases, click Finish to exit the wizard. If you are setting up a database server to store desktop geodatabases, proceed to the Next steps. If you are setting up a database server to store workgroup geodatabases, proceed with authorization.

Authorize a workgroup database server

You can either use the keycodes file that was created when you authorized GIS Server workgroup or the ArcGIS GIS Server workgroup license provided to you by Esri to authorize the database server.

  1. On the Authorization Options dialog box, choose the option that applies to your situation:
    • Choose the first registration option, I have installed my software and need to authorize it, if you are using the ArcGIS Server workgroup license provided by Esri to authorize the database server. Click Next to continue.
    • Choose the second registration option, I have received an authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization process, if you already authorized the GIS Server site, or if you already requested a license file from Esri via email. Type or browse to the path and name of the file or keycodes file, which is in the \\Program Files\ESRI\License<ArcGIS release#>\sysgen folder. Click Next and proceed to step 8.
  2. If you chose I have installed my software and need to authorize it, choose an option on the Authorization Method dialog box:
    • If you have Internet access from the computer where you are running this wizard, choose Authorize with Esri now using the Internet. Choosing this method automatically authorizes your software with Esri.
    • If you do not have Internet access from the computer where you are running this wizard, choose Authorize at Esri's website or by email to receive your authorization file. This option allows you to save your authorization information, which you can then send to Esri by email or submit to the Esri website from a computer that does have Internet access. You will be sent an authorization file and will need to rerun the wizard to enable your geodatabase so you can authorize it.
  3. You must provide information about your account to authorize the software with Esri. Type the necessary information and click Next to continue.
  4. Provide information about your organization and the job you perform in the organization and click Next.
  5. On the Software Authorization Number dialog box, type the GIS Server authorization number.

    This number was sent to your organization along with the information on how to obtain the software. If you do not have this number, contact the person at your organization who is in charge of your software purchases and maintenance contracts.

  6. If you chose the option Authorize with Esri now using the Internet, the information you provided is automatically sent to Esri and your software is authorized. This writes an entry to the SQL Server Express Services entry in the registry of the computer, allowing this instance of SQL Server Express to store geodatabases. Proceed to step 8.
  7. If you chose the option Authorize at Esri's website or by email to receive your authorization file, you are now on the Email Authorization dialog box. Click Save to create the file that you will either submit by email to Esri or transfer to another computer to submit via My Esri.

    Once you receive your authorization file from Esri, rerun this wizard, choosing the I have received an authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization process option on the Authorization Options dialog box.

  8. To complete the authorization, click Finish.

Next steps

Now that the SQL Server Express instance is installed and ready to store geodatabases, configure ArcMap to connect to the database server.